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It was no shock that, the moment the bell rang for the first recess, Leonardo was surrounded on all sides by curious classmates who, though wording it in different ways, were all asking the same question.

“Leo, what the fuck?”

The poor, equally confused young man hid his face in his hands and groaned loudly into them. “I have no idea.”

“Come on! You must have known!”

“I promise you, I didn’t.” He turned to Kaede. “Did you know?”

His girlfriend shook her head quickly. “Not at all! Almost had a heart attack when I saw her come in.”

Then another classmate asked the important question. “Does this mean I can ask one of the teachers out on a date?”

“Don’t you dare use this as an excuse,” Leo said, groaning again in frustration. “You all think this is funny, and by all means, laugh all you want, but if you were thinking that thing about double homework was a joke, then you’re wrong.”

“I can actually see them doing that…” Reiko said, smiling sympathetically. “She’s only an assistant teacher, so she doesn’t have that much authority. I’m guessing that’s another one of the reason they allowed this.”

“And there’s only half a year left until we graduate,” Kaede added. “Doesn’t stop this from being weird.”

“Not any more than you guys already are, anyway,” one of their classmates said dismissingly. “Just be sure to share the test questions if you get them early, okay?”

“Someone fucking kill me,” Leo said, his forehead hitting his desk with a loud thud.

Why? Why do this? Why this school? Why now? Couldn’t they have at least waited half a year for this? Leo being in a sort of open relationship with many women was one thing. It was their life and they could do with it as they pleased. But this was another thing entirely. Leo was no expert, but student-teacher relationships HAD to be prohibited in SOME legal document somewhere. Not to mention that Lucia had very explicitly told him of her… dissatisfaction with schools and their staff back during their first date at the hot springs. She wouldn’t do this without a good enough reason.

“Fuck it. I’m not worrying about it anymore. Do whatever the hell you want,” he said to the air.

“First time I hear you cursing so much,” said one of his classmates.

“He doesn’t curse at all in school, but he does outside sometimes,” Reiko chuckled.

“I curse A LOT more when I speak Spanish. Bad words just don’t have the same weight in another language,” Leo said.

“Contreras Leonardo?” spoke someone from the door. It was another one of the teachers. “You’re being called to the principal’s office.”

“Hoo boy,” he sighed. “I wonder what I could be about.”

One of his classmates patted him on the shoulder and sent him off with a good-natured laugh. “Good luck, man.”

Leo left the classroom and his classmates began to disperse, though some stuck with Reiko and Kaede. He went to the principal’s office, knocked on the door and was allowed in. Inside were the principal, Shimada-san, and Lucia, of course.

“Contreras-kun, please come in,” said the principal. By now almost everyone addressed him by name, even if they added an honorific. The only ones that didn’t were the principal and some teachers, so it was still weird to be called by surname. Leo closed the door behind him and stood across the principal’s desk. “You know why we called you here, right?”

“I can hazard a guess,” he said with a small, wry smile.

“Well, just to be clear, you’re here so we can discuss how to approach the matter of… Wisler-san’s hiring,” the older man continued.

“If you’re referring to the fact that we’re in a relationship, then I’m assuming any shows of affection are prohibited. In school grounds, we should see each other as nothing more than teacher and student. Attempts at taking advantage of each other’s position will result in some sort of sanction, and a severe one, I would guess. Though I don’t know what you want us to do outside of school.”

Lucia couldn’t help but snicker. “See? We told you he understood.”

“In can see that.” The principal sighed. “It is as you said, Contreras-kun. So long as you avoid shows of affection, the school has no issues. We have students here whose parents are teachers and other staff members, so at least in that regard there’s little difference. Furthermore… and I’d rather this remain undisclosed, this school was funded by members of the Tensai clan, so it’s hard to refuse a request from you.”

Leo held back another groan. He knew there was something fishy.

“As for the matter of your private life… Nothing can be done at this point. Half the island already knows about your relationship. So while I’ll personally ask you both to avoid doing anything that would bring further ill repute to our school, there’s little I can do to stop you.”

Further ill repute? Then they were already getting criticized for the decision. Not a surprise, really.

“Let the dogs bark, principal,” Lucia said, smiling confidently. “All we have to do is prove the naysayers wrong.”

“I hope you’re right. Very well, that is all, Contreras-kun. It’s good to see you understand the situation well, and I’m hoping your conduct will back your words up. You may return to your recess.”

Leo spared a glance towards Lucia, the new assistant teacher, and she gave him an easy smile. And so, deciding to have that conversation once they were back home, Leo returned to the classroom.


Other than the initial surprise and people constantly approaching him to ask questions, it was a quieter first day of school than Leo had expected. He went back home with the girls, though Lucia still had to work. He’d had to remember her new schedule.

“Why do you think she did it?” Angela asked them as they walked. “Seems more trouble than it’s worth to me. Do you think she’s finally running out of money?”

“Beats me, but couldn’t she get a better job?” Valerie asked. “I doubt being an assistant teacher pays well.”

“I’ve had to look that up,” Reiko said. “It doesn’t.”

“I’m curious too,” Kaede said. “Do you think she’ll tell us if we ask?” she asked Leo.

“Possibly. We lose nothing by trying,” Leo said. Besides, there was no way she wasn’t expecting a full on interrogation as soon as she came home.

No one was home when they arrived. He remembered that Mrs. Wisler was visiting some friends in Naha and wouldn’t be back until tomorrow. As for Seina, she would be coming back around six, just like Lucia.

After they went to leave their things in their respective bedrooms, they gathered again in the dining room. The girls sat at the table with the TV on while Leo went to check the fridge where he found something was missing.

“Hm? I knew for sure there was leftover rice from yesterday.”

“Ah,” he heard Angela and Valerie exclaim in unison.

Leo sighed and looked at them. “Did you really?”

“We ran into each other here last night,” Valerie started.

“We got a little hungry, so… we made rice balls,” Angela told him.

“Is that so?” he asked. “How did they turn out?”

“Tasty, but ugly as sin,” Valerie laughed. “Shaping them is harder than it looks.”

“Well, now we’re out of rice. Can you go buy some? We’re out of cabbage and picked plums, too.”

“Alright, I’ll go,” Angela said.

“…I’ll go with you!” Kaede said, standing up. “I’d like to buy some juice.”

Leo blinked. They had juice. He had just seen a full bottle in the fridge. He had to turn away from them to hide his smile. Kaede was just looking for an excuse to hang out with Angela. They left, and now Leo was alone with Valerie and Reiko.

“You’ve been spending most days with us here,” the redhead told Reiko. “We love having you here, don’t get me wrong, but do your parents really don’t mind?”

“I told you. They’re thrilled I’m going out with Leo,” Reiko shrugged. “They were getting worried that he’d end up choosing one of you all instead of me, but when they heard the thing about polygamy they were relieved more than anything else.”

Leo sat at the table with them, and immediately both girls scooted closer to him.

“You know, you’re not the only ones who got bombarded with questions at school,” Valerie said. “Someone even asked me if we had orgies every night.”

Leo and Reiko winced. “Well, that’s a little out of line,” he said.

“Right? I did kind of what to tell them yes just to see their reaction.”

“Speaking of. Leo, how’s progress on the Book?” Reiko asked.

“The cover already turned red. Not quite crimson, but it’s getting close. We might be done in a month or two at the pace we’re going.”

Whereas Leo thought Valerie would take the chance to initiate something naughty, she instead pursed her lips and looked down at the table. Curious, Leo had to ask.

“What are you thinking?”

She swallowed and looked back and forth between Leo and Reiko. “When… the curse is gone, could I… I mean, if you’re okay with it… Could I try to do some things with Reiko? Or Kaede? Or any of the others, really?”

Reiko was slightly taken aback, and her cheeks turned pink. “Oh. Right…” She took a deep breath and smiled at Valerie. “I’m up for it.”

Leo nodded. “You deserve that much. And well… For what is worth, it won’t bother me if it’s with anyone from our group.”

“Figured,” Valerie chuckled. “And thanks.” She pecked him on the lips, letting them linger for a sweet moment before pulling away.

Problem was, that was like adding kindle to Leo’s permanently lit fire. He held her waist and pulled her back in, kissing her harder. Valerie let herself be drawn in and opened her mouth to let his tongue inside.

Behind him, Reiko giggled. “Had to push the button, didn’t you?”

“I just… wanted to thank… him…” the redhead replied between breaths.

“I bet. Say… Can I get some of that, too?”

Valerie pushed Leo down on the floor, having him lay on his back. She got on top of him, yet leaving enough space for Reiko to get in on the action from his left. He now had two girls on top of him, assaulting his face with playful kisses as they laughed. Then, at some point in that mess, Valerie and Reiko tried to kiss his mouth at the same time.

All three tongues met, and there was half a second of hesitation on their part. Should one pull away? Should both pull away? Should… both just push on? They chose the latter. It was an even bigger mess, but they couldn’t stop. All three tongues intertwined in a sloppy, wet three-way kiss as Leo held them close and they held onto his hair. Their moans and breathing were loud and unrestrained. They bodies growing ever hotter until they were close to sweating.

Leo got a hand under their skirts to squeeze their asses, causing them to squirm and rub their bodies against his. At one point he decided to subtly pull his face away and watch as Valerie and Reiko made out only inches away from him.

His hands didn’t leave them, however, and he began to tease their pussies through their panties. They were already wet enough that their juices still covered his fingers. He moved their underwear aside and slid his fingers in. The two girls continued to passionately make out as Leo found their G-spots. Then, the pleasure burst into two simultaneous climaxes. Their lips remained locked as they shook on top of him until strength left them.

They collapsed on his chest, smiling and red-faced.

“I said… when the curse was gone,” Valerie gasped.

“Why wait?” Reiko asked, grinning widely.

They joined in another three-way kiss, this one slower and quieter, yet not any less sweet for it. They must have been at it for a long while, because what broke them out of it was someone coughing to draw their attention.

Angela and Kaede were at the door, bags in hand.

“You were having fun,” Angela teased.

Valerie and Reiko hurried to get off him, fixing their clothes and their hair as they tried to avoid looking at anyone in the eyes.

“Well… You know how it goes… Hahaha…” Valerie tried to laugh it up.

That was certainly interesting, no doubt. And not the first time the girls had gotten bolder over the past two weeks. Yeah, the curse would be gone soon at this rate. The girls would be free.

And they’d be able to live their lives as they always should have.


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