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Hi everyone!

We have one more thing to share with you. While we were finishing working on the last version, Khan together with Siserg came up with an interesting idea. Since NFTs are a big thing at the moment, and they become more and more popular each day, we thought to ourselves, why not give people who are interested in this the ability to acquire their own piece of the game they love? There are several art pieces, which were never released and will never get into the game, so this is a nice opportunity for fans to get something unique, something that can be cherished and, if the need arises, transferred to someone else.

Now you might think that we’re just jumping on a bandwagon to get our piece of the cake, but honestly it’s not the goal here. Instead, we have two main goals in mind:

  1. We want someone who likes to collect unique items to actually own a unique piece related to the game they love.
  2. We’re curious about how this actually turns out in the end.

As we mentioned earlier, there are several pieces that can be interesting for collectors, and if there’s enough interest in this - we’ll definitely put them into the NFT space too.

If you’re not familiar with NFTs, it’s essentially a way of creating a unique tag (called a Non-Fungible Token) for a digital piece of information. This tag is stored in a blockchain ledger, which means that since it’s unique, a person who owns this digital token owns the piece of information associated with it. It’s like having a physical picture, the token for it would be the physical object together with some sort of a certificate of authenticity. You could make a copy of it, but you will know (and others too) that it’s not the original one. Same principle applies to NFTs and digital information (although with some nuances of course).

Since it’s our first attempt at this, we’ll start slow. We’ll make a one month long auction on the OpenSea platform where everyone can show their interest by bidding on the auction lot. You can find all the information here - https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/69677167059799094563846709410979272519530722510541096054311501875039713624065. By the way, there’s also a nice added bonus to the one who will own this piece of art, more info in the description to the lot. Take a look and let us know what you think :)

Again, if you’re not interested in this sort of thing - you can just skip this post. The new version is already here, so enjoy it while we’re working on the next one!

Thanks for your time and support. We’ll meet again very soon.


Team Sad Crab.

Привет всем!

Мы хотели поделиться с вами ещё одной новостью. Когда мы заканчивали работу над последней версией, Хану вместе с Сиcергом пришла в голову интересная идея. Так как NFT сейчас очень популярны, и с каждым днем становятся все популярнее, мы подумали, почему бы не дать людям, которые в этом заинтересованы, возможность получить свой собственный кусочек любимой игры? У нас есть несколько артов, которые никогда не были выпущены и никогда не попадут в игру, так что это хорошая возможность для фанатов получить что-то уникальное, что-то, чем можно наслаждаться и, если возникнет необходимость, передать кому-то другому.

Конечно же первая мысль, которая пришла к вам в голову, это то что мы просто следуем мейнстриму, чтобы получить свой кусок пирога. Но на самом деле, это не является нашей целью. Вот зачем мы это делаем:

  • Мы хотим, чтобы те, кто любит собирать уникальные предметы, получили возможность владеть чем-то уникальным и связанным с любимой игрой.
  • Нам интересно, что из этого получится в итоге.

Как мы уже говорили, есть несколько артов, которые могут быть интересны для коллекционеров, и если интерес к ним будет достаточным - мы обязательно разместим их в формате NFT.

Если вы не знакомы с NFT, то это, по сути, способ создания уникальной метки (называемой Non-Fungible Token) для фрагмента цифровой информации. Эта метка хранится в блокчейне, что означает, что, поскольку она уникальна, человек, владеющий этим цифровым токеном, владеет связанным с ним фрагментом информации. Это все равно что, например, иметь физическую фотографию, токеном для которой является сам физический объект вместе с каким-то сертификатом подлинности или аналогичной информацией. Вы можете сделать его копию, но вы будете знать (и другие скорее всего тоже), что это не оригинал. Тот же принцип применим к NFT и цифровой информации (хотя, конечно, с некоторыми нюансами).

Поскольку это наша первая попытка, мы начнем с малого. Мы проведем месячный аукцион на платформе OpenSea, где каждый сможет проявить свой интерес, сделав ставку. Всю информацию вы можете найти здесь - https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/69677167059799094563846709410979272519530722510541096054311501875039713624065. Кстати, вместе с этим лотом идет приятный бонус для того, кто станет его владельцем, информация доступна в описании. Посмотрите и дайте нам знать, что вы думаете :)

Опять же, если вас не интересуют подобные вещи - вы можете просто пропустить этот пост. Новая версия игры уже готова, так что наслаждайтесь игрой, а мы продолжим работать над следующей вресией!

Спасибо за ваше время и поддержку. Мы встретимся снова очень скоро.

Ваши Грустные Крабы.




NFTs are not something I would recommend anyone support. They aren't special and unique as far as they are only a small bit of data on an electronic platform. As soon as your NFT goes on the internet, its uniquity goes as well. Be responsible with your money and, considering the amount going their way for the game already, hold that for something else.


I agree. They're extremely pointless. If people want to spend money on something truly unique, there are way better alternatives out there.


I wouldn't want to dip my toes in NFTs. I'd much rather buy an actual painting than a receipt for the image I could just right-click and hit "save image". Obviously, if you guys think it's a good idea, you go ahead with it. Just keep in mind the cost from coin mining to sale.

David Nguyen

The act of creating something adds value. Ownership itself does not. I'll choose to pay an artist to make something over paying someone for a transfer of rights everytime.


NFT's are a massive scam and the bubble is going to violently burst sooner rather than later. I would seriously avoid them, it's just a bad idea on all fronts.


If you want to make money off art just offer commissions for patrons or something.


Hello. We released NTF to advertise us outside of Patreon, not for money


Don’t know where else to ask but where is hat in act 2 for the quest forbidden pleasure. Can’t find him for version 0.8A


Hello. We released NTF to advertise us outside of Patreon, not for money


Hello. We released NTF to advertise us outside of Patreon, not for money


Well, since I can't reply to Sad Crab Company via my original post, I will comment here again. If you actually released NFTs to advertise outside of Patreon and not for money, you wouldn't have A) advertised here on Patreon and B) sold them or attempted to sell them for money and instead did a random giveaway.


1. This is an auction and we have made participation for everyone. Some fans would like to have an NFT from us (according to requests in the discord) 2. There is no price for art anywhere (the price starts from $17.18 auction) 3. We paid 0.089 ETH ($275.83 at the moment)for the placement 4. In addition to the NFT, there is access to all releases in 2022 5. No one forces you to participate in the auction


What I am getting at is this: if you had saved the $275.83 for listing it in the auction, since this isn't for the money, why not just do a random giveaway in a post? If it truly isn't for auction proceeds, then there is no need for fans to pay money in an auction for the item. Instead of a random person getting the NFT from a drawing, the person with the biggest pockets and fastest fingers does.


I roughly understood what you are talking about. How do you see the distribution of NFT? I mean, how to organize it and on what platform. Any ideas?


Of the top of my head and on the spot, I would say posting it on ebay as a private listing for a fraction of a dollar would be a reasonable approach, so far as to have a more marketable trail and transfer of ownership. On the flip side, if you used a platform such as WAX Wallet, which I believe can be tied to Discord and other major platform as well. I am running errands but I am more than happy to comment further once I look into this more. Thank you for your open-minded responses.


Honestly I wouldn't be putting it on Ethereum with the gas fees. It costs like $70-100 to put a bid in on OpenSea right now. Much easier to use BSC or polybon or AVAX or FTM or literally any other EVM.


Looks like you could tie an eBay sale item to WAX, which would only leave the giveaway process in your hands. Other options are available, but if the goal is what we discussed, that might be a more appropriate approach. I also see someone posted below some barriers to bidding which, while I have not verified because I'm not terribly interested in NFTs and auctions related to same, would eliminate even more people who are already using their spare income funding the game from getting something special as it relates to the idea of NFTs. I tend to appreciate the idea of someone who really does want a crypto property for a game they love, but doesn't necessarily have the finances to win a bidding war, to get one.


I already messaged you guys about this but I don't know if you read messages so I'll say it here too, NFTs have a really bad impact on the environment, all it takes is a quick google search and you'll be met with hundreds of articles about the topic. Plenty of big names in the digital art scene have called attention to the issue like TENhundred


Depends on which chain you launch on them. Also, it doesn't really matter if the NFT is there or not, those blocks will be mined regardless.


That's like saying it doesn't matter if I throw more plastic in the ocean since there's so much already, the first step in fixing these sort of environmental issues is by not adding anymore to them

Robert Heinig

I say NTF is the "*N*ecrophiliac *F*/&%/&ing *T*heologist".


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you really did create it to advertise, and add that it's a very poor way to advertise in response to that. NFT's on their own are a niche market that attract a small number of people. Beyond that, for someone to want to buy art from this game without knowing the game first /and/ to be an NFT collector on top of that narrows the pool of people this will interest down to an absolutely tiny number. The most likely person to look at and consider buying it would be a NFT collector that plays the game and wants to support it- in which case it's not advertising. This was not a well thought out move, and not something I can support for a number of reasons beyond how impractical it is such as the power consumption and impact on the environment but I won't get into that whole can of worms here. I hope you guys steer away from this and realize by the large number of complaints and likes on the complaints that it's not something the community wants or needs. There are numerous ways to advertise that will be far more productive than this and have no backlash. If you need help marketing feel free to send me a message and I will give you some ideas and assistance free of charge.


You realize the impact NFT's or crypto have on the environment are nothing compared to giant factories and all the business you support on a daily business or all the transportation and gas and oil everyone uses.


Replying to Fenrir. An NFT is something immaterial yet it still effects the environment where as those factory's and businesses more often than not produce stuff that is essential or at least useful, like that car that you drove to the store or to work to make the money you used to buy your food. I'm not saying NFTs are evil, I'm just saying why add to the problem