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Hello everyone!

I was going to try to do monthly updates so that you can see the development progress. To date, we have come closer to the demo version that we wanted to show on Steam, but this is still not enough :(

We have not finished the new mechanics of city quest-events, I also wanted to attract a sound designer for UI and battle actions.

Nevertheless, I still don’t want to give up the idea of ​​monthly updates and I will try to show what is ready for today.

To do this, I will need to translate the game again and... In general, finally I have to make a multilingual version. So, right now I am doing localization and will post a new version as soon as it is ready(I mean, including a localization script, not just a translation, lol).



I am so looking forward to playing this, you have no idea >_<

Chris Ickes

Excited for the update, keep up the good work!


Have you thought about bringing on a professional translator? It'd cost some money, but with better quality English you'd probably attract more players.