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Hey all :)

As I was finally able to sit this week a bit more to my computer and finish some stuff, here you have bunch of translations added &  updates:

Fixes done:

Master Duelist Career – in Sage career path I changed one of the objectives (as it was pointed out to me, once Spellcaster know all spells, they can’t duel for knowledge, which I didn’t know). Now this objective will be simply to win any duel. Also added Portuguese.

Music Producer Aspiration – 2 objectives were mixed – the one that can be done only in Get Famous version was mistakenly put in only Get Together version and vice versa. I think I made this mistake in one of the patch updates… Anyway, now it’s back as it should be.

Translations added:

(You can also always check available translations here on my site.)







Thank you a lot to all translators: Kimberley (Dutch), SimsPhoria (Italian), qlaqercoixsa (Portuguese), Annie Hugss (Russian), Kimiko Soma (French) and Taro (Chinese)!


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