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For the mod to work you need also XML injector (the current version).

*Install also Join Afterschool Activities - interaction add-on - if you don't see this option on the phone for the swimming classes for children.

I finally can upload and share with you this mod :D It is adding swimming skill (separately to fitness). Now, be careful with this mod. If your Sim can't swim or has low level (0-2 swimming skill level) they can really easily drown if you spend in the water too much time! It includes also swimming in the ocean if you have Island Living, so don't go far away at the beginning.

Important! there is a known bug that I am not able to fix, I still didn’t find out how to remove it. It’s when you use the ladder from the ocean (Island Living) – the „Risk of drowning” buff stays forever with Sim. It doesn’t cause the death once Sim is out of the water, but it simply doesn’t vanish (even with codes which is very weird). It happens only when Sim uses ladder. AND the good news is, the buff disappears once you reload the game (enough to save and go to Main Menu and load again the save).

*In the worst scenario, if reloading game is not helping (although it never happened to me and I tried it several times and saving and then reloading game helped each time), you can always remove my mod, reload the game, and later put my mod again. Yes, in this case the skill progres will be gone but you can cheat with MCCC ;)

At first you'll get Barely Floating buff. When you get the second buff - Risk of Drowning - this is high time to get your Sim out of water immediately! (as game likes to lag... save a lot your game not loose your favourite Sim :P )

How to learn swimming safely?

You can start regular classes or take individul lesson (available on phone under Work category).

Also if other Sim has 5lvl of swimming skill, they can teach other to swim (all, childen and adults).

With this skill few new interactions comes as well (under Friendly>Interests):

Each level unlocks some activities (that previously were always available).

At level 2: Sim can drift on the back and can jump from diving platform into the pool normally or do cannonball (before those interactions are not available).

Level 3: Sim can also do snorkeling and do a swan dive from diving platform.

Level 4: Sim can now scuba dive and do a backflip from diving platform.

Level 5: Sim can now mentor other Sims in swimming and do free diving.

Also with each level Sim gets better stamina in the water, get tired more slowly. Style of swimming should be now affected by swimming skill, not fitness skill.

What's important: No NPC nor Sim that is outside of currently played household should be able to drown! I made tests and those Sims are safe now. No NPCs were harmed in the making or testing of this mod... Still... be careful ;)

In the future I plan to add to this mod:

- swimming ring to protect from drowning

- saving the life of the drowning Sim.

Maybe more if I have ideas.


  • English (by me, default)
  • Polish (be me)
  • French (by Kimiko Soma, also please find mod review in French on her site: https://modsims4.fr/competences/mod-natation-ilkavelle/)
  • German (by Hendrik McSims)
  • Chinese (by ttchubb)
  • Simplified Chinese (by AJia)
  • Dutch (by Kimberley)
  • Spanish (by Enzo)
  • Swedish (by Liba)
  • Brazilian Portuguese (by amazonidagirl or Ayrthwil or Alilin):

(by amazonidagirl, to download from: https://amazonidagirl.tumblr.com/post/672680531630178304/realistic-swimming-realistic-swimming-por)

(by Ayrthwil, to download from: https://ayrthwil.tumblr.com/post/668484731406614528/realistic-swimming-ikavelle-coloque-os)

(by Alilin, to download from: https://redcow-alilin.tumblr.com/post/681620699040890880/tradu%C3%A7%C3%A3o-do-mod-realistic-swimming-de-ilkavelle)

Change log:

24/07/2023 - update for patch 1.99.264 (18th of July, Horse Ranch)

18/03/2023 - update for March 14th patch (Infants & Growing Together) and put interactions under new sub-category (Interests)

24/11/2022 - script removal

07/08/2022 - updated for July 26th patch

20/06/2022 - updated for June 14th patch

07/06/2022 - updated English strings for pronous update

05/06/2022 - made it again compatible with Bienchen's mod Swimming is fun and hygienic. To work properly, still my version should have priority, but you need Bienchen’s mod to have all its functions.

30/04/2022 - update for April 26th patch

02/10/2021 - Added separeted menu (within Friendly category) for all interactions about swimming.

24/07/2021 - update for July 20th patch

29/05/2021 – Update for patch from 27th of May (adding preference system to interactions)

25/03/2021 - made it compatible with Bienchen's mod Swimming is fun and hygienic. To work properly, still my version should have priority, but you need Bienchen’s mod to have all its functions.

30/12/2020 - small fix in skill tagging


This mod overrides a lot of interactions - all connected to swimming, snorkeling or diving. Me myself, I don't know any other mod that is changing those files as well. If you know such mod - let me know. Full list of changed interactions below:




































Hi! Thank you so much for all your mods! 💜 I wanted to share a situation that happened with my sim. My sim is a child and she drowned, because her swimming level was low. Grim appeared and took her. But she was still on a household panel, just greyed out. I send rest of the family home, and when home lot leaded my sim child was there alive like nothing happened. I guess that's because children can't die in the game, but don't know for sure.


That's interesting! I don't know... Honestly I never tested death of children cause I don't like the idea of it :D I never save when that happen to me in my game ^^ Maybe it's also a side effect of mix of mine and other mod? I will maybe try to recreate it in my game to check, but as I said, I don't like to let children die in my game so I can't promise ;) I think I am too sensitive for that ;)


Thank you SO MUCH for the updates. I love, love, LOVE your mods! =D