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William, Nanami and the three incubi climbed up to the rooftop and looked in the direction in which they’d had their short encounter with the kobolds. From this distance, the lizard-like creatures were but even smaller silhouettes, but they were at least able to tell they were inspecting the boxes they had left.

Of course, the liquor wasn’t meant for them. It was meant for the oni quickly closing in on the smaller creatures. Having been alerted by Nanami’s scream, the noticeably bigger monsters went to inspect and were now face to face with the humanoid lizards.

William winced at the sight, and Nanami had to outright turn her gaze away. The little devils were slaughtered in less than a minute. Will felt a pressure in his chest and his stomach churned. His uncle and aunt owned a farm which he used to visit a lot as a kid, and his uncle made him help plenty of times when he had to kill chickens, pigs or lambs. He was desensitized enough to the killing of animals for food, but this wasn’t it.

The two oni took large, hard to identify blunt weapons, probably clubs or thick tree branches, and beat the kobolds until they were motionless on the floor. Azazel said that was what would most likely happen, but even when knowing it, seeing it made Will feel sick.

“They’re taking the loot!” one of the incubi noted with excitement.

Will squinted his eyes and managed to see. One of the oni took all three boxes while the other threw the boar over his shoulder. They left the bodies of the kobolds laying there as food for the birds, if there were any of those around.

“Their camp is further east, right? Then they’re going back!” the same incubus cheered. “You did it, Lord William, Ms. Nanami! It worked!”

All the incubi cheered at the success of their plan, but sadly Will and Nanami couldn’t join them. The young woman was still shaken from seeing… humanoid things dying just a few kilometers away from her. It probably didn’t hit her as hard because they weren’t human, but even so. As for Will, his mind had forcefully gotten over that scene in favor of what came next.

He alone would have to infiltrate the oni’s camp.


So far, Azazel’s plan was going perfectly, Will realized. He had been wary of a direct encounter with the oni and believed they wouldn’t have accepted the liquor as a gift as they were smart enough to be suspicious of it. Similarly, trying to use the same tactic they used on the kobolds to leave the boxes in front of them and then run away was too dangerous. The oni were stronger and far more aggressive than the cowardly lizards, and Will would’ve probably been forced into a more violent conflict, one in which no outcome was favorable. They needed the oni to take back the liquor into their camp of their own volition. Making them think they had won it as spoils in an easy fight against kobolds what their best bet.

The next part of the plans was going to their camp, wait for them to get drunk and free the prisoners. And this task fell squarely on Will and Ishtar’s shoulders. He wouldn’t be completely alone, as two of the healthier incubi would go with Will to both guide him and provide some manner of support. The other three would remain in the building with Nanami, protecting it to secure their way back.

They waited 40 minutes before heading out. Azazel stayed back, of course, injured as he was, along with Nanami and two other incubi. Will didn’t like leaving her alone, so he decided to make his stance clear to them.

“You’re not allowed to touch her,” he told them. “Be patient and you’ll have your women back before tomorrow.”

Nanami shifted in place, cheeks blushing and struggling to meet Will’s eyes.

‘Aww, she’s cute. I want to see her sucking your dick.’

‘You just don’t bother with subtlety, do you?’

‘But it’s true! And she’s been getting more and more curious. Poor girl has probably had to deal with more sex-related issues in these couple of days than she ever has before. Now she’s wondering what all the fuss is about.’

“Please, be at ease, Lord William,” one of the muscular incubi said. “We would cut our own dicks off before betraying your trust! You’re our only hope!”

“I don’t trust you, that’s the issue.” Will sighed. “Better than taking her with me, though.”

Will half expected Nanami to protest, but seeing the oni casually killing creatures she couldn’t have fought against made her reconsider.

“Will. Please, remember your objective. Don’t fight if it’s not necessary,” Nanami told him.

“Believe me, I want to get this over with as quickly and cleanly as possible.”

“Regrettably, we’re too weak to aid you in your infiltration,” said one of the incubi who’d be going with Will. “We’d only slow you down. But if we hear that something’s gone wrong, we’ll do what we can to lure the oni away from you and towards us.”

Will nodded. “Then we’re off.”

“May Lady Inanna’s will be with you, Lord William,” Azazel said.

Will and the two other incubi exited the building. One of his companions sighed, looking into the distance with worry. “We will do everything we can to help, Lord William, even if it means our death. It doesn’t matter how many of us are left. So long as there’s one male and one female, our tribe can recover. However…” he turned to Will with a nervous smile. “I’d still like to come back alive. If Ori is still alive, I’d like to come back with her.”

“Who’s Ori?” Will asked.

“My wife,” the incubus answered, making Will raise an eyebrow.

“You guys get married?”

“Of course! We love each other, so why wouldn’t we?” he laughed, then his gaze turned melancholic. “Albert, her second husband, however, died in the attack. Ah, but I’m wasting our time! Let us lead you to the oni’s camp!”

The group began their march, but the incubus’ words kept running circles in Will’s head.

“Her second husband? So… you guys practice polygamy?”

“Yes, but it’s a little complicated,” the other incubus began to explain with a light, cheerful tone. “Those of us, male or female, with strong sexual energy have the right to claim as many spouses as their power allows. Xal’s wife was strong enough to have two husbands. Our chief was strong enough to have five wives. Azazel would be able to claim four wives, if he decided to marry. And then there’s Ariana…”

“Ariana is one of the succubi who were kidnapped. At one point she surpassed the chief’s powers and would’ve been able to claim six spouses and challenge the chief for leadership. Then… the oni happened.”

‘They allow polygamy based on sexual power? Mmm… How many wives do you think you could have?’

‘No idea.’

‘They seem to think we’re totally out of their league, so at least more than six, right?’

‘I guess.’

‘Will, I sense that you’re not very happy with what we’re doing.’

Will sighed.

‘Sorry. I promised to help you, but it doesn’t mean shit if I do it reluctantly, huh?’

‘Good. You noticed on your own. I won’t ask you to forget what these guys did or tried to do, but at the very least try to understand them. I don’t know why, not yet, but they’re like me, and I want to know more. I didn’t think I’d find an answer to your question here of all places. So… please try to keep an open mind, okay? If not for them, then for me? Your pal Ishtar? Your mentor in all things sex and loyal confidant of all your woes?’

Will snickered.

‘Now you’re just being dramatic. But you’re right. I’ll… try to look past my issues with them.’

And Will knew a way to start.

“So… You’re Xal, right?” he asked the slender incubus.

The guy’s eyes widened and he nodded with a restrained smile. “Y-Yes, Lord William! I’m Xal!”

“And you are…?”

“Inoran, Lord William!” the big, buff incubus answered with more enthusiasm.

Xal and Inoran, Will repeated to himself. He supposed he should ask the names of the other two when he returned, along with the names of the succubi he was about to rescue.


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