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‘What are we doing heeeereee? If you’re not gonna fuck anyone, go back home at the very least!’

William was sitting in class, pale as a ghost and with one giving him a bigger headache than the one he’d woken up with. At least she’d given up on trying to make him as horny as possible, noticing that he’d still resist her and that it only made them both feel worse. Really, they were locked in a battle neither was destined to win. Will couldn’t even pay attention in class. He’d come out of his sense of responsibility, but if these were the results, he was better off staying in bed.


‘Shut up for a goddammed minute, will you!?’

‘Hey, class is over and there are girls looking at you. I bet you could take like five of them back to your room at the same time.’

Okay, William was starting to feel pity for Ishtar. Her suggestions weren’t even clever anymore, a clear sign of desperation. And even if she had stopped trying to overflow his body with sexual energy, he still felt her pain directly. He really, REALLY wanted to fuck someone. The girls around were good looking, so maybe he could… No! What if he did something he’d end up regretting again? Dammit. He just wanted to be back home. He got only four hours of sleep, after all. Thank god his place was right in front of the university.

And yet, returning to his apartment building, something that should’ve brough a small sense of comfort, instead sent a chilling sensation down his back. Why? Because two people he knew were right in front of the gates, looking away from each other and down at their phones.

‘Are those Reina and… what was the other’s name? Ruth? Yeah, Ruth.’

‘…What are they doing here!?’

‘You need to ask? They’re both horny as hell. They can’t go another day without you.’

‘Don’t sound so excited about it.’

‘Say what you want. I bet they’ll tie you to the bed and fuck you silly!’

Then Will’s phone buzzed inside his pocket, still in vibration mode from class. He looked at it to see two messages had arrived at the same time.

‘Will, I’m outside your apartment. Can I come in?’ Was Reina’s message.

‘How are you doing Will? Still sick? I came to see you.’ Was Ruth’s message.

William swallowed. What would happen now that these two were here together? Sure, Reina knew about Ruth, and the blonde waitress knew from the start there were other women, too. But now he couldn’t use Ishtar’s power to smooth things over if they went somewhere unpleasant.

But also… it wasn’t like he could run away from this.

With a sigh, he stepped forward and called out to them, “H-Hey…”

The brunette and the blonde turned to him, and they approached with smiles on their faces that quickly turned to frowns as the got closer.

“Oh my God, Will! You look terrible!” Reina exclaimed.

Ruth blinked and turned to Reina, but her mind seemed to work quickly and she immediately inferred that this other girl was, at the very least, one of Will’s sex friends. She looked hesitant for a moment, but then turned to him and, with worry in her brow, pushed away other thoughts and put a hand on his forehead.

“You’re burning, too! What the hell are you doing out of bed?” she said.

Reina also blinked at Ruth, but it didn’t take her long to understand the situation, either.

“I… I had class…” Will said, trying to laugh it off.

“You’re pale and have a fever,” Ruth said, turning to Reina. “Let’s take him inside.”

“Yes,” his girlfriend nodded, unhesitant. They each grabbed him by the arm and dragged him into his apartment, and it wasn’t like he had the strength to resist even if he wanted to.

‘Hehehe… Here it comes! Finally!’

Once in his room, the two girls took Will to his bed. Reina took off his shirt while Ruth pulled down his pants and took off his shoes. Then Reina went to his drawer, took a random T-shirt and put it on him while Ruth opened the bed and helped him inside.

“Have you eaten?” Reina asked.

“N-No…” Will answered, all tuckered out in his bed, wearing only boxers and a T-shirt.

“I can’t cook very well,” Ruth said. “Can you do that? I’ll clean up here.”

“Sounds good,” the brunette nodded.

‘Wait, what!?’

From his bed, Will could see Reina preparing some kind of soup in the kitchen in front of him while Ruth got his clothes and threw them into a basket for laundry before she started sweeping the floor.

‘The hell!? Why are they not fucking you?’

‘Haha… Maybe your senses are getting dull with how sick we are…!’

‘My senses are fine! They’re horny as all hell. But… But… Argh! I give up!’

With Ishtar now silently sulking in the back of his mind and with Reina and Ruth doing… whatever it was they were doing, William’s exhaustion caught up to him and he fell asleep.


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