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Things didn’t go any further in the hot spring because they’d been in there a little too long and knew that food would be arriving soon. Leonardo took a good look at Lucia’s body while she toweled herself, and she did the same with him. They put on their greyish-blue yukatas, and Leo was pleasantly surprised at how refreshing they were. Not to mention Lucia looked natural in one, and it hugged her figure in a very alluring way.

One of the waitresses arrived with dinner and served it on the low table. There was a wide assortment of dishes, consisting of an appetizer of fried tofu, some dumplings called gyoza, and pickled vegetables like lotus root; the main dishes, like, sashimi, a light beef stew, grilled fish, deep fried vegetables, seafood, something Lucia told him was called chawanmushi and looked like egg custard favored with fish stock, and a simple soup garnished with vegetables; there were also the staples like rice, miso soup and pickles.

But before Leo could dig on, Lucia grabbed a small ceramic bottle and poured a transparent liquid on two very small cups. “You’re supposed to start the meal with a drink, Leonardo.”

“No thanks,” he chuckled. “I’m not of age to drink in Japan, right?”

“By about a year, and you’re the proper age in over half the world already,” she shrugged. “You’re not going to let me drink alone, are you?” she asked him with a raised eyebrow.

Leo knew there were times when one had to remain firm in their personal beliefs, and times when it just wasn’t worth it. He would stop drinking the moment he started feeling any effects, so there shouldn’t be an issue and he wouldn’t risk souring the mood that way. So, with a resigned smile, he accepted the cup Lucia offered him and they shared a toast.

“To a fresh start?” he offered.

“Sure,” Lucia grinned. “And to a pleasurable night for us both.”

Leo gave the liquor a taste, and found it quite pleasing. It was warm and had a mild sweetness to it. He had used sake for cooking many times by now, but this was his first time trying it like this. He took his time savoring the drink while Lucia downed her first cup in no time and was already pouring herself a new one.

“Hey, don’t you think you should slow down?” he asked.

“This is nothing,” she assured confidently. “I can hold my liquor.”

So she said, but as they ate, Lucia drank more and more. Her cheeks and nose started getting red, her eyes lost some of their focus and her general body language became looser.

“I told you to slow down,” Leo sighed.

“Shhhut up,” Lucia said, lightly slurring her words. “How come you aren’t drunk?”

It was a good question. Leo decided to drink until he felt the first effects of the alcohol, but after several cups, he didn’t feel any different. Could it be…? “Maybe my resistance is just higher?” he mused.

“Ah! The Gift of Constitution! That makes sooooo much sense!” Lucia pointed her finger at him, then threw her head back to look at the ceiling. “Maaaan, I’m so jealous! I could drink so much if I had that! Why did I have to end up with this useless all-seeing Gift!?” she pouted. She leaned back, propping herself on her hands. Her movements were making her yukata become loose, and it was slowly opening to reveal more and more of her cleavage.

Seeing her like that was both eerie and endearing at the same time. It was weird. But it also made him remember an old saying: children and drunks always tell the truth. Was it wrong to take advantage of that?

“So you don’t like your Gift?” he asked.

“Fucking hate it,” she admitted, almost spitting her words. “People are right when they say ignorance is bliss. You can’t fucking trust anyone…” she groaned. “They all want the saaame! They lie to get ahead, they bribe and cheat to get what they want while you try to do things the right way. They take credit for your hard work! Worst is, they get away with it! Nobody fucking cares if you’re getting screwed over, so long as they get to profit! Fuck teachers and all they stand for!”

Hah!? What did teachers have to do with this? “Why teachers?”

“You think they give a damn about the kids they teach?” she asked, frowning and her anger still clear despite her slurred words. “They’re all just losers who couldn’t reach higher up and end up in schools where they can get a sense of superiority! I know you think I’m exaggerating, but it’s truuuue!” She pointed a finger at him. “And then I went to Vegas and everyone there is like that, too! It’s the same everywhere! Do you know how many people have tried to drug me in a bar!? I’ve never done drugs, I swear!”

Lucia went for another cup of sake, and dank it with such clumsiness than some spilled on her yukata and along the corner of her mouth. With how much she had, reading her emotions was becoming more… confusing. In a way, they were clearer and more honest than usual, but they seemed to follow a messy thought process that only made sense in her head.

Leo sighed. “Okay, you’ve had enough,” he said, moving to the other side of the table to get the bottle away from her.

“So it’s okay for you to do what you want, but not me, is that it?” Lucia frowned, pouted and poked Leo’s chest several times. Considering the icy stares she used to shoot him, seeing her pout like this was just cute.

“I’m just thinking there’s something else you’d rather do. At least I know I do,” Leo grinned and sneaked a hand inside Lucia’s yukata. He groped her breast, causing her to let out a cute moan of surprise. She looked at him, eyes burning with anticipation and licked her lips.

“You could stand to act like this more often,” she said, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him into a kiss while throwing herself back on the floor.

Leo landed on top of her, erection rising at the sensation of her tongue on his and her soft breast on his fingers.

“I haven’t drank enough that I won’t remember tonight,” she said, grinning. “So mess me up, handsome. Do what you want with me. Just let me feel even more of this.”


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