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One of the last things Nick thought he’d be doing was looking for a costume in the middle of summer, and summer agreed with him… There were little to no options at the little Halloween shop he decided to visit, and what options there were… were totally lame

Nick hooked the generic butler costume back on its hanger with an exaggerated groan and stepped back again to survey his options for the fourth time. 

Butler? No.

Devil? No.

Grim Reaper? No.

Pilgrim? No.

No. No. No. No. No…


Though there were no costumes that were jumping out at him, there was one final hope: the accessories aisle. Trudging over to the accessories, there were fortunately plenty of options: swords, masks, hats, and gloves… all hanging orderly on both sides of the aisle. 

“Okay, let’s see…” Nick mused as he slowly stepped down the aisle, humming slightly as his mind did its work and ran through what cosplay he could assemble with some of the accessories laid out before him.

“This could be something,” he grumbled, deep in thought as he grabbed a head-band Esq… errr crown… tiara maybe? It looked feminine, so his brain leaned toward tiara. The little chain on the front would dangle a ruby directly on the center of his forehead, so he felt like it wouldn’t exactly make him look ‘manly’ if he put it on, but maybe with the right outfit he could pass it off as a sort of kingly crown… It was gold, after all…       

Nick groaned in disapproval. The more he looked at and turned it over, the more unlikely it seemed that he could make it work. With little hope, Nick pushed deeper to the center of the aisle, where a mirror was embedded between two columns of hooks, a convenient place to see how you looked in things, no doubt. 

Nick slid the band onto his head, the gold glimmering brightly against his black hair while the dangling inlaid ruby rested against his forehead. Oo… yeah... way too girly. It was honestly a little embarrassing to see himself in it, so much so that it made his ears hot the more he looked at himself. Nick chuckled as he did a quick look back and forth to see if anyone was around to see him. Luckily the store was basically a ghost town… no one would see him wearing the ridiculous, girly tiara and his strangely… pointy ears?! Nick grabbed for them immediately, hoping it was some trick, but the floppy pointed edge that his fingers found could hardly be fake as he bent and flicked the cartilage around in a panic. 

“W-what the!?” Nick gasped, feeling them stretch even longer, his heart beating loudly in his ears as the pulses flexed the skin around them, forcing them to move up and up and up.  Through his hair and onto the top of his head in a pair of twitching fox ears that he couldn’t believe were his own! Nick’s mouth was agape as he felt muscles he never had before twitching atop his head, impossible to control, and suddenly feeling so… sooooo… good~ It felt like his ears were being pulled, pet, and massaged all at once, flattening against his head in a way only a pleased animal could display. 

Nick stumbled against the shelves behind him to keep himself standing as the pleasure burrowed into his lower gut and pushed his dick to an uncomfortable stiffness, his body squirming as he watched his ears and the center of his head starting to radiate out a royal-blue hue, the affected strands looking far softer than the rest.  


One touch was all it took to discern how it had changed, his fingers sinking into a plush smooth mass that felt far more like fur than the normal hair he was used to, and it was coating everything. Fast. 

NIck’s ears fluffed with a combination of blue and white, the blue coating the outside of his ears with a velvety softness while the white poofed out from the inside, culminating in a cotton ball of springy fur that could make one wonder if any sound could even hit his relocated ear drums. Nick wished he couldn’t hear, but his new foxy ears could hear well, well enough to hear how every strand of black hair was changing and fuzzing, the sound like a hand running over a course carpet even if the strands were anything but as the blue color cascaded down his head and changed his short hairstyle into a feminine blue bob cut. 

His fingers dug into the soft fur until a pleasurable rattle down his spine made them relocate, his back arching as he felt something jut from his tailbone. Weak gasps were all Nick could manage as he felt his two twin protuberations throbbing out of him, his hands going for the unfamiliar one at the back as he found the little furred nub that was steadily growing out, the fur on it growing longer and poofier the more it lengthened, sliding softly through his hands that he let loosely hold on it as it popped out to full length and came to life, swinging from side to side as Nick turned to see an extraordinary fluffy blue tail wagging above the hem of his jeans. 

“Wuh?! Ah! Oh! Nuuuuuh~” 

Nick couldn’t find the words to express the sudden development of a tail, but his body was hot, and his hands itchy. He held his hands up to his face as he struggled to keep them still, watching his nails turning a hard black as they stretched to points over his fingertips, his shaking hands sprouting a coat of blue on the backs and white on the palms. He flexed his hands in wonder as the feeling of touch changed, the weird second coating a sensitive layer that would warn him before anything reached his skin. The fur felt like it was constricting his hands, his black-clawed, fur-covered fingers still shaking as they popped down to petite little things, his palms following suit as they condensed in one quick jump. 


It was the only word that came to mind as Nick stared down at the things he wanted to call paws. The fur started to spread up his arms, sprouting in a wave of blue that forced bones and muscles to shrink and joints to pop as it crested under his shirt. He’d lost it with his eyes but the brush of fur and feeling of muscle deflating under his sleeves was enough for him to know exactly how far the fur would go as it swallowed his shoulders and paused as it covered them. 

Like everything that’s been covered, he could feel his shoulders succumbing, twitching as he was being squeezed narrow and sinking nearer to his chest until his frame was slim. Nick groaned in displeasure, the little ruby slapping into his forehead tauntingly as he writhed against the wall, his canines aching as he grit his teeth. 

“Whaaaaaaat’s happening to meeeeeee?!~” Nick moaned as the fur continued its conquest to coat his body, pouring over his shoulders as he felt the fur bulge from his skin and coat his back and chest. As it covered his waist, his stomach convulsed, twitching slimmer and slimmer with defined arches pinching into the sides. It was distinctly feminine, not that Nick could see it quite yet, though he felt skinnier and way, way, hotter… Nick huffed at the congestion, panting so hard he could fog something up as he tore at the stuffy shirt, his claws easily able to rip it in half and reveal his white-furred chest and midsection. The relief felt good, the open air feeling much better than when he was completely trapped in his shirt, but god, he was still hot, his eyes locked on the stiff member that protruded from his jeans. Seeing it made him tingle all over, and his balls and nipples ache. He knew what horniness felt like, and this was that, dialed to twenty… 

“Ohhhhhhh Gahhhhhhhd!~” Nick couldn’t take it, his tail swishing back and forth behind him, the sharpening of his canines under his tongue, the endless throb of his cock and… “Whaaaaaaa?!” 

Two perky and plush pink nipples poked through the fur on his chest, the sizable feminine bulges throbbing in time with his cock as he threatened to cum in his pants with all the new sensations sending his stimulation into overdrive. The most prominent of which was the fur that he could feel puffing from his hips and dripping down further as its soft caress was hard to resist. 

Nick pleaded with the mirror in front of him, his sharp canines bared as his brown eyes glowed emerald green. He yelled as a bout of swelling jutted his nipples forward and forced his back into an arch, husky moans escaping his mouth as his small, clawed fingers groped at the furred squishy flesh. The wiggle of the two pink-topped bulges was too much for Nick as his hips bucked, splattering hot sticky cum on the inside of his trousers that offered little relief as he just kept cumming. His balls were numb as they continuously unloaded, his breasts swelling full and large with the release, his lewd nipples gyrating with the swelling sacs of white fur-coated flesh as his hands groped and struggled to contain the things that swelled bigger than his head. They hung heavily as Nick’s face flushed red, his tongue growing longer as he let it loll out of his mouth. His mouth was too small to contain it, but he knew that was only moments from changing, a gentle pull on his nose and the white fur crawling over his loose jaw making him coo softly as his nose turned black and started to draw away from his face, his skull shifting to accommodate the muzzle that grew into his vision. His long tongue was scooped up by his lengthening snoot as one of his hands touched it when it reached its full length, his face covered in white fur that flared out near his bony cheeks. 

Nick didn’t know how such an animalistic face could look so cute, but the way his half-shut lusty green eyes stared back at him with a look of need was something he couldn’t ignore as he felt his cock strain, an involuntary flex making it contract with a sickening crack as it diminished in his trousers and fur sprouted on his ass and groin. Nick’s last vestiges of manhood were straining, struggling to stay hard, the sickening cracks deflating the bulge in his pants as his hips broke out wide and popped the center button of his waistband. Fuck! It didn’t matter, Nick wiggled and let them hit the floor, his cock being what he wanted as he dropped his underwear next. He stared at it, was it always so… red? The three-inch prick throbbed, and Nick whined as another contraction made it two. 

The fur continued to grow downward, coating his thighs and the rest of his legs to his sock covered feet, the looming threat of his cock disappearing amplifying as he felt something unclench deep in his bowels while another contraction pulled his red rocket another inch shorter. It was like a flood was released, a flood of delectable fat that inflated his rear and thighs with the stretch of his skin, wiggling beneath the soft coat of blue and white as weight bounced his buttcheeks out into two sinful globes below his wagging tail and his legs to juicy round cylinders that converged on his shrunken penis. His hands grabbed his massive ass and let the fat drop with a jiggle,

but there was little time to explore as his muzzled face cringed as another contraction hit. Nick cried out, nearly throwing himself into the shelves as his cock and tiny peanut-sized balls plunged into him, fucking a new tunnel through his body a slit took their place, oozing juices that condensated on the fur around it. 

The sensitive hole made Nick squirm, his feet wobbling on the floor as claws burst from the fabric, his soles irrevocably changing as rough pads came into existence across them. 

Look at me!” Nick yelled breathily, a gasp following the words as he hadn’t heard his voice before now. He caressed his foxy body in confusion and exploration, taking in every curve and spotting something peculiar on his forehead. It was the ruby, glowing strangely. Nick could only wonder why but was soon assaulted as his torn-up shirt wrapped around his breasts in a supporting cover that hid his nipples, taking on a golden pattern that still left most of his furred cleavage out for viewing. 

A ‘huh?’ was all he managed as his pants flung up to his hips and wrapped around loosely as two gold trip swathes of fabric that resembled a long loin cloth while the discarded underwear split into rings that wormed around his tail and around his arms. Nick was as covered as he was going to be, and the ruby knew this. Glowing brightly one last time, parts of Nick’s blue fur whitened, becoming symbols that wrapped around his arms like a brand while another imprinted itself into his left thigh. The princess had been completed, and the ruby’s job was done, the bright glow dulling to a normal gemstone as Nick realized the character he’d become. 


It should have been obvious, but being stuck in an endless loop of pleasure and change dulls one mind. Nick groaned cutely as he twisted and turned in the mirror, his tail following his movements with grace as it animatedly swung and posed with him. Would the con allow an actual fox lady in? With little choice in the matter, Nick would have to find out.     


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