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Josh resents his step-mother and step-sister for taking over his life, but he's learned to deal with it.  At least until he has a strange encounter the day before Thanksgiving when a weird woman named Evelyn reminds him of all he has to be thankful for.

Hi all.  Returning to the world of Mind Deviancy for a short romp. (If the mood strikes me, I may come back and add more to flesh out the end of this story) Treated this like a warmup after taking a break over the holiday.  This one and the preceding Bimbow poke around the idea left at the end of the Mind Deviancy that came before this one, The Family Deviant.  I've been putting together different ways of doing Evelyn's school, but the tricky bit is getting some kind of level playing field since there will be multiple participants.  There needs to be some MC fodder essentially.  One idea was to do it in a "magic schoolbus" style where Evelyn takes the group off to random events and lets them figure out the best way to cause chaos.

End of the year always goes one of two ways. Either I feel a ton of pressure to finish things before the new year or I feel an overwhelming apathy about starting something so close to the end of the year.  Not sure which way we're going to go on that yet, but I do have some fun stuff planned for the coming month, more a matter of how much.

In the meantime, Happy Reading!


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