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*Real quick, the Chel story is about half done so give me one more day on that. AAAAAAAnd...  I originally planned to simply release this story on DA, but I'll let you guys have it exclusively for now. As a note, if you guys ever have any feedback to give on stories please feel free.* 

“Ha-Ha-Ha…” A fire burned through every muscle in your body as you fell to a knee and clutched your aching lungs, with the only thing between you and a gruesome death being one woman with braided white hair brandishing a battle axe.

I’ll save you… on one condition…

“Ha-Ha… and what’s that?” You asked through gasping breaths.

You owe me… a favor…


You breathed deeply as you opened your eyes to your living room after recalling the intensity of the past, the short meditation session making your muscles tense and heart rate spike.

The Night Parade of a Hundred Demons… That’s what it was called: A terrorist attack on Kyoto and Shinjuku orchestrated by none other than Suguru Geto himself, a former student and special grade jujutsu sorcerer of the Tokyo Jujutsu High School. What a bastard… You were positioned in Shinjuku to take on the coming threat and face down the hundreds of curses that were set loose on the city, a task that you weren’t too happy to accept… a lot of sorcerers died that day, and you only made it out thanks to your unique curse technique, Hyper Awareness: or as you liked to call it, the poor man's infinity, and the help of one very incentive based first-grade sorcerer: Mei Mei.

You preferred not to reminisce on such events, but you’d received an unexpected call from Mei Mei about wanting to cash in on the favor she was owed from said time, so it was hard not to… 

You took a deep breath and walked toward the front door of your apartment, hearing the gentle step of high-heeled shoes on the carpeted corridor floor, the subtle crinkle of a bag, and the light brush of fabric approaching, as well as the cursed energy that the person carried with them. It was undoubtedly Mei Mei… You timed your steps perfectly, lining them up with her so you’d reach the front door at the exact time she did… and open it! RIGHT before she had the chance to knock.

Hmmm… it’s a wonder you even needed saving to begin with…” Mei Mei teased, her hand raised mid-knock as you stood face-to-face with her. Her aloof gaze giving you a once-over as she brushed some of her loose, long white hair behind her ear. She was as beautiful as ever, her lips coated in dark red lipstick among a sea of flawless white skin and lilac eyes. With her, she carried a dry-cleaned uniform that looked exactly like the one she was currently wearing.

“Right… if I trained my body a little more, maybe I’d have been fine. Regardless, I’m still grateful for your help that day, Mei… Please come in.”

You stepped aside, and Mei Mei walked in without a word. Strutting her way into your living room, she gently laid her spare uniform over the back of the couch before speaking to you again.

You’re aware of what a binding vow entails… correct?

“Of course I do,” you answered, quietly shutting the door and walking over to the adjoined dining room, where you pulled out a chair to sit on. “What is it you want from me?”

It’s quite simple, really… I have a mission coming up, and I need you to fill in for me… It’s in Shibuya…”

The request wasn’t particularly one that you expected. It wouldn’t be a problem to fill in for Mei if that’s what she wanted you to do. The real problem was the sudden sensation you were feeling, your Hyper Awareness going crazy as every hair on your body seemed to be pushed to stand on end by a sudden onset of goosebumps.

It wasn’t a chill. You knew what that felt like. This was… something else. Some sort of force suddenly acting on you and making your body react the way it was. Your alarm only grew as you sensed the hair begin to fall off, your pores closing so tightly that they snipped off every hair that coated your body. Your head and eyebrows were spared, but your face was not. A quick run of your hand across your cheek leaving a spattering of facial hair in your palm.

You had no idea what was happening. If it were some sort of deterioration-based cursed technique, you’d sense it; it wasn’t a gas or a poison running through your veins either. You quickly stood up, wiped all the loose hair from your face, and stared down at the discarded remains on your palms.

“Mei, something’s wrong,” You said concerned.

Is there…? Part of your cursed technique isn’t being able to remove all traces of body hair from every part of your body?

“No... it’s not.” You said, approaching Mei, her sarcasm cluing you in that she knew something you didn't...

Your skin prickled, a strange wave passing over it that changed its consistency and color. You could feel it smoothing, becoming softer, while the pigment changed to something more fair and pristine.

“What’s… going on?” You said aloud, turning your hand over and back. The force acting on you wasn’t malevolent; you could feel that much. It was more like it had a purpose, some sort of goal that it was trying to accomplish as it inspected and evaluated your very being.

“Wait… is this… the binding vow?” It seemed like a long shot of a guess, but it was the only explanation you could think of.

Ding… You’re a pretty sharp one… Usually, it takes some time and some very specific changes before someone figures that out.

The bones in your feet suddenly started to jitter, making it hard to stand as you fell into Mei, using her shoulders for support. Your feet cracked loudly where you stood, their size shrinking and dragging across your carpeted floor as ten tiny pops sounded out, one for each toe that was pulled into a new shape.

“Ugh!! What’s happening?!” You yelled as Mei did you the favor of holding you up with a coy smile across her red-coated lips. “Mei, is there something I’m missing here? This isn’t the way a binding vow is supposed to work! Mmmmnughhh!” Your body strained in pain, the unseen force tugging gently on the columns of your spine to great effect as your height sunk, your surroundings growing until you were slightly below Mei’s eyes.

On the contrary… the vow is working precisely as intended…” Mei purred, walking you back to the chair you’d got up from to assist you in sitting down. You writhed in the chair, feeling more changes sweeping up your legs, your small feet twitching as you cursed the bloat of your calves that swelled with a supple curve behind a shrinking tibia. You wondered what she meant. You had never heard of a binding vow inducing a transformation before, especially when all you were supposed to do was fill… in…

“Mei! You– aghhh! Can’t be serious!” You cried, having figured out her goal as both knees cracked loudly before compacting and bulging with a singular pulse.

That right… when I said ‘fill in for me,’ I did mean literally…”

You didn’t know it was possible, but the way Hyper Awareness alerted you to the subtle widening of your pelvic bone made it an undeniable truth: Mei was turning you into her!

“Aghh!” You groaned, the focused intensity of the transformation permeating your entire lower body, the cells and bones shaking as they shifted toward Mei Mei, your DNA rewriting itself as the very essence of your being was forced to change.


Your hips were starting to crack, their width growing by the centimeter as fat cells in your lower half began to multiply, making your skin stretch as it grew, filling pockets of loose fabric with soft and fair skin until the thread was pulled taut, Mei’s juicy thighs fighting against the seams of your pants all while the waistband only got tighter.

“Ahhhh! Mei! Please!” Your thighs were swallowing the chair the bigger they got, closing in on your crotch until your hips reached their breaking point, literally.


Your thighs slammed together, your knees knocking in your seated position as your crotch was strangled by your thighs, a sudden and involuntary rush of blood making your cock throb against the confines of your jeans as you sensed the fat begin to multiply on your backside.

The feeling was inflation, but it was deeper than that, your buttocks strengthening as your two cheeks gained weight, the drooping jiggliness of the fat offset by the muscles that lay beneath, equating in a soft but perky ass that squished and spread underneath you in a mass that pulled the center of your pants taut, threatening to tear them in half. No, not threatening actually going t–


You leaned forward as your pants separated down the center of your backside with a burst of the fabric, your ass jiggling as the pressure of being contained was relieved in a split second. You blushed red, a short yell escaping your throat as you put your hands over your ass to cover the supple cheeks that had your underwear lodged between them.

Hahaha,” Mei Mei laughed “My ass a little too much for your pants…? Don’t worry… I brought you a change of clothes after all is said and done…” She smiled, gesturing to the spare uniform slung over the couch. “Honestly… I’ve wondered what it feels like to turn into me… Care to describe what you’re feeling right now…?

Your cock twitched, your sac pulling tight as you closed your thick thighs around them, feeling your guts start to shift as Hyper Awareness told you that your sex was at risk. You hissed as your sac grew tighter, and Mei’s request buzzed in your brain as a topic you really didn’t want to expound on, but for some reason, the thought of explaining it to her sent an excited tingle from your spine to your throbbing cock. Making you shudder as you focused on your body.

“Ehhhhhuhuh… w-well Mei… r-right now my balls are. Puuhhhlling! Into me… and my dick is. Ahhhn! T-throbbing like I’m about t-to. ahnnn~ CUhhHHhhhmmn ahhnnn! Uhhhhnn… Ohhh ohhhn god.”

Ohhhh~... Please keep going…” Mei cooed, her face flushing as she put her hand on her cheek.

You gripped the seat of the chair and gritted your teeth, your crotch tight, legs twitching and guts churning, your testicles suction cupped to your groin while you felt your dick pulsating after your orgasm, the pulses quick and sharp, each one shrinking it by a small amount as the base of your cock pulled away your length.

“Ahhhhnn! My cahhk i-is shrinking! Puuuhhliing! Like my – ahhahhh! – my bahhhls! Ahhhhn mmmmmph… They’re moving through me into m-my ah– your womb! It feels like I’m nuhhhh getting… ahhhhh! Fucked!” You’d never been fucked, but you could only assume it felt exactly like this, your genitals penetrating you one after the other and finding a new home low in your abdomen, repurposed and hooked up to tubes, and pushing a copious amount of estrogen through your bloodstream making your entire body tingle.

“AhhII’m splitting open and it’s shrinuhhking faster! Feels like I’m ahhhh~ cumming!”  The lewd expression on your face said it all as your dick quickly wormed its way into you, the feeling your dick be sucked into your hungry snatch making the new lips twitch and drool with arousal, your entire lower half Mei Mei’s as you sensed the libido of the original one flare.

Your unchanged half buzzed with your own arousal, Mei’s estrogen making your nipples tender, throat tight, and frame ache. Even your scalp felt its buzz.

C’mon, don’t go silent on me yet... continue…” Mei moaned, lightly groping her right breast as she moved closer.

You wanted to, but it was hard to speak, your voice coming out in a raspy whisper as you felt your neck shrinking, a low, sensual groan working its way up from deep inside your chest as your Adam's apple melted into your slim neck, the uptick in octaves obvious with how drawn out your groan was as a subtle smirk crossed your lips.

Ohhhh~... Sure… my senses are dulling… my cursed energy feeling… different… and my voice… yours…

Are you starting to feel the pleasures of being me?” she asked, whispering in your ear as she sat on your lap and rubbed her hand on your tender chest, your nipples responding by engorging themselves and jutting from your chest with a surprising spring. You whimpered as they did, more changes sweeping over you as you felt your face bubble and the blood rush into your head like it was about to explode.

And explode it did. The amount of silky white hair that was sliding down your head like an avalanche was worthy of such an explosion, waves and waves of it falling around your shoulders and the back of the chair, and it didn’t end there… Your face was the most glorious explosion of all: an explosion of femininity destroying your uncouth features in a catastrophic amount of movement: your jaw letting out a loud crack as it was narrowed and was forced back, your lips pulling from your face in a pucker as they were swelled into soft pink pillows.

Ahhhhn~ Yes…” Despite the sounds your face was making, you couldn’t help but smile, the sharp crackle of your nose making it pointed and elegant, the pulling slant of your eyes into a sultry angle, enhanced by the long lashes that framed them, and the telltale wiggle of your brow as they thinned to white arches.

You knew that the Mei on your lap was appreciating your transformation even more than you were, her coy smile telling that it was a rare pleasure to watch anothers entire being molded into a near-complete copy of the original, even right down to the cursed energy that flowed through their body. The flow not yet seamless, but working through the muscles and bone in your torso, grinding your shoulders and condensing your ribs with reverberating *SNAPS* that narrowed them to streamline the swelling cursed energy behind your juicy pink areola.

Nuuuuughhh~” The flow of cursed energy was increasing, melting your muscles as it passed through them, the sleeves of your shirt drooping off your small arms as your hands flexed and spasmed, your palms and forearms shrinking while your fingers slimmed and lengthened, wiggling, as long nails grew out and dug into your palms as you balled your hands into fists, a soft moan slipping from your lips as Mei pressed her soft chest onto your flat one, your stiffened pink nubs unable to keep the true Mei’s breasts from squishing around your chest. Mei’s face held a knowing smile as your cursed energy flared, the stark contrast between you two unacceptable as your lower back arched and you felt your breasts push back into Mei’s.

They pulsed and swelled, the rush of fat being siphoned from your waist as you felt it tightening, your sides curving inward as the soft cushion of your chest developed, the cursed energy acting like the pump that forced your tits to grow, your breasts thrusting against Mei’s as the mounds distended, growing round and full, their sensitivity dialing up as your rack squished against hers.



You both cooed, the same grin on both of your faces as the event came to an end. With your transformation over, your arousal cooled, the original Mei dismounting from your lap as you knew that you both enjoyed the process rather than the result.

You stood as Mei threw the dry-cleaned uniform in your direction, which you easily caught and swiftly stripped the plastic from. You ran one of your hands over the tattered backside of your pants that your jiggling ass was protruding from, making you blush as you remembered what you were only minutes before, the thought making your pussy twitch before you stripped out of your clothes.

Along with the uniform was underwear that the original would never forget to bring her copy as you donned it and the uniform with practiced grace, the clothes much better fitted for your body than the ripped fabric that adorned it before. Your juicy behind was able to fit inside with ease as you gave it a bounce for good measure.

So… are we on the same page for the mission?...” Mei asked.

Of course… Protect Ui Ui… Fulfill Incentives… and report when all’s said and done… I assume I get to use the axe, too?” You responded, braiding your long white hair into two braids that dangled on the front and back of your head.

Naturally… I’ll have no use for it while I’m away…” Mei answered back.

Hngh… perfect…” You smiled.