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Sorry about the delay on this. I'll convert this story into the HTML document tomorrow since it's a third-personer, but congrats to Dancing Yeti for winning the first-ever Patreon Commission! More stories soon!* 

“Hello?” Alec asked, poking his head through the door where a group of three guys were having an intense conversation around a round table on what he hoped was something Pokemon-related... 

The intensity of the conversation between the three dulled as all three guys turned their heads to acknowledge Alec in the doorway, a wondering expression on each of their faces as they waited for him to state the purpose of his interruption.

“Are you guys the “Die Hard Pokemon Club”? I saw a flyer on the campus bulletin board, and it said to come here for any new members that wanted to join…” Alec stated. The three guys looked at each other excitedly, and one happily asked Alec to come and sit down at the table.

Alec walked in with his hands tucked into the front pocket of his black hooded sweatshirt and joined the three guys at the table, only just noticing that there was a Nintendo Switch directly in the center as he went to sit down. Alec sat with a grunt as the one he presumed was the group's leader introduced himself and the others with a big smile.

“Welcome to the Die Hard Pokemon Club, where we not only love the game Pokemon but also love to really get into the spirit of Pokemon by immersing ourselves in the lore and characters of the series. My Name’s Brett, the redhead over to my left is Nate, and the guy on my right here is Dalton,” Brett excitedly told Alec.

Though Brett’s greeting might’ve felt intense for some, Alec was used to the boisterousness and excitement from dealing with fans of the series before. That’s not to say that Alec himself was the boisterous or excited type, as his expression held stoic through Brett’s introduction as Alec introduced himself.

“Hi everyone, my name’s Alec. I’m just happy there’s a Pokemon club at this school, and I’m looking forward to talking and playing Pokemon with you guys.” Alec said, leaning back in his chair and reorienting the square-rimmed glasses on his face.

“Oh… we don’t actually play Pokemon in this club,” Brett said, to which Nate and Dalton nodded in affirmation.

Brett caught Alec by surprise with the declaration, almost breaking Alec’s stoic face as Alec suddenly figured he was being messed with. What Pokemon Club doesn't play Pokemon?

“Okay. What’s the Switch for then?” Alec asked, trying to determine if they were simply messing with him or not.

Alec’s question only made Brett smile and laugh. “Oh, that?” Brett paused for a minute and eyed the two other original group members. “What do you guys think? We let him in on the secret, yeah?”

“Most definitely,” Nate, the redhead, said, looking over at Alec.

“He’s part of the club now. Let’s see if he can handle it,” Dalton smiled.

Alec sighed at the weird song and dance the three were performing. Even though it was fairly common for nerdy guys to be a little strange, the way they were acting seemed excessive.

“Okay, Alec, I’ll show you, but you have to answer one question,” Brett said mysteriously.

“What’s the question?” Alec asked, folding his arms over his chest.

“Who’s your favorite… Pokemon bad guy?” Brett asked.

Alec didn’t need to think long or hard about his answer and chose the option most likely to get him kicked out of the club.

“I don’t have one,” Alec answered.

The look on the three original group members' faces was one of shock, at least for a moment, before Brett smiled and said, “Ya know what, that’s fine. Alright, you two, you know what to do.”

Nate and Dalton didn’t say a word and locked hands with Brett before offering their other to Alec. 

‘Holding hands, really?’ Alec thought. 

As weird as the whole thing was turning out to be, Alec played along, locking hands with Dalton and Nate with a sigh so that the whole table was joined together.

The original members of the ‘Die Hard Pokemon Club’ shut their eyes and furrowed their brows, a distinct look of concentration on their faces as Alec looked judgmentally at the three of them but stayed silent as the Nintendo Switch suddenly powered on. Alec stayed stoic, though a pang of nervousness ran through his chest as the lights started to flicker, a sudden chill in the air making the hair on his neck stand straight as the flickering lights turned off completely, the only illumination the light of the Switch that didn’t even manage to illuminate the faces around the table even though it’s glow seemed only to be getting brighter.

Alec felt like he was leaning into the light, being drawn to the bright glow of the switch until it completely consumed him. His senses numbed as he looked around, only to be met with a blinding white curtain everywhere he looked, but could still feel the solid hands of the members he was holding, and feeling his body still in the upright position despite his blindness until everything suddenly started to fade into distinct colors and sounds. Birds chirping, bugs buzzing, lush green foliage and trees, the soft ground under his butt, the other group members… All painting themselves into his vision as Alec blinked hard to make sure it was all real.

The hands grasping onto Alec’s shook free of his grip as Alec still held his hands out like he was still supposed to be holding onto something, his face confused as he looked around the lush forest with a stunned expression.

The other three group members rose from the ground like their new surroundings were the most normal thing in the world, leaving Alec lagging behind as he shook himself free of his confusion and stood up soon after.

“Where the hell are we?” Alec asked, scratching his head and catching a glimpse of a strange bird among the trees that fluttered away before he could really get a good look at it.

“Heheh, as I said, we like to immerse ourselves. Welcome to the world of Pokemon, my friend,” Brett boasted.

“Huh… cool,” Alec said, still looking around.

“Okay, Brett. Do me first,” Dalton said excitedly as Brett pointed his fingers at him. Dalton suddenly hunched over in pain as the sound of cracking started to fill the air. Alec froze as he witnessed Dalton start to grow in height. The young guy's body physically aging as wrinkles started to etch themselves onto his face, his hairline receding, and his clothes changing strangely into a well-fitted suit with an R on its left breast. Dalton had become a man, but not just any man. He’d become Giovanni from Pokemon!

“What the hell…” Alec mumbled, struck by shock.

“Okay, me next!” Nate yelled as Brett pointed his fingers at the excited redhead.

Similar to Dalton, Nate keeled over and grew, his body stretching as his red hair took on an extremely pointed style, flaring out in spikes on his head like a pseudo lion’s mane while his face completed the look by pushing out a thick mustacheless goatee. Alec could tell Nate also gained a few years as Nate’s face became mature and rugged while his clothes altered to a black and orange trimmed suit with white fur at the collar that fitted perfectly to Nate’s new body… as the perfect copy of Lysandre.

“Holy shit…” Alec commented, noticing Brett eyeing him.

“Now it’s your turn, Alec, but since you didn’t pick a favorite boss, I’ll just choose for you,” Brett said, pointing his fingers in Alec’s direction.

Alec winced in reaction to Brett’s pointing and was surprised to find after a few seconds that he wasn’t changing at all. Everything that had happened up to this point was so unbelievable that Alec half expected his body to bend and snap into whatever form Brett wanted after the point but breathed a sigh of relief as he scratched an itchy spot on his head, a little confused that nothing had happened to him.

“So… nothing happened.”

Brett’s body language was shifted to one of smug confidence, a smirk across his face, arms folded against his chest, and weight positioned heavily on one leg as he looked at Alec, whose black hair was rapidly lightening from the roots out, a bright blonde eating away Alec’s black hair until every strand was converted.

“I wouldn’t say that…” Brett said smugly as he pointed to his head in a taunting fashion, which brought Alec’s attention upward.

“Something wrong with my…” Grabbing a lock of hair, Alec pulled it into his vision to find it much blonder than he was used to. “Hair?!” it was hard to tell the difference, but there were some: His hair was softer than before, a bit fluffier, and obviously blonder! But there was one critical question that he really wanted answered, and that was: “Who’re you turning me into?!”

The three guys laughed at Alec as he panicked, but the question remained, and Alec ran a bunch of potential Pokemon villains through his head.

‘Colress, maybe? I already have the glasses,’ Alec thought.

Forces Alec couldn’t see began to pull on his sweatshirt, creating tears on his shoulders and sleeves before completely ripping it off his body, leaving him in his white undershirt and strangely hairless. 

The shirt remained typical for a total of five seconds after the removal of his sweatshirt until it started to tighten around him, the sleeves becoming nonexistent as they rolled to his shoulders and disappeared while the shirt's collar climbed up his neck to leave it a weird tank top/turtleneck hybrid.

Alec was confused. The shirt didn’t match any blonde-haired villain he could think of. What guy wears a white turtleneck tank top?! Unbeknownst to Alec, his hair tinted a shade blonder, becoming almost bleached in color, though Alec was more focused on his changing clothes as he felt his shoes starting to tighten on his feet and his socks start to creep up his legs. Alec didn’t understand why his clothes were getting so tight when the other two’s stuff looked so fitted, but it all quickly started to make sense as he began to wobble around, the cause being his heels that were pushed from the ground by a sharp point in the back of his footwear.

“WHAT!? You’d better stop this right now! This is not funny!” Alec yelled, struggling to stay standing while the other three club members laughed their heads off.

“Hahaha, what’s the problem? You didn’t want to pick a villain, so I chose one for you,” Brett laughed.

“You chose Lusamine, you freak! I’m not a g-nughhhh uhh?!” Alec’s voice waivered as he felt his underwear cozy up against his cock, the soft fabric hardly able to contain it as he felt his socks crawl over his knees.

“I think you mean not a girl, ‘yet,’” Brett corrected as he continued to laugh.

Alec looked down as he felt a tug on his pants, feeling the socks nearly at mid-thigh under them. While looking, his shirt suddenly changed further and dipped down below his waist, his pants being tugged repeatedly until they ripped clean off with a will of their own!

Alec’s mouth dropped open as he stood in the middle of the forest in a dress, high heels, and stockings… not to mention the panties… and shifted uncomfortably as the three group members laughed loudly in his direction.

“Will you guys stop fucking around and stop this transformation before… before… ehhh?…” The rush of hair scraping past his ears took precedence over his words but only made him more concerned as the silky, bright blonde hair swallowed his frame. Alec grabbed a chunk of the soft hair, held it in his hand, and gave it a yank to cement that it was attached to his head as he quickly resumed his plea to Brett, hoping the changes could be stopped.

“Please, Brett, I don’t know you hardly at all, but please have mercy I donw’t waunnnaa beeeee!” Alec’s face started to jump uncontrollably, his jaw bouncing and cracking as it bounced back and narrowed, his entire face trembling as he felt it shifting, getting softer, rounder, more full, and flawless. His flat lips pursing as they plumped, his nose shrinking, and eyes burning to a bright green.

Alec grabbed onto his rapidly changing face, trying to settle it down as his brow cracked, becoming less prominent with the addition of his eyebrows that thinned to fine blonde lines. Alec groaned as with each blink; his lids were slightly heavier and more dark, only stopping when they were basically black fans that could send a small breeze.

“Oh… looking cute, Alec. Maybe you should stop being a baby and appreciate your growing femininity,” Brett taunted.

“Yes! I do so love a woman who is confident in herself!” The Lysander-double shouted.

“And Team Rocket could use more strong women,” The Giovanni-double sneered.

“What’re you GuYs TaLking!... *Cough* about…*Gasp*” With the cough, Alec felt the bulge in his throat sink, his throat tightening in one fell swoop to leave his voice sounding mature and motherly.

“I told you, Alec, we like to immerse ourselves in the characters of Pokemon, soon enough, you’ll see what I mean,” Brett said.

Brett’s words worried Alec even more than the grinding that was making his shoulders slowly crack closer to his body, his frame shifting as his ribs squeezed tighter and his arms deflated to lithe womanly limbs. He couldn’t help but let out a strange whimper as his fingers popped and cracked, their girth a thing of the past as they stretched out long against his shrinking palms, the nails a top them creaking passed his fingertips to delicate points.

Ughhhhh… *Growl*” Alec took his new dainty hands and put them over his stomach as it rumbled before violently flexing, flattening, and curving with a sudden force that made him gasp. The transformation was starting to go past the point of no return, the sight of his body unrecognizable as he peered through his glasses down at it.

Please, change me baaaahh aahh! Whaaa!?” Alec’s nipples suddenly jumped to perkiness from under the dress, the surprise onset of sensitivity making him squeal as his hand darted straight there, causing another squeal at the shocking pleasure that was sent tingling through his body all the way to his cock. With his engorged areola under his hand, the rush of fat was all the more obvious, the flesh under it making it jut with a slight bounce as Alec’s chest grew soft and flabby, both breasts shaped like small squishy cones for the moment as Alec grabbed onto one.

Ahhhh! Ahhh! Nooo!” Alec yelled like a woman in distress as he grabbed onto both breasts the laughing from the other three club members completely gone as they sat and enjoyed the show, watching Alec’s chest grow and bubble from cones to orbs, the breasts overflowing from Alec’s long dainty fingers as he struggled to keep them contained.

Ahhhh! Ahhh!” Alec's hands freely grabbed at his chest, each grab sending a jolt of pleasure down to his dick as his mind became stunned by the sensation. The grabs making him yearn for a pair of tentacles to be wrapped around his soft milky tits while the other’s slithered around–

Change me back, change me back!” Alec fought the intrusive thoughts, though he couldn’t stop fondling himself, his narrow hips letting out an internal groan as their widening crackle vibrated his entire body.

Below, Alec’s cock raged, bulging from the dress as Alec felt his wide hips sway from side to side, his legs and ass aching as more intrusive thought’s forced him to bend at the waist and look over his shoulder at his ass with a sudden smile as he felt it tighten, imagining more of Nihilego’s tentacles sliding between his plumping cheeks as they grew large and bouncy, her hands having to suffice as she put her fingers under her growing cheeks and bounced her ass that was hardly contained by the–

Heheh– Ahhhh! Please, Brett, her thoughts are so lewd. I don’t wanna be Lusamine!” Alec begged for one final time as his attention was immediately directed to his calves and feet that were shrinking, thighs that were growing, swelling tightly around the bulge at his crotch as he could see a tentacle snaking under his dress and fishing out his cock before vigorously starting to stroke it, making the soft flesh of his lower body bounce with each stroke, the pleasure blinding as she nearly started to drool, letting Nihilego letting her experience an untold pleasure as the rest of its tentacles squirmed around, working between her tits and ass, making her moan like a whore as she came and let Nihilego shove the now useless male parts into her body before plunging into her dripping pussy and fucking her repeatedly.

Ahhhhhnnn fahhhhhk yeeees!

Alec-Lusamine pulled her cum coated fingers out from under her dress, and like a flower in bloom, the rest of her transformation completed, her hair and dress flaring to a distinct and umbrella-shaped style before her chest shined with the sudden appearance of a gemstone.

Alec-Lusamine flipped her hair and tossed off her glasses with the hand not covered in bodily fluids and acknowledged the three slackjawed gentlemen who had watched her schlicking off.

I will say... this is the most immersed I’ve ever felt… Now, which of you beasts is going to clean my hand?


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