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Though Leonardo knew it was too late to change anything, when he heard Mrs. Wisler’s voice announcing her arrival from the entrance of the house, he looked around the kitchen to check if everything was in order one last time. The udon noodles would be ready in about five more minutes, and he’d start frying the tempura when it was time to eat so it wouldn’t get cold. The dining room was spotless, as was the rest of the house. He’d already taken care of laundry, so nothing was hanging to dry outside. There was nothing else that could be done but to meet the new people.

It didn’t stop his head from spinning out of nerves, though. Angela looking at him like she was frustrated with his nerves made him want to put up a more confident front, but it was hard. The pressure was too much. What was expected of him and would he be able to meet those expectations? There was no more time to wonder, because the door to the room was sliding open, and five people came through.

Behind Mrs. Wisler were an athletic-looking girl with dyed red hair, and elegant looking blonde woman, another woman wearing sunglasses and a black shawl that covered her head, and a young woman with long, dark brown hair and wearing a trendy outfit consisting of a white shirt with horizontal black stripes and a tight denim skirt.

“Angela, Leonardo, it’s good to see you two again,” Mrs. Wisler greeted them with a smile.

“Did you have a good trip?” Angela asked after giving the other women a quick glance.

“I did, thank you,” the old lady answered. “Now, I bet you’re all eager to get to know each other, but it seems like Leonardo is getting the food ready. Why don’t we take a seat and talk over dinner?”

“That guy cooks?” the girl with the dyed hair asked, and Leo was surprised to hear someone speak Spanish after such a long time.

“And very well, too,” Mrs. Wisler nodded to the question and also spoke in Spanish.

The five new arrivals sat around the table, finally making it look full for once. Leo fried the tempura and strained the noodles. He served them in a bowl, poured soup into it and topped it with tempura shrimp, carrots, eggplant and okra. Angela helped him get the bowls to the table.

“I haven’t had traditional Japanese food in years,” the elegant blonde said in English, inspecting the bowl of udon noodles. “You aren’t Japanese, though,” she told him.

“N-No. I’m Chilean.”

“Chilean? Where’s that?” the woman with the sunglasses asked, raising an eyebrow.

“South America,” said the brown haired girl. However, she seemed surprised at her own answer and looked down and away from all eyes. She gave her thanks for the food and started eating without saying anything else.

“Let’s eat, then,” Mrs. Wisler said.

Everyone started to dig in. And as Leo’s father used to say, when people don’t talk during meals it’s that there is nothing to say or the food is too good. And considering there was a lot to say, he had to trust that this time it was also the latter. While they all ate in silence, Leo subtly allowed himself to check on everyone’s reactions. Angela’s was a given. She ate with gusto, savoring the noodles, the toppings and drinking to the last drop of soup. Mrs. Wisler ate slowly, but she was enjoying the food just as much. The real question was how the new people would react.

The athletic girl frowned at the first taste. She chewed on the noodles for a while before having another bite. Then another and another. Before she’d realized it, her bowl was empty. The woman with the sunglasses (she still hadn’t taken them off, nor the shawl covering her) didn’t say anything, either, but the flavor didn’t surprise her. Rather, she seemed pleased and also finished her bowl. The girl with the trendy outfit finished eating before Leo could even look at her expression, but he guessed it was a good sign. Maybe. The problem was…

“Lucia, is there a problem?” Mrs. Wisler asked the elegant looking woman, whose name was apparently Lucia. Leo looked her way, and noticed she hadn’t finished the food and her chopsticks were on top of her bowl.

“There’s no problem at all. I’m just too used to high quality meals prepared by the best chefs in the world using the best ingredients. I suppose it’s only natural that this is just not up to par.”

It was like a dagger piercing Leo’s heart. His chest felt cold as a deep sense of disappointment settled, all directed at himself. He tried not to let it show, but wasn’t sure he’d succeeded.

“Hey,” Angela started with a scowl, but Mrs. Wisler cut her off.

“I see,” Mrs. Wisler shook her head. “You’ve become spoiled, is what you’re saying. Such a disappointment.”

“What?” Lucia asked, rising an eyebrow. “Are you saying I should force myself to eat food that’s below me?”

Another stab directly at his heart.

“You’ve even forgotten common courtesy? I should’ve never let you go on your own,” Mrs. Wisler sighed and turned to Leo. “I apologize for my daughter’s rude comments, Leonardo. She’s become a spoiled brat, but I hope you can see past that in time.”

“D-Daughter…!?” Angela exclaimed, glancing from one woman to the other. The shock even made Leo momentarily forget about the wound to his pride.

“Yes, my name is Lucia Wisler. I’m 30 years old and have been living in America for the last three years. I speak, English, Japanese, Italian, French and German.” She introduced herself like the quarrel between her and her mother had never happened. “As you may have inferred already, my Gift is the same as my mother’s.”

Wait. So she also had the ability to perfectly read people’s emotions? Well, that made things even more embarrassing.

“Seina, dear,” Mrs. Wisler spoke, looking at the woman with the sunglasses. “I understand why you covered yourself on the way here, but you’re not planning to stay like that forever, are you?”

“Ugh…” the woman grunted and reluctantly removed her shawl and sunglasses. It nearly took Leo’s breath away, and he wasn’t the only one affected. All eyes were on her, with Angela and the redhead blinking in surprise.

“My name is Seina Miryoku,” she said in English. “I’m 24 years old. I’m a voice actress and I’m currently taking a bit of a break.” She swallowed. “My Gift is…” She stopped there and looked away from the group.

“Too embarrassing to say it yourself?” Mrs. Wisler asked with a chuckle, prompting a nod from Seina. “Seina-chan’s Gift is her immeasurable natural charm. The way she speaks and carries herself draws people’s attention, not to say anything of her looks. It’s why she chose to hide herself on the way here.”

So that was it. Not only was she as gorgeous as everyone else here, but the way her eyes set on him, if only for a second, shook Leo to the core and made his heart beat faster. He felt like he wanted to look at her forever.

“Kaede-chan?” Mrs. Wisler prompted, looking at the brunette who jolted at the mention of her name. She looked at everyone sitting at the table before she shook her head and turned to them with a big smile and a peace sign.

“H-Hello everyone!” she greeted them cheerfully, and though she was clearly Japanese, she spoke clear, perfect English too. “My name’s Kaede Chiteki! I just turned 18 on May 3rd! I l-like music, ice cream and going shopping! My favorite color is blue! M-My Gifts is… My… Gift…” all her energy seemed to leave her in an instant. “…I’d rather not say,” she told them, looking down at the table.

“That’s alright, dear,” Mrs. Wisler told her. “Valerie.”

“Em…” The redhead, Valerie, looked around nervously. “Uh…”

“Leonardo,” Mrs. Wisler addressed him in Spanish. “Could you please translate for her? She doesn’t speak any other languages beside Spanish.”

“Oh,” Leo nodded. “Sure. No problem.”

“If so, then…” Valerie cleared her throat with a cough and introduced herself. “I’m Valerie Dexter. 18 years old. I like sports… I think. But whatever. I only speak Spanish, so… yeah. My Gift is that I have fast reactions and perfect control of my body. There is no sport I can’t master.”

Leo translated for her from Spanish to English, and what Angela heard made her raise an eyebrow. “I guess it’s my turn now? I’m Angela Straight. 19 years old. I like fighting and lazing around. My Gift is that I’m pretty strong, I guess.” Her introduction earned her odd, questioning looks, but none of them fazed her.

“Finally, Leonardo.”

It was finally his turn, huh? “I’m Leonardo Contreras,” he said. “I’m 19 years old. My Gift is that I have near endless stamina. I like…” Cooking, he was about to say. But his eyes fell on Lucia’s half-full bowl and he just couldn’t bring himself to say it. “…I don’t really have any hobbies.” Could his introduction have been any more boring? He was sure he’d lost them all right then and there.

“As I’ve told you all already,” Mrs. Wisler started. “Leonardo is the holder of the Book of Eros. How are things on that front, Leonardo?”

Leo’s body stiffened. They would talk about that immediately!? He barely knew these people! But… they were all here for THAT reason, weren’t they? What point was there to avoid the fact? Besides, they were all incredible beauties. He couldn’t help but get a little excited at the thought. He sighed.

“There haven’t been any more changes since the email I sent you. The conditions for the Gift of Control and Gift of Giving were completed and are working properly.”

Mrs. Wisler smiled and clapped her hands once. “Excellent! That means we can start tonight.”

“T-T-Tonight!?” Angela exclaimed. Alongside her, the two youngest girls at the table also seemed taken aback.

“We have no time to lose, dear. We’ve been passive for too long. But before that, I need to look at the Book, Leonardo. We need to make sure it can’t be tampered with again. Please, come to my room once we’ve finished eating. I’m sure Lucia will be more than happy to take care of the dishes.”

“Hah!?” the blonde exclaimed, but her mother paid little attention to her protests.


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