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Wow… that was a killer nap. I feel like I could do more than just transform someone today, so I think I’ll mess with my next victim's mental state. 


Evan was struggling. No matter what he tried the stupid circle would just keep spinning around and around, teasing him before erroring out. All he wanted to do was watch Konasuba for god's sake! The new season looked so good, but Crunchyroll was being a piece of shit! At least… that’s what he thought. Little did he know it was certainly not Crunchyroll’s fault or even his internet, but the influence of the event. Its presence was pulsing throughout his room, reverberating through his body and technology. Ever nuanced, the event was focused on only one part of Evan at the moment, his clothes. It was imperceptible for now, but the fabric was shrinking around him little by little, the stitching growing tighter like every seam was hooked to one thread that was being pulled by an invisible hand. 

“Grrrrr…” Evan growled as he reset his machine for the third time, his body getting hot as his clothes chafed against his skin more than he was used to when he reached to pull the plug. 

“Ugh… I’m sweating,” he groaned, tugging at the tighter collar of his T-shirt and pulling on the loose fabric to move air through it. He groaned again as he squirmed in his shorts, pulling at the crotch because even that felt a little tight. His pulls did nothing to abate the constant tightening of his clothes, his sleeves squeezing around his arms while the bottom hem of his shirt had risen above the waistband of his shorts. It was too incessant to ignore, the decline of the sizes making him feel like he was bursting from his shirt while the shorts were climbing his legs. 

“What the hell is… happening!” Evan had finally figured out something was wrong, his shirt like a crop top as his sleeves crested his shoulders, the collar of his shirt plummeting down his chest to just above his nipples where the fabric was blackening, the fabric coalescing in the center to a cute little red bow to form the centerpiece of the black bra the shirt became. 

“What the… fuuhhhhhhk, nnnn…” Evan’s face blushed red seeing the cute lacey female undergarment decorating his chest, even worse was his shorts that had become so tight that they could be classified as underwear, making a despaired whine escape Evan as they became exactly that, absorbing his current underwear and grabbing onto his cock to imprison it in an equally cute pair of black panties, barely covering his ass. 

Evan twisted and turned in his new clothes, noticing how little of him they covered and how exposed they left him. What if someone saw him dressed like this?!...

“Mmmmmm~ I need to get out of these…” 

Evan’s body shuddered as his cock pulsed against the panties. What if someone saw him dressed like this? The embarrassment would be next level, he wasn’t sure he’d ever live something like that down! His throat tickled as the little bulge in his neck started to sink… “Ohhhh…~W-Whaaaaat’s happening to meeeeee?!” 

Evan’s hand darted to his throat in confusion as his dick escaped the top of the small panties, intense pleasure bursting through his body and dancing along his skin as his hands desperately went to cover his exposed cock, the thought of someone seeing him almost making him cum right there on the spot as the hair across his body pulled itself back into him. 

Don’t look!” Evan squealed turning his body away from an invisible audience, his mind reeling as his feet twitched against the floor, his toes popping, arches raising, and soles narrowing. Evan moaned as his hand ran along his cock, the shouts from the crowd behind him firing him up even more as they watched his calves bubbling, bulging to a gentle curve, his hips shifting from side to side as his growing thighs bulged and bounced with his furious strokes. 

Ahhhh~ they’re all watching me! Please stahhhhhhhp looooking I caaaaan't heeeelp it!” 

His length acted like a pump, each run of his hand was swelling his lower body, his thighs growing rounder and meatier while his ass jiggled wider and fatter, swallowing the small swathe of fabric of the bottoms as they bounced and swayed behind him. With so many people watching the red on Evan’s face was unmatched by even the ripest tomato, his balls starting to shrivel up to his groin as he neared climax until everything was so tight he suddenly burst, his cum hitting the ground in thick spurts that sent his withering testicles squirming inside him. 

Evan couldn’t help but keep the pace as his sac opened, the puffy lips of his new pussy repurposing his useless skin, the new nerve endings buzzing as he went to rub them through the cloth while still trying to get what pleasure he could from his cock, the head so sensitive as he came again. 

He could feel the eyes of the audience behind him watching his bouncing ass jiggle, one of his deepest desires and darkest shame pulled to the forefront as they watched him turn more and more girl, his hips breaking out wide as his waist pulled in, the cock in his hand shrinking toward the stringy waistband of the panties as it became harder and harder to stroke. 

He knew he should hate what was happening to him, part of his mind telling him that the lewd behavior was being forced on him.

Ahhhhhhn~ Stahhhp making me dooo this!! *SNAP* *SNAP* *CRACK*

Evan yelled with his mouth stuck open and grinning, his brown hair tinting blonde as his frame rattled and splintered, his form narrowing as his large unwieldy fingers slimmed out elegantly, their deftness allowing more precise rubs and strokes to make his lewd actions even more pleasant.    


Evan's dick gave one final spurt before slinking from his dainty fingers, his hips gyrating as he felt it jump into the slit below, its quick reformation making his hips buck and lower back snap as he fell forward on his hands and knees, his chest thrumming as blonde hair slid into his vision. 

AHHhhhhhhhhhh~” Growth hit constantly as his nipples slammed into the fabric with a GSH his face twisting and back arching in pleasure as his breasts filled and grew, growing far beyond what the bra could handle as tit-flesh built and bulged out trying to squeeze into a garment too small to hold it, the melons dangling below him as the long blonde hair surrounded his view. 

Oahhhh oahhh! Too small~” Evan tried to cover all the loose flesh with his skinny arms, the round orbs only bulging out differently as he tried to do so,

 squishing them around almost sensually as his lips bubbled up and face shifted, his brown eyes turning blue and alluring as he blinked them nervously. Evan could feel how his face moved, getting rounder and cuter, his cheeks becoming delightfully full and his eyelashes long, his nose shrinking... There was no way he could turn and face the audience with his new body and all the lewd acts he’d just done, but a quick glance turned into a double take when he realized there hadn’t been an audience at all, just the wall to his room. 

Oooohhhh, damn it…” Evan said disappointed, looking down into his massively squished-together cleavage gently pushing his fingers under his breasts to send everything bobbling around. Without a doubt, if there had been an audience the shame might have made the massive things escape somehow… Oh the embarrassment that would bring…          

(Got one more coming today)


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