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“Ahhh! Jesus Christ, it’s cold in here!” After a long day of work and his energy nearly drained, the last thing Cam wanted to deal with was a freezing cold apartment. 

“F-f-fucking Jim…” 

Cam took his phone out seconds after the cool air hit him. Even fewer seconds later, he had the text that he’d send to the proud owner of the building's thermostat already typed out and sent away. 


Not the most eloquent way to ask but with his teeth already chattering, the most direct and angry approach was needed. Till it was off, blankets were going to be needed. Cam made a mad scramble to his bedroom, stripping his bed of all the blankets and wrapping himself like a cocoon. He shivered as he shuffled into his living room and noticed another item he could add to his bundle of warmth: a peculiar red scarf folded nicely on the couch. Cam paused seeing it, but right now, it was a godsend, so without much thought, he ran over and wrapped the soft cotton around his neck.

‘Oooooo that’s the stuff…’ The scarf was warm, and coupled with the blankets he’d gathered, he’d become perfectly comfortable in the cool air of the apartment. Comfortable enough to watch a few hours of TV before bed.


The images on the TV grew blurry rather quickly—the comforting embrace of his cocoon and the length of the day culminating in an impossible situation to stay awake in. Cam’s heavy eyes slowly blinked and didn’t open, his body falling back against the couch as he drifted off… 



Cam groaned as the soft voice made his eyes flutter, his body strangely mobile as he squirmed around on the cushions of the couch and shut them tightly again… drifting…

“Hey, wake up…” 

There it was again. He could see someone's blurry outline, but god, he was so tired. There were lazy blinks as the blurry figure turned to darkness… 

“Ow!” A stinging slap woke him, making his eyes dart open, and his body writhe against the soft cushions.

“Wake up. I won’t ask again,” She said stoically. 

She finally came into view… Her six-pack abs shown by her white, midriff-revealing crop top and her shapely hips locked in yoga pants– cocked off to one side with her wrist resting casually against it. Despite the fact that this strange woman had found her way into Cam’s apartment unannounced, this bothered Cam far less than how she looked. She looked like… Mikasa Ackerman. Cam said no words as he stared at her to be sure. Short black hair in a boyish style, yes. Flawless face with black irises staring judgmentally into his soul, yep. Strong… but feminine body, yeah. Even the way she spoke matched Mikasa’s to a T. 

“How long are you going to lie naked in my scarf?” She asked.

Naked? He wasn’t… 

“Wha?! Oh god!” Cam yelled upon seeing his mostly naked form laid out before the Mikasa lookalike. How had he not realized he was fucking naked?! In a rush of sensation, the air of his place swarmed him as he clenched his nude form tightly together, locking everything around his dignity that was also, fortunately, covered by one of the long swathes of the red scarf that was hanging from his neck. Cam blushed red as he looked embarrassingly around the room… everywhere the woman’s eyes weren’t…

There was silence as Cam waited for the girl to say something…

but even more silence followed…

Cam stole a glance, catching her steely gaze trained on him. 

“Hey… can you… turn around or something?” He asked.

“No,” She answered sternly.

Cam hissed uncomfortably, then got an idea. Maybe if he creeped her out enough she’d…

“Oooph! What’re you doing?!” 

In a move nobody saw coming, the girl mounted him, straddling his midsection with her strong legs while her hands planted themselves on his bare chest. 

Cam squirmed under her, feeling her soft butt sticking him firmly into the couch. He was stunned and at a loss for words as she leaned in close and said. “I’ll teach you not to wear other people's things.”


Her hands wrapped around his wrists, her grip strong, though it wasn’t like he was trying to fight back, even if the situation was weird. 

“Let’s see…” 

Her hands were hot, unnaturally so, the heat boring into Cam’s wrists as it coursed into his hands and slightly into his forearms. 

“O-okay, let go,” Cam complained, gently tugging against her grip as his hands got hotter, his palms starting to sweat as they felt like they were trapped in a sauna. He balled his hands up as they came to a boil, his skin feeling like it was blistering until–


Steam started to pour out of his hands. 


He’d lost control of his appendages as they spasmed in the Mikasa look-alike’s grip. Forced to watch in disbelief as he felt his fingers and hands click, visibly deflating to slim and long digits that were pulled to a point with the long nails that grew from them as his palms collapsed narrow and dainty. 

The Mikasa look-alike released his hands at that moment, her face keeping the same cold glare as she allowed Cam to pull his hands closer to his chest to really get a good look at them. The steam had left them hairless and soft, completely blemishless and purged of masculinity as Cam observed how feminine they’d become. It became even worse as Cam realized the heat in his wrists persisted and oozed down his arms to his shoulders. 

“Ahhhh! No, no!” He looked to the Mikasa look-alike for some kind of mercy to his pleading but found nothing more than a stern gaze as the heat mounted, reaching that same boiling point. He screamed as the heat was released in a bout of steam. Hair melted off of his creamy and soft arms as the steam spilled out, the skin shifting around as his forearms shrunk and tightened with muscle that bulged beneath. 

“Aghhhhhh!” CRACK

Cam’s shoulders cracked as they sunk nearer to his body, the release of the steam making him sweat as he felt the peculiar sensation of deflation be met with strengthening, his thin biceps and triceps bulging and toning under his shrinking frame. 

“Whaggggght are you doooooing to meeee!?” 

He could only observe his lithe muscled arms for a moment before more of him started to erupt, the steam pouring from his chest and abdomen as his body sank into itself, his back dragging against the couch cushion as he shrunk, a few inches gone as Cam was subjected to the strangest sensations he’d ever felt. The evaporating mass only left his torso waifish for a moment, and as the vapor dissipated, his abdomen undulated, bouncing itself upward with squares of muscle that appeared in a pair… or two… no… three! His stomach rippled with additional muscle as the three pairs of abs appeared, tightening his entire core into a pillar of strength that suddenly caved at the sides in two alluring curves. 

The only sounds Cam could manage were gasps as his feminine hands dragged along his waist, feeling the contours of his new strong core, his touch leaving butterflies fluttering around in his stomach in a strangely arousing way. A stimulated groan rumbled from his throat as he felt his cock grow hard, bouncing against the Mikasa look-alike’s back, which elicited an irritated growl from her. Cam ignored her, his focus locked on his second manifestation of arousal that started to stand tall on his chest, the strange feeling of growth making him watch with worry as his areola widened and his nipples stood taller than he’d ever seen before. 

Pleasure radiated through his body, his face getting hot and sweaty as the pleasure pulsed in time with his heart and… nipples. 


Cam’s back arched forward as a particularly strong pulse forced the flesh under his stiff nipples to spring up. 


The realization only made Cam’s face get hotter, his nimble fingers pushing into the soft but small mounds as he wiggled under the look-alike’s bottom. The pleasure, the heat in his face, the tits, it was all too much, and Cam yelled as his face boiled, the steam jetting out of his orifices, obscuring his vision as his gripping hands felt his tits swell, the flooding fat turning his small mounds into jiggling, jostling orbs, while under the obscuring cloud, Cam could feel everything about his face changing…


The vibrating cracks from his skull and jaw made him writhe beneath the clouds, his expressions unseeable but shifting between fright and curiosity as he felt his hair slide down his forehead, the only thing visible to him as the wave of black passed and brushed just below his cheeks while he felt his face pucker and pinch, his lips a modicum heavier and his nose much smaller as his cheekbones rose and rounded. Cam could feel the steam he was spewing lessening, his throat sore as he felt it compress and narrow, his eyelids drooping lazily from the exhausting event as his view got darker from his lengthening eyelashes. 

As the steam dissipated, Cam gasped repeatedly and coughed at a much higher register than he was used to as he looked down to see the mounds in his hands, jiggling with his heaving chest and sending more fluttering butterflies to his cock that was gently pulsing against the Mikasa look-alike’s butt. 


His own voice threw him for a loop as he groped himself, his face stretched in a grimace as he moved his hands over the soft milky mounds, bouncing them around between his long fingers as he furiously sent heat down to his member. Each press was like a small orgasm, the feeling draining through his stomach and into his cock. He couldn’t stop, the heat building in his balls like a hot air balloon as he was seconds from erupting. 

“C’mon, I don’t have all day”

The Mikasa on him suddenly roughly grabbed his breasts, helping his hands fondle with more fervor, pinching his sensitive nipples and squishing them hard enough to make him explode. Cam moaned, feeling steam spurting from his cock as he kicked his feet, the orgasm having a profound effect on his lower body. Each kick swelled his thighs and ass, the growing spread of both felt as they spread across the couch cushions converging against his balls that he could feel slipping between his thick muscled legs, the steam from his cock sending it sinking with his falling erection as his hips snapped wide to keep up. He felt his thighs swallow his manhood, shoving everything retreating inside with multiple pops as they were overtaken and replaced by the only thing that could fit between such muscled legs. 

The loss of his manhood was enough to make him scream again as the rest of his legs slimmed in comparison to his thighs. The girl above him smiled as he yelled and writhed around at the realization.

“I’M A!”


Cam’s eyes jumped open, a gasp following as his sweaty body spazzed but was locked firmly in place by the cacoon of blankets he’d wrapped himself in. With a panicked look around, he was still in his living room and wearing the scarf, but alone this time, and NOT naked. 

‘It was all a dream,’ he thought with a relieved sigh. As he calmed down, he noticed something very, very off… His hair… was still in his vision… and black… His hands squirmed in the blankets, feeling a strange plush roundness about his chest and a strange curviness to his hips, SOMETHING WAS WRONG!

He struggled to free himself from the cocoon, but as he did, he realized he wasn’t a ‘he’ at all! Eyeing his bountiful chest in a tanktop he’d certainly not been wearing, he ran to the bathroom and, to his horror, found a very familiar face and abs looking back in his mirror.

“I-I’m Mikasa!?”   



This was perfect man thank you