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It was Valerie’s second night of little sleep, though this time her thoughts kept coming back to scenes in the video she had watched. She tried watching random porn as well, only to find out it had little effect on her. She didn’t know those people, and in comparison, the sex looked fake.

Watching two random porn stars fuck made her feel nothing, while watching Leo and Reiko made her heart throb rapidly. Was it jealousy? Excitement? As she tried to fall asleep, she continued to debate that with herself. Whenever her thoughts weren’t showing her pictures of Leo’s dick, of course. Or Reiko’s breast, for that matter.

Late at night, Valerie would bite her lips her begin touching her own boobs, squeezing and pinching her nipples. It wasn’t her first time seeing a woman’s naked body. She’d seen her classmates in the showers, and even Angela in the gym. Why was it different now? The answer was obvious. The context was completely different.

And now that she’s thinking of these things, she’s starting to make connections. She’s seen Leo having sex, she’s seen Angela naked, and she knows those two do it a lot. Now Valerie has a clearer picture of how that actually looks like.

When she was finally blessed with a light sleep she woke up feeling like she’d only closed her eyes for a moment. She sat up on her bed, and instead of getting up she found herself reaching for her phone and playing the video again.

Her heart was calmer. The images were no longer a shocking surprise, but they yet were… mesmerizing. She still could hardly wrap her head around it. How could a couple of people who looked so… innocent fuck like their lives depended on it? That fervor, that closeness… Valerie wanted it, too. She wanted to share that and more with Leo. To kiss him when walking by in the hallway, for him to smile at her from the other side of the room, to throw away all cares and drown in carnal pleasure at the drop of a hat. And though she wouldn’t yet admit it, there was a teeny tiny voice in her mind that told her that… perhaps… she wouldn’t mind if another girl was there.


Breakfast that morning was the most awkward it had ever been for her. The guy she liked sat across from her, while four of his lovers sat at the same table. That wasn’t anything new, but Valerie was now seeing the scene through different glasses. She knew how Leo was during sex and had a better idea of how the others reciprocated.

Leo was attractive, both physically and in his personality, but now Valerie was realizing that the other women around her were also in a league of their own.

Angela was an American bombshell, only 19 years old yet looking slightly older. She had probably the biggest chest of the bunch, and though her body was athletic, toned and built for fighting, she wouldn’t have looked out of place in a ‘top 10 beautiful models’ list.

Kaede had a different charm altogether. She was busty and curvy like Angela, yes, but more fragile-looking with her slender frame. Valerie remembered her as quiet and gloomy from their first meeting. She had tried and failed to become someone she wasn’t at first, forcing herself to act hyper and outgoing when it was clear she didn’t like it. Now she looked happier, she smiled more and made conversation with more people, even if she was still fairly quiet. Her brown hair gleamed and was the longest out of everyone here, her face was lightly round and almost doll-like. Among the girls Valerie had seen in Japan, Kaede was definitely one of the prettiest.

Then there was Seina, and trying to compare appearances with her was just unfair. If Reiko and Kaede were top-tier beauties in Japan, then Seina was the person who created the class above them. Her shiny, long black hair; her fair, porcelain skin, her deep, penetrating grey eyes; that sexy beauty mark on the left side of her chin; her perfect, voluptuous figure; and that damn aura around her that made you want to keep looking at her forever. Thinking back, Valerie had never been more captivated by her than she was at this very moment. She struggled to tear her eyes away from her to look at the last of Leo’s lovers.

Lucia’s mature and elegant charm was undeniable, especially now that her bitchy attitude was mostly gone. She had Italian and Japanese blood in her, if Valerie remembered correctly, which made them European buddies in a way? Her blonde hair was paler than Angela’s golden mane, yet striking all the same. And not only was her figure as sexy as the other people at the table, but the way she moved and carried herself held a sort of dignity that stopped just short of seeming arrogant and stuck-up.

These were four of the women Leo was sleeping with. Undeniable beauties under normal circumstances, but today…

“Are you doing all right, dear?” Mrs. Wisler asked her. “You look a little flustered.”

Valerie’s heart nearly jumped to her throat. The last thing she wanted was to have attention called to her, and would you look at that, everyone turned to her.

“I’ve… been having troubles sleeping. It’s too damn hot for me,” she evaded masterfully.

“Yeah, what’s with this island?” Angela nodded with fervent agreement. “Can’t wait for winter. No, wait. How’s winter around here?”

“The complete opposite,” Lucia said, sighing. “It’s terribly cold, and the weather starts changing around the middle of autumn.”

That successfully changed the topic from her to the island’s weather, saving Valerie the scrutiny of Leo’s worried gaze.

Breakfast was over, and since it wasn’t her turn to wash the dishes, Valerie left the house to go on a much needed walk. Her stroll took her around town and to the beach, where the world itself was showing clear hits that it wanted to annoy her. Or maybe it was the fact that summer vacation meant more people came to the island. Or maybe she was just being dramatic and paying attention to things she wouldn’t usually. The fact was that there were more couples walking around than Valerie had ever seen.

There were young couples walking hand in hand and married tourists looking at the local shops. The beach was much the same, only with people in swimsuits. Valerie sat by the stone stairs and watched the mix of locals and foreigners, her stupid mind drawing even more comparisons.

No guy here was as good looking as Leo, and no woman was as pretty as of the ones Valerie was close to. A trivial though, since it wasn’t like she knew any of them or wanted to get to know them, but a passing thought nonetheless. Why did she have to focus on looks, though? Why did she keep looking at girls, too?

An hour passed, and Valerie had enough. She needed to talk to someone, and she’d already made a promise to approach someone first. She picked up her phone and made the call.

“Reiko? Are you free now?”

“Already? That was fast,”Reiko answered through the phone.

“I seriously need to talk to someone.”

“Then come over already!”


Valerie hung up and immediately made her way to Reiko’s house. She was allowed in by her mother and went up to Reiko’s room.

“We might have to speak a little low since my parents are here now,” she told her. “But it should be fine. How are you doing?”

“Weird.” Valerie fell back on Reiko’s bed. “Very, very weird.”

“I can imagine, but you wouldn’t have called me this early if you didn’t at least have an idea, right?”

“…” Valerie sighed. “Can I rant a little?”

“Go ahead.”

“See, I know I’m lucky amongst us in the Tensai Clan for not suffering the full effects of the curse. All my energy and focus has gone to my interests. I’ve been playing any and all sports since I was a child. I’ve ran and jumped more than some professional athletes, I bet. So other than thinking that a classmate was cute or that a football player was really good looking, I didn’t pay much attention to sex-related things. I watched some porn once because my friends kept talking about it, and I got curious. It didn’t do anything for me.”

“The video yesterday clearly did, though,” Reiko said.

Valerie nodded. “It was different. I know you and I live with Leo. It made me see lots of things more clearly. I’m also a little older, so maybe there’s that, too. The thing is, seeing Leo like that made me excited. It really did. But like I said, I never questioned my sexuality much. Never had the need to. I like Leo, of that I’m sure of. I just… didn’t expect to have an interest in girls as well.”

Valerie was looking at the ceiling, so when Reiko didn’t answer immediately, she had to raise her head to look at her.

“Sorry,” Reiko said, shaking her head and chuckling. “That was a little unexpected.”

“Right? I never even considered it a possibility, but after watching all three hours of the video last night, I found myself paying closer attention to the other girls at the house too, not just Leo.”

“But you’re not completely sure of this, are you?”

“Exactly. I can’t exactly claim to be bi after a night of pondering, can I?”

Reiko took in a deep breath, and though her knees shook slightly in her seat, she kept her eyes firmly on Valerie’s. “Was… I the one who triggered this?”

“Kind of,” Valerie answered, biting her lip and feeling the heat go to her cheeks. “You’re cute, but I think it was seeing you and Leo together that made me think that you looked sexy, too.”

“It’s kind of an unfair question, but how do you feel about me right now?” Reiko continued. “Just me, alone, sitting here in front of you.”

Valerie swallowed. “I still think you’re cute,” she admitted, “and I keep remembering the video. I’m also thankful you’re not creeped out by what I’m saying.”

“I won’t push you away after you decided to trust me with this, you know?” Reiko’s smile was reassuring. “This is important to you, isn’t it?”

Valerie nodded. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be. Now, let’s keep our priorities straight. Do these new feelings make you feel less attracted to Leo?”

Valerie closed her eyes and pictured Leonardo. She still felt the strong desire to have him hold her close, both lovingly and sexually. The picture yet made her heart race. “No, I still want to go out with him.”

“And how do you feel about the video now? How do you feel about me having sex with him?”

“Jealous,” Valerie answered easily. “Very jealous.”

“Because you don’t want me to do it with him?”

“I don’t know, and that’s where I’m stuck.” Valerie groaned. “A part of me feels like, yes, I’d want to be Leo’s only girlfriend, but then I think that… I wouldn’t mind so much if there was a third girl in the bedroom with us.”

“Want to try?”

“Eh?” Valerie quickly rose.

“We won’t get any answers only thinking of maybes, right?”


“Valerie, I’ll be honest with you, too. I want you to sleep with Leo. It makes me excited to hear you say you like him as much as you do, and I’m a little disappointed that the idea of sharing bothers you so much. But that’s neither here nor there. What’s important is that you understand your own feelings first. What I want doesn’t matter. So here’s my proposal. If you want to explore yourself and experiment, you can have a threesome with Leo and me. If you want to test things out with him alone first, that’s fine too. You already told me you don’t want to drag this out, so when you make up your mind, tell us, okay? I feel pretty confident speaking for him when I say we’ll be there to help.”

Valerie frowned. She heard one single thing there that bothered her a lot. “Before that, let me stop you on one point. What you want DOES matter, okay? Just because you enjoy sharing him doesn’t mean you should let me or anyone do whatever they want. Leo is still your boyfriend, right? I get that you trust him, but you shouldn’t give an indecisive idiot like me so much leeway.”

Reiko looked taken aback. “Would you rather I give you an ultimatum? Something like, ‘you either learn to share him or you don’t get him at all!’ kind of deal?” Her tone was half-joking and sarcastic, but her words made something in Valerie’s head click.

“You know what? That might be just what I need.”


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