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Or at least, it was about to be two weeks. In one more day, the one month needed to activate the Gift of Giving would be complete. Or so Leonardo hoped.

During the very early hours of Saturday morning, with the sun still 30 minutes away from rising from the sea, and as he mindlessly carried heavy coolers filled with ice from the shed to the boats already in the water, Leo’s mind kept wandering to places that made his stomach tighten painfully. In one more day, he and Angela would be able to finally do it. That’s how it should be, if everything went according to plan. But too many new ‘what ifs’ came up every few minutes.

What if the count of the days hadn’t started from the time he and Reiko were first together, when he fingered her for the first time and she gave him his first ever orgasm, but rather it started the first time they’d had penetrative sex? If so, there would be at least one more week to go. Angela was sure to be extremely disappointed if that was the case. He’d be too, of course, but his blonde girlfriend had been looking forward to this for too long.

But this was all considering the Book of Eros worked as they all expected it to. What if the entity that had contacted him messed with the Book again and got rid of the Gift of Giving as well. Nothing weird had happened since that day, but it didn’t mean nothing could happen anymore, right? Every day Leo would wake up with some level of anxiety and check the book, expecting there to be a new message. Seeing nothing was both relieving and unnerving at the same time. It was an eerie silence he wasn’t sure if he liked or not. He set the final cooler down on the boat with these thoughts in mind, and it was Sasaki-san’s voice that woke him up.

“Hey, Leo-Kun? Are you feeling alright?” the woman asked him, a look of genuine concern on her face.

“Yes,” Leo answered with a sigh and a self-conscious smile. “Just thinking of the things I have to do during the day,” he lied. “By the way, you’re looking great today as well, Sasaki-san.”

“Oh? Thank you,” she chuckled. “I’ve been sleeping a little better lately, so that might be why.”

There was a second reason for Leo’s wry smile, and that was that his efforts to get Sasaki-san to see him in another light had completely failed so far. He’d tried to be somewhat flirty, complimenting her looks whenever he could subtly sneak a comment, and working closely with her. But none of that was working, as Sasaki-san seemed to still see him as little more than a good kid and a helpful part-timer. She either wasn’t taking his comments seriously or he was being too subtle. He was at a loss. He didn’t know what to do and was too afraid of doing something drastic that caused Sasaki-san to see him less favorably, but it also made him anxious because he wasn’t making any progress towards the removal of the curse other than continuing his relationship with Reiko. Still, thinking of his girlfriend improved his mood a bit, since she’d be going back to his house today for some quality curse-cleansing attempts.

“You have school today, right? Will you be on time?” the older woman asked.

“I made it just in time last week,” he nodded. “I have to go back home to get changed and prepare breakfast, but if I run I can make it to school in time.” Still, who in their right mind thinks school on a Saturday is okay? It might just be until noon, but even so, Japan was weird.

“Run? After all the work you do here at the harbor? No sir,” Sasaki-san smiled. “We have a bike here that no one uses. Take it.”

“W-What? No, I couldn’t!” Leo shook his head. “I can easily run all the way home, so don’t worry.”

“Even if you can, do you really want to always risk being late?” she asked with a chuckle. “Don’t worry and take it. If you’re late to school because of work, they might make you quit, you know? And you’ve been too big a help to let you go.”

“Ugh.” Leo hadn’t considered that, so with a resigned smile, he accepted. He finished his work, and with a wave to Sasaki-san and the five other fishermen, Leo rode the bicycle back home in a quarter of the time it would’ve taken him to run. He took a shower and made breakfast for Angela, who was getting out of the shower when he arrived, and for himself. They made to school with minutes to spare that day.


“Haaah! Yes! Yes, right there!” Reiko moaned as he thrust into her from below.

The sky outside was darkening, and with the curtains closed and the lights off, Leo’s room was following through. Yet he and Reiko were far too busy for the thought of light to even cross their minds.

Leo held his girlfriend’s naked form around the waist as he thrust into her pussy and she squirmed in delight on top of him. She moaned her approval every time he reached deep inside her, lovingly holding his face to reward him with sloppy kisses as she mumbled, “I love you… I love you…!”

Their sweaty bodies pressed against each other made for heat that would be otherwise uncomfortable were it not for the intense pleasure numbing their brains to anything but their partner.

“I’m coming, Leo…! You’re making me come again!” Reiko moaned.

Leo let his hips do the talking for him as he quickened his pace, holding onto Reiko even tighter and taking one of her nipples into his mouth. He soon came alongside her, letting himself go inside the condom as Reiko rolled her tongue around his, riding her own orgasm. They looked at each other with satisfied smiles and wordlessly agreed to go for another round, but the pink light coming from the Book of Eros made them stop.

Reiko swallowed as the light faded. “Y-You think…?”

Leo bit his lip and rose to take the book. He hesitantly flipped through the pages, dreading to see yet another message from the entity. But he let out a sigh of relief when he found something different.

“It says the conditions for the Gift of Control have been met,” Leo informed with a small smile.

“Oh! That was doing it 20 times with a condom, right? WAIT. Did we really JUST reach 20 times? It feels like we’ve done it more.” Reiko blinked.

“I’m sure it doesn’t count when we’ve done… other things.”

“Ahaha…” she laughed sheepishly.

“So this means we don’t have to use protection anymore…” Leo swallowed. It didn’t look like this was tempered with by the entity. Everything happened the same way as when the Gift of Recovery had activated. And if that had the incredible power of reviving his dick, he had no reason to doubt this power would let him control the fertility of his sperm at will, as it said. A small, excited smile snuck into his lips and he turned to look at his lovely girlfriend. “Should we give it a try?”

Reiko’s eyes lit up, and her smile grew more excited with every passing millisecond. “Yes! Let’s do it!” she said, leaning forward on the futon, her perfect breasts hanging, bouncing and swaying as she did. Leo leaned over her, and the two shared a passionate kiss to start things again.

But the sound of Leo’s phone broke the moment. Though they both groaned in clear irritation, Leo moved to take it and Reiko didn’t stop him. The reason was that the phone had made the distinct sound of receiving an email. And the only person who sent him emails was…

“It’s Mrs. Wisler,” he confirmed.


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