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Paradise Lust is a Lewd Adventure Game, mixed with Subgames and elements of Visual Novels and Dating Sims. We've been in Steam Early Access since April 2021, and releasing big meaningful monthly updates since then.

The game is Available Now on Steam - and you're welcome to buy it there (thank you!). We are also giving Free Steam Keys to Patreon Pledges of $6 or above. We recommend this as the best way to keep getting frequent updates easily through the Steam Beta Branch.


We’re a small independent team of game developers from around the world. Some of us have been making games for quite a while, some are reasonably new to this, but we’ve all enjoyed adult games, and never had the chance to make them... so this is our first shot at using our skills doing something new and exciting for us. And we’re loving every minute of it.


Paradise Lust is the story of the wreck of the Moby Dick; a pleasure yacht chartered by the Miss World Media pageant for a luxury promo cruise in the South Pacific. You play the role of the bartender of the vessel, washed up on the shore of idyllic Tuvatuva Island along with a couple beautiful beauty pageant contestants and their friends. There you will sort out how to survive and thrive on the island while searching for other survivors, including your brother, who was captain of the vessel.

Unique Visual Style

The game is a visual novel dating sim, interspersed with simple subgames. You’ll need to balance your mood and stamina by working, relaxing, and exploring the island. Most importantly, you will need to learn more about the beautiful castaway pageant contestants and their friends. Each character has a full backstory, which is revealed as you complete tasks and explore the island with them. The better you know them, the more effective you will be at winning their hearts and improving your relationship with each of them.

You can also download it for free on all the sites you know/love (MEGA, NOPY, etc.). Of course, if you love the game and want to ensure we continue having the resources to keep updating the game, we'd love for you to support us here on Patreon. In addition to keeping us fed, it gives you access to the latest builds, polls, additional resources, and a Discord channel with special roles.

By being a Patreon you help support making Paradise Lust bigger, better, and longer!


Paradise Lust Trailer

Flexible Media is making Paradise Lust, a 2D erotic dating sim/adventure game set on a beautiful tropical island. Available in Steam Early Access now! Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1427860/ Discord: https://discord.gg/rs7bMHgjYU Patreon: https://patreon.com/flexiblemedia



You forgot to Link to Patreon for ease of access. https://www.patreon.com/flexiblemedia