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I suspect if you wanted to add more characters probably wait till you’ve worked on the main 5 girls more they’re still rather Anaemic in terms of content; If you have a dedicated part of the team, solely for the secondary cast then I’d favor doing ones that would be popular as additions. The Weasley twins are of course the obvious ones (and probably overdone at this point) Malfoy, if only to see him try to suck up every 5 seconds, while trying to defeat his ‘nemesis’ Cedric Diggory might be an interesting one, is only because he appears to be a star pupil, but could be a more corruptive influence on a certain ravenclaw seeker. For ones that would have the most interest/tolerance: I’d favor adding in Pansy Parkinson (hermiones ‘nemesis’) or Fleur (if only because she’s never been depicting in one of these types of games before) who as a veela (a very loosely designed magical creature) you could creatively play with to your hearts content. Zabini might be interesting if you do him right. But understand he’s not a crowd pleaser; you’ll have to earn his favor with the patrons.


We really hear all complaints and have already drawn conclusions. Thanks for feedback