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Hello hello :)

Below the list of mods I will be working on next weeks, with the plan to publish most of them starting still in June till end of July. I already started works :) I want to focus on 2 main areas now: magic careers and events for children.

I start by magic careers because I really need them in the game, lack of those was main reason I still didn't play Realm of magic! But I'll be working simoultaneously on events, so I will probably release them in parallel.

1. Events for children: I will make events where you can invite all the children existing in the game, regardless of being friend with them or not. Events will then facilitate to meet other Sim of child age.

  • School trip to park
  • School trip to museum
  • School dance party
  • Active talent contest - in my aspiration this is just rabbit hole, but I will try to make it real event (although I think it will be complicated and I might fail, let's just see how it goes).

If you have other propositions, you can write them in comments :)

2. Magic career - I want to make majority of them semi-active, whenever I can and where it makes sense :)  As I didn't play yet with magic, probably I'll spend some time on checking what are the options for tasks I could add. Those will be heavily inspired by Harry Potter world, but not only. 

  • Healer (focusing on potions as well)
  • Duelist career - with 4 branches: Famous Warlock Hunter, Famous Artefacts Hunter, Untameable Warlock, Teacher
  • Qudditch player 
  • Ministry of Magic
  • Wands Maker and seller - with possibility of making wands on woodworking table. If you know any CC creators that created custom wands, you can give me contacts to them, I'll ask them if I could reference their objects in my mod.
  • Brooms Maker and seller  - with possibility of making brooms on woodworking table. The same for CC creators as above. 
  • Maybe something focusing on Familiars

That's the plan :) Now I return to work and to be able to actually deliver all of it :D

I hope I'll release something new this and next week!

Stay tuned!



Seems great !! Can't wait :)


Awesome I love Harry Potter.