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The answer to where they were going became obvious to Leonardo the moment the cab stopped in front of the building. Located high up the mountain path, it was one of the few constructions on the island that still shared the old and traditional architecture of the Tensai Residence. It was very long and had two stories, with the thick forest and mountains at its back.

It was the traditional inn that Mrs. Wisler had told him about. The ryokan, as they were also called, was one of the biggest tourist attractions to the island throughout the year, even more so during holidays, but Leo never really expected to ever come here. Why would he spend a night at an inn when he lived in the island already? Clearly, Lucia didn’t share his view on the topic.

“We’re really staying here?” he asked hesitantly as he followed her inside the building, because the elegant look of the place stung at his frugal heart.

“There’s a couple of rooms here with private hot springs,” Lucia answered. “They’re usually always taken, but since the holidays are still a few months away, it was easy to make the reservation.”

They were welcomed by a woman fully clad in a purple kimono. She bowed politely to them, confirmed their reservation and guided them through the long hallways to their room, which was… What was a good way to put it?

Lucia chuckled. “For the most expensive room here, it’s pretty disappointing, huh?” she said once the lady had left.

“…A little,” Leo had to admit. It wasn’t that the room looked bad. It looked incredible. It was ample, had tatami flooring and it was divided into areas by sliding paper screen. The living room had a shiny low table for two made of dark wood and seats for it and a big, flat screen TV. There were two robes, or actually, yukatas prepared for them, too. The bedroom had a queen sized bed and led to a bathroom with a wooden tub. The problem with all this was that… it was pretty similar in style to the Tensai Residence.

“The point of these inns is to give the customers a taste of traditional Japanese aesthetics. That point is lost when we’re living in a place that was built a little under 100 years ago,” Lucia told him. “Even so, the aesthetics aren’t why we’re here,” she said, walking to another sliding door at the end of the room. She opened it, showing the way to a small garden surrounded by tall bamboo walls. Stone stairs and a stone path led to a small pool of hot, spring water.

“Okay, we don’t have THAT at home,” Leo eloquently noted.

“The owner said they’d bring us dinner in 40 minutes, and we have the most private room in the whole building. You’re not against a quick soak before the food gets here, are you?” Lucia asked with a glint of excitement.

“Definitely not against it.”

Lucia, with her back to him, slowly started undressing then and there, taking Leo aback for a single moment. He watched her lower her pants and panties, giving him a clear view of her peachy butt while she unbuttoned her shirt. Finally, Lucia undid her bra, giving him a peek of side boob of a second before she walked to the hot spring, not looking back but gently swaying her behind. Only then did Leo notice he’d been staring and not undressing. He took the chance to also get a couple of towels for them and followed Lucia after taking off his own clothes.

“Haaaaah,” Lucia let out a delighted sigh as she slowly sank into the hot water up to the shoulders. The ripples on the water prevented him from getting a clear look at her body, something he was surprised to notice he was annoyed by.

Leo went in as well, sitting at a spot about an arm’s length away from Lucia. He could almost feel the effects of the water in his muscles. He relaxed immediately, and the warmth of the pool with the light spring breeze on his face was a nice contrast.

“I went to some hot springs in Colorado once,” Lucia started, her tone and body relaxed as she put her arms over the edge of the small pool and looked up into the dark, starry sky. “It was nice, if a little too rustic for my taste. I heard it used to be a ghost town in the middle of the mountains and surrounded on all sides by trees, kind of like this one, but was restored and now it’s one of the most popular hot spring resorts in the US. The water was almost red from all the minerals, so it was a little unnerving at first.” She sighed softly. “But there was no arguing with the experience. It was incredible.”

“…” Leo was taken aback for a moment, but then found himself smiling. “How do they compare to this place?”

“This one might be popular, but you can’t begin to compare,” she said, shaking her head lightly. “Still, if we go by aesthetics, I prefer this one. I said it wasn’t impressive, but I like traditional Japanese architecture far more than log cabins.”

“Did you go alone?” he asked.

“Of course not. That’s not the kind of place I’d go to on my own. Some friends had prepared a trip and invited me to go with them. I’m glad I accepted. It’s a nice memory.”

“How are your friends?”

“A bunch of hedonistic assholes,” Lucia declared with a small grin. “Sons and daughters of rich people spending daddy and mommy’s money as they want. They should be somewhere in India by now.”

Leo was surprised. Despite the words, there was no malice or ill-meaning behind them. “That’s a weird way to speak of your friends,” he commented.

“It’s the reason they’re my friends,” Lucia said. “You’ve probably seen it now, right? Even with a weak version of our Gift, you should be able to see just how selfish people are. Everyone seeks their own pleasure. Altruism doesn’t exist. It’s only a tool so that people won’t collapse under the guilt of following their own wishes. At least these people are honest about it.”

Leo held back a groan. He couldn’t disagree more, but saying so would lead to a debate that would ruin the night. There had to be a way to be less confrontational while still having a proper conversation. After all, Lucia was trying.

Their first night together, Lucia insisted there was no point in talking when all they wanted out of each other was sex. Now, she had started the conversation of her own volition. It hadn’t escaped him.

“Maybe there’s some truth to what you’re saying,” he admitted. “But I think you’re being too extreme about it.”

“Am I?”

“Yeah,” he said with a calm smile. “It’s true that people try to find their own happiness, but that doesn’t mean we can’t help others find theirs along the way. That’s how friendships form, and those relationships makes us happier in turn. But if you look at it that way, I guess it means you’re right in the end.” Leo laughed as he realized that.

Lucia shook her head in resignation. “You’re staring to sound like my mother.”

“Is that good thing? If I’m being honest, she scares me a little.”

Lucia snickered before she burst out laughing. “Right? She’s meddlesome, sneaky, always knows what you’re thinking, seems to know everyone and always gets what she wants. Goes to show just how powerful a well-trained Gift can be.” Lucia sighed and looked directly at Leo. “I know I’m not nearly as good as she is, which is why I still don’t know all she sees in you.”

“Neither do I,” Leo shrugged.

“But I have to admit that the last few days have made me… curious,” Lucia admitted. “There might be worth in getting to know you a little more.”

“I’m flattered,” Leo chuckled. “And I’d be happy if you can get anything out of it. I’d like to get to know you too, because I don’t believe what I’ve seen so far is all there is to you.”

“Let’s start over, then,” Lucia said, grinning and moving closer to him until her shoulder was touching his. “Let’s get to know each other in different ways.”

“That’s all I wanted from the very beginning.”

He was the one to lean forward first. He captured her lips, and Lucia wasn’t surprised. She parted her lips and allowed his tongue inside her mouth, body shivering from sudden, unknown pleasure.

The kiss marked a new start, one that looked better than their first, but it was up to them to lead this strange relationship to a place that was fulfilling for them both.


Author's Note: It's weird. I didn't like this one when I finished writing it, but on proof reading I actually enjoyed it. Shows that taking a step back really does help at times. But that's me. I really hope you guys are enjoying this as well.


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