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Usually we don't bother our fans with promoting side projects. But for this team we decided to make an exception. Check out this new game in the works, "Glorification"! 

It's all about gladiator's survival in the alien world of blood, violence and sex.

If that sounds promising, feel free to support them! Head over here for their Patreon:

Обычно мы не освещаем сторонние проекты. Но для этой команды решили сделать исключение. Встречайте, проект "Glorification" - ребята делают игру о выживании гладиаторов-землян в инопланетном мире, полном насилия и секса. Поддержите их разработку, кажется, они этого заслуживают.





Dar.a Game Development studio is creating exploding minds adult games for adults | Patreon

What if you mixed "Jupiter Ascending", "Gladiator", "The Shawshank Redemption" and "Mad Max" to create an RPG game of fighting, strategy and survival, adult style of in-game stuff with stylized violence combined with black humor and content, lines of behavior and scenes? Here's that game!



That is pretty good teaser trailer for a game.


Good promotion for your friends and I think this game is worth it. It's always great when you're trying to support someone ...