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“Right. Got a little too into it,” Ishtar said. “Go ahead. I can answer things about Will if you want, too. Things he’d be too embarrassed to talk about.”

“I think I’d rather take the opportunity to ask you, Ishtar, some things. Would you mind telling me what you really are?”

“I suggest you ask something else because you won’t like the answer.”

Aoi frowned. “How so?”

“I have no idea what I am,” Ishtar answered, her brow furrowing in frustration aimed solely at herself. “I’ve got a few theories, but no real answer. My earliest memories are of wandering your world and possessing people. Must have been… what? A little under two years? I can only answer your question with speculations. Nanami said that creatures and individuals who leave this place and go to your world do so as spirits, right? And seeing the incubi and succubi here, I can only assume I was once one of them or similar. However – and I don’t mean to sing my own praises too much – I tower over them in power, and that makes me doubt I was one of them.”

“I see,” Aoi muttered. She held her chin with her fingers, suddenly lost in silent contemplation. “Very well. You can ask me a question next.”

“How many people is Jack mind controlling now?”

“With me now free, then four. Cynthia; the boy who attacked you; the head of a drug cartel; and… the chief of the police department in town.”

Nanami let out a horrified gasp. “Then… Is that how he found out about the organization?”

Aoi nodded solemnly. She may have felt the need to explain further, so she added, “We used to work with the police to take care of supernatural issues they couldn’t solve. Not everyone in the police knew about us, of course, but the chief did. It’s how he found out I was keeping tabs on him.”

“Hear that, Will? Good thing we didn’t go to the police in the end,” Ishtar said.

‘No kidding.’

“Of course, Jack’s connections go further than that. His powers of suggestion are enough to let him get his way most of the time,” Aoi said. “My turn again. How much do… either of you know about magic?”

“Next to nothing really,” Ishtar admitted. “I know my powers well. I know my energy comes from sex, I know what I’m capable of, and Will and I have been experimenting with more. But… since coming to this world and learning about it, I’m noticing similarities between my power and other things.”

“Then I have a proposal for you two.” Aoi leaned forward. She pursed her lips and licked them as she prepared to voice her offer. “I want… I NEED to bring that man down. He’s a danger to everyone, controlling both the police and a sizable portion of the criminal underground in the city. But more than that… I need to see him fall. For my comrades… For myself. However, I can’t do this alone. I offer you my total support. My skills, my knowledge, my contacts. I know people who can let us work discreetly. I’ve had swordsmanship training from a young age. And perhaps of greater interest to you, I understand magic and how it affects a side of our world you’ve only just dipped your toes into. Help me bring that man down.” Her jaw tensed as she gritted her teeth. “Help me strip him of his powers or kill him if necessary. If you do… I’ll even become one of your women, if you so wish.”


Ishtar felt Will’s heart skip a beat at those words, yet he was assaulted by a torrent of conflicting feelings. He always had to overthink it all, didn’t he? She let out a heavy sigh.

“Looks like you forgot you’re not talking to Will right now. Good thing I’m here, so I can say what he’d be too afraid to answer. He finds you attractive. He wants you. But you’re worth nothing to us if you don’t want him either.”

“Eh?” Aoi exclaimed, eyes wide and taken aback by such a blunt response.

“I told you. Will doesn’t want women to mindlessly worship his cock. He wants true, unfaltering love and loyalty which he can and will repay in kind… in our own way. He’s rubbed off on me, too. Offering yourself like a piece of meat isn’t really attractive. So here’s our answer. We’ll accept your skills, your knowledge and your contacts. We’ll help you bring the bastard down. And if by the end of it all you still haven’t fallen for Will… then I’ll be surprised. He’s quite the catch, you know? So pick yourself up. Grieve for your comrades if you must, but don’t let sorrow swallow you up. There are too many fun things in the world to be giving up on yourself so soon.”

‘Alright! That’s enough of you. You’re talking too much. Swap now.’

“What? Did I say anything false?” Ishtar fought back out loud. “What a crybaby. I’m just saying what you’re too afraid to admit to others.”

‘It’s called having self-restrain. Now switch.’

“Fine,” she sighed. He looked at Aoi with an apologetic smile. “Will is complaining, so I’m going back in. See you around.”



Will shook his head and let out a heavy groan. Now he had to deal with all the embarrassing things Ishtar had said about him. If only they had been lies…

“Sorry,” he said. “Ishtar is still learning was self-restrain is.”

“…It’s alright. Speaking to her was… interesting,” Aoi said with a small, tired smile. “I’d never had a conversation with a spirit before.”

“…I do feel the need to clarify that nothing she said was wrong,” Will said, looking at Aoi directly in the eyes. “We’ll accept your assistance, we’ll help you fight Jack Evans, and… while I do want you, I don’t think you should be making those sorts of decisions right now. Rest, grieve, and stand up. We can feel some of your pain, but I won’t insult you by saying I understand what you’re going through. But Ishtar was right. There’s a lot more to live for than just revenge.”

Aoi closed her eyes to stop the tears. She sucked in a shaky breath and bit her lip. “…Excuse me.” She stood up slowly and returned to Reina’s bedroom.

Will looked to the worried Nanami. “Go with her. Even if she tells you to leave, don’t. The last thing she needs is to be alone right now, and I'm not the right person to comfort her.”

Nanami nodded. “Thank you for bringing her back. My aunt is strong. She’ll recover from this, I know it. And I’ll be at her side.”

Will chuckled. “She’s lucky to have you.”

Nanami followed her aunt into the bedroom. Now alone, Will stood up. There was one last thing he needed to do before finally returning home.


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