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And now, the poll! Did you like the latest release or was it so terrible you couldn't play for more than five minutes? Let us know by leaving a comment down below, or by sending a message to our discord server (https://discord.com/invite/XnFW2Pn). Thanks! 

А теперь, время голосования! Вам понравился последний релиз игры? Или он был настолько ужасен, что вы не смогли продержаться и пяти минут? Дайте нам знать, оставив комментарий ниже, или отправьте сообщение на наш дискорд-сервер (https://discord.com/invite/XnFW2Pn). Спасибо!

1.Последний релиз очень понравился, все шикарно!  

2.Ничего особенного, просто очередная версия игры  

3.Все было очень плохо! Нужно больше H-сцен!



Ya know I just haven’t gotten around I playing it just yet. I’ve wanted too but been so busy with work sadly. I will say I’m looking forward to it and hopefully not having to redo the game every time there is an update!


One option missing: "Absolute fantastic". I would vote for that !


this was a great update! One of the best to date *edit* Need more daphne though...always more daphne lol


Yep, I'm another flooded with work and too busy to play games, it is a shame maybe 0.8F


I would love to have see more training sessions with Ginny, perhaps some lessons on how to properly rid the shaft during a Quidditch match.