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Ready for another? This one should prove interesting, so I’ll just give the switch a little flip aaaaaaand…




Caleb’s stomach rumbled as he waited for the line at the fast food place to move, his foot tapping impatiently while waiting. The only problem was that he was at the very end of what was at least a 15-person line and god was he hungry… *Growl…* his rumbling stomach hardly stopped its angry growling, the thing feeling like it was twisting in his shirt, growing more and more pissed by the second.


Caleb’s hand found his stomach to hopefully calm it down, but it just snapped at him, writhing under his hand it started to pull at his flesh. “W-what the?!” his stomach suddenly collapsed on one side, fat and muscle that used to be there pulled taut and thin, his belly quivering as the other side followed, sinking in to match. Caleb couldn’t help but groan lowly as his tight stomach pinched in, his waist curving as the small of his back creaked itself forward. 


Caleb’s sound drew a few eyes from the line, but nothing extreme as he tried to play it off to avert their gaze. The people watching lost interest as Caleb gripped his slim waist and tried to adjust his posture so that his ass didn’t feel so pushed out, but his attempts were short-lived as his hungry stomach growled again. Its rumble vibrated parts of his body he never would have expected it to, his arms snarling back at his stomach as it tried to take from them. 

“N-no, no… please,” Caleb begged for his upper body to win, the rumbling making his shoulders jump as he tried to keep quiet, the subtle cracks from his shoulders making him fear they were losing as his pores gave away their hair to delay as best they could… Despite the quiet prayer the victor was obvious as Caleb started to sink into his clothes, his joints yanking bones smaller, his sleeves billowing around his shrinking arms and shoulders as muscle was forced deflated due to his stomach's gluttony. It might not have been so bad if it was just his arms, but he was forced to watch the floor approach, and the people in line grow, the sucking on his spine draining his 5’8 stature down to 5 feet flat. 



The hungry man’s hands jolted as he held them in front of him, the digits turning slim and palms little, the undeniable feminine fingers of a young woman soon shaking in front of him as his loose billowy shirt struggled to stay on his little round shoulders, his breaths quick and panicked as he swam in his previously fitted shirt. The person in front of him stepped forward as his stomach continued to growl and churn, if there was any way to stop the effects of the transformation it was to sate his hungry stomach, and the only way to do that was to make his order at the counter, but he was so far away… 

“Excuse me…” Caleb said quietly, poking the man in front of him, a loud growl from his stomach making him wince as his jaw snapped round, his face doing the most unexpected thing as it filled with a bit of fat, his cheeks turning round and cute as his manly nose wiggled down. 

“What is it?” 

The much taller man asked, turning around to see an androgynous if not feminine-leaning Caleb, who looked nervous and shy in his oversized shirt. Caleb almost couldn’t find the words but managed to eek out a few. “Do you mind if I… skip you?” he asked bashfully, making eye contact only for a moment before looking away, another growl from his stomach making his hands shoot there as the rumble made his legs quake. 

“Sorry kid, just wait your turn, it looks like the line is speeding up.” 

The man turned his attention back toward the counter without another word, leaving Caleb in a pit of despair as his stomach growled again, his masculine lower half being sucked down to femininity as his pants simply fell off him and hit the floor. Caleb had half a mind to pick them up, but he couldn’t, his stomach was too hungry, sapping him of his will to do much of anything but take the transformation as his shrinking feet dragged along the soles of his shoes, their subtle pops making him wince at how cute and small they were becoming their size obvious by the roominess of his shoes, his little feet leaving behind both the shoes and pants as the line stepped forward.


“F-fuuuuhhhk…” Caleb whimpered, his stomach gently sucking away his Adam’s apple and making his lips swell, his blue eyes flicking green with each flutter of his eyelashes, and his hair sliding an inch down his forehead. 


Ah. Ah. Ah…

Caleb gasped multiple times as another growl centered on his groin, his dick and balls twitching between his legs as he suddenly realized food wasn’t going to solve his problem. 


The pop of his left testicle nearly made him scream, his little legs quivering as they and his ass suddenly bounced and wriggled with a layer of fat, another inch of hair dropping into his vision as he noticed how black it was, hands gripping his abruptly plush thighs as he bent at the waist, feeling his right ball twitching and growl building…


Nuuuuuuuuuhhhh…..” A girlish whine followed the slow suck of his final testicle, his hair linked somehow as it fell around his face and flared out with the testicle’s slow ascent into his abdomen. Caleb could feel how it settled inside him, the tingle of estrogen coursing through his body making his narrow hips jump out and nipples spring forward, the nerve endings instantly alight with sensitivity as he quietly moaned feeling his empty sac pull flat and open. God, it wasn’t just his nipples though it was everything, every inch of skin so sensitive and buzzing, his cock hardening as his hands roamed his body and cupped the squishier bits, a light pinch of his nipple making his cock bl– 

He didn’t know how he didn’t scream at the orgasm that rocked his body, the spurt from his cock acting in reverse as his length plunged into the open snatch between his legs, his thighs and ass swelling again while his nipples gyrated as flesh packed behind them, filling with jiggling fat as they climbed the cup sizes, hanging off his chest and bouncing around under him. 

W-what?” Caleb said blushing, wasting no time in gripping these jiggling mounds that wiggled on his chest as he stood straight again, his long shirt suddenly tightening to his body and turning blue, changing into what it already kind of was… a dress that hung just above his knees. 

“Excuse me, Miss, I called for the next customer.” 

 The line had dwindled to only Caleb, or… Mayuri, as she stepped to the counter feeling her new curves bounce and twist strangely. 

“Ummmm… I guess I’ll have…”

(I'm gonna need to pick up the pace if I want to get to everyone)


Skylar Daniels

This is excellent! Wonderful job! Thank you so much!