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Added French translation thanks to MaiaGame and Chinese thanks to Tina :)

Finally I finished all I wanted to add to this release :) It took a bit longer than I expected because there were many dependencies I needed to take into account with  my previous version.

So what is added:

1. Protection Ring and Hunter Resurrection - when your Sim wears it, they can't die, they will be resurrected. But to get Protection Ring it's not so easy. You can get it from witches, from ghosts or from Grip Reaper if you give them objects they require to create such powerful item.

2. Death of the Hunter during fight - oh righ, since you can now resurrect, you can now first die :D So be careful when you fight, if you loose it's possible that hunter is killed. And if he doesn't wear Protection Ring, that will be his last fight...

3. 2 New aspirations: Chosen and Forbidden Love.

I won't list all objectives, but just to let you know:

Chosen aspiration focuses on Vampire Slayer Experience and fighting with vampires and it finishes with Legacy stage, where you mark and train new hunter.

Forbidden Love - it is of course about love to a vampire. How it will end - this I leaves to you :) you can make a vampire human again, you can kill him/her or you can change your hunter to vampire if that is your wish.

Also this aspiration can be completed by any human Sim as well, not only hunters.

4. Go hunting interaction - a rabbit hole interaction where your Sim goes hunting for vampires. Available only during night and it has various outcomes.

5. Mark new hunter with Powers - When you reach 5 level of Vampire Slayer Experience - you can choose new Hunter and mark them with powers. This interaction gives to chosen Sim Vampire Slayer Trait and all the benefits of it.

6. Compatibility with Necrodog weapons mod -  If you have this mod, you can now buy via computer Necrodog's crossbow, make some bolts at woodworking table and shoot vampires.

7. The Original Trait for Vampires - it was already the award in my Dracula aspiration but now I added it also as CAS trait. In the future I plan to expand this trait a bit, so I'll keep it as separate file.

8. Club interactions - if you have Get Together you can now make clubs where hunters fight with vampires and vice versa.

9. Autonomous interactions for vampires NPCs and hunters NPCs to fight with non NPCs Sims (also with death possibility). How it can happen? well autonomous interations in sims 4 does not happen too often, but giving your NPCs Sims traits like evil, jerk, putting them in agry mood or even the club creation, might help to observe this behaviour. This was just my first approach and I can try to work on it in the future.

10. (24/10/2020) Added Vampire Slayer Trait available in the Reward Store.

I think I didn't forget about anything :D

Remove completely your previous version before adding this one.

I also updated Dracula aspiration to be compatible with this mod.

Big thanks to Simminglugubrious for recoloring the trait icon! Now it looks really good :)



Change log:

24/07/2023 - update for patch 1.99.264 (18th of July, Horse Ranch) + scripting removed

20/03/2023 - update for March 14th patch (Infants & Growing Together)

7/02/2023 - updated for January 31st patch

24/11/2022 - fix

14.08.2022 - English strings corrected by Mara S.

06/08/2022 - updated for July 26th patch

20/06/2022 - updated for June 14th patch

07/06/2022 - updated English strings for pronous update

25/07/2021 - update for July 20th patch

12/05/2021 - as there were issues for some people with creating stakes on woodworking table – I created this option from the scratch (maybe this would help, I can’t guarantee, but sometimes it’s helpful).

10/03/2021 - small fixes and changes




just want to let you know better exception is list turning errors for ilkavelle:trait_VampireSlayer_Hidden | Incorrectly matched tuning types found in tuning for tags in Instance: 11169521736347322068 (ilkavelle:trait_VampireSlayer_Hidden), Types.TRAIT. Expected 'E', got 'T and ilkavelle_trait_VampireSlayer | Incorrectly matched tuning types found in tuning for tags in Instance: 1697577618 (ilkavelle_trait_VampireSlayer), Types.TRAIT. Expected 'E', got 'T' it not effect game play just thought you should know.


Thank you! That's a weird message, I will check these traits, what could be reason of it.


will there be any new updates for this mod? i've been DYING to use it but every time i install it my game quits working :/


Guys, this mod was updated for the 26th of July patch and it is working since then. If it's not working for you, make sure you have the latest version. Just in case I uploaded one more time today the latest version here.