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Hello everyone,

Sorry for the wait, but after a week of rest I have my batteries recharged. I've been able to look at my work with a new perspective, think about what I really want to get out of it and what direction I want to go in. I might get a little experimental with the stories in the near future, but I'm hoping we'll all have fun with it at least.

I've been trying a new way of outlining my stories and it seems to be working so far. And by new way I mean I'm actually writing my outlines instead of just keeping them in my head. There are a lot of things I'm learning that if I told you would make you go "Wait, you didn't already know that!?".

Chapters for Book of Eros and Spirit of Lust should be going up as usual now. Thank you for the wait and I hope you continue to enjoy my silly stories.



How was your break? Had some good wanks?


Actually decided to keep my head clean for once. I write erotica, so not thinking about smut was also part of the break hahaha.


Good to have you back.