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Ruth decided to spend most of Sunday with him as well, which William welcomed. He got to know her a little better, they fucked a lot more, and he got to practice his new powers on her, something she thoroughly enjoyed.

‘I’m surprised how quickly you’ve taken to sexual energy.’

‘I still can’t do the things you did, though.’

‘Of course not. If you could, I wouldn’t be surprised, but offended. I control sexual energy the way you control your breathing. It’s everything that I am.’

‘Will I ever be able to do what you can?’

‘Possibly. Especially at the rate you’re going. I should thank that girl, Ruth, in some way. She proved to be a great test subject.’

‘Can’t you at least call her practice partner?’

‘You really did fall for her, didn’t you? She was only supposed to be a random woman for you to practice on.’

‘I can’t have sex with a woman and not develop some feelings for her. It’s my nature!’

‘I should break that nature.’

‘You already said it was what allowed us to work well together, so give it up. I know you’re bluffing already.’

Ishtar clicked her tongue in annoyance. Or at least that was what William heard. He didn’t really think Ishtar had a tongue of her own.

“…then that’s all for today. See you all next class,” said the professor as he dismissed the class.

“Hey, Will,” his friend Jeremy called him before he left. “Want to hang out somewhere?”

“Sorry,” William said with a regretful smile. “I got a part-time job and I need to go there today.”

“Did you now? What are you doing?”

“I’m a photographer for an online magazine,” he said.

“Really? That’s good!” Jeremy nodded. “You’ve been looking better, too. Already over your ex?”

“You shouldn’t be bringing that up at all,” William laughed. “But… yeah, I sort of am. Trying to keep myself busy, mostly.”


“Well, good luck, Will.”

“Thanks, Jeremy,” he answered.

William left the university building and took the bus to Ladies Magazine headquarters. At the lobby, his eyes instantly fell on Anna, who got up from her seat the moment she saw him and ran up to him with a smile.

“Will!” she greeted, throwing herself into his arms and mashing her lips against his, slipping her tongue between them. Will reciprocated for a while before pulling away, smiling.

“I don’t think this is a very professional greeting, Anna,” William chuckled.

“S-Sorry!” she said, stepping away from him and looking around the lobby. “There’s no one else here though, so nobody saw. I kind of forgot where I was for a moment,” she giggled.

“Did you finish your assignments for college?” he asked her.

“I did!” she answered with an excited and relieved smile, giving him a thumbs up. “I had so much energy when I got home. It was like you got rid of all my stress and my work went super smoothly!”

“Glad to know I was of some help.” William leaned in for a quick peck on the lips that left Anna feeling giddy. “I need to go see Mrs. Evans now, but… would you like to go back to my place tonight?”

Anna’s smile faded and it turned into a sad grimace. “I have classes tomorrow morning, and I know that if I go with you I’ll be tempted to stay the night.”

“Then we’ll leave it for another day, don’t worry,” he told her, kissing her forehead.

“Okay…” Anna sighed. “Good luck today, Will.”

“You too.”

William got into the elevator, and though part of him hoped to run into Reina again, that didn’t happen. Instead, he saw three women who he guessed were some of the many other models for the magazine. They were all gorgeous, but he only exchanged brief greetings with them as they got on and off the elevator. He was the only one going to the last floor.

He knocked on the door and heard Cynthia telling him to come in. She lifted her head from her computer the moment she heard the door close. She looked tired, with slumped shoulders and slightly unfocused eyes, but the moment she saw him she smiled and got up from her seat.

“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” she chuckled, walking up to him.

“You look beat,” he said, hugging her by the waist.

“I am,” she nodded, hugging him by the neck. “But first, your welcome kiss.”

Their tongues met before their lips, and they made out in the middle of Cynthia’s office without a care in the world. William considered using Ishtar’s power to see if it would help her, but…

‘If what you want is only to lift her spirits, forget it. You’re not good enough yet to do something as subtle as that. You’ll only get her horny. Though I think that’s a better approach, myself.’

“I didn’t think not seeing you all weekend would be so hard,” Cynthia breathed. “But now that you’re here, I realize how much I missed you.”

“You’re not feeling this tired just because we didn’t see each other, are you?”

She shook her head. “Of course not. And I’m not that weak.”

“Then what is it?”

“What? You really care?” she chuckled.

“Of course I do. Why wouldn’t I?”

“Because I’m just your boss and one of the women you fuck?” she asked.

“You underestimate just how much I care about the women I fuck,” he told her, caressing her cheek. “How can I help?”

She leaned into his touch for a moment, closing her eyes. She then led him by the hand to her chair and had him sit there. She sat on his lap with her legs to the side and her arms around his neck.

“Let me vent to you for a moment?” she asked, not hiding her exhaustion.

“Go ahead,” he told her, letting her rest her head against his shoulder as he rubbed her back.

“It’s only Monday and I’m already this tired,” she sighed. “After we did it on Friday, I was feeling amazing. But then my family had to ruin everything.”

“What did they ruin?”

“My daughter is in college and living on her own with a roommate. She’s always been a brat. I suppose that’s what I get for thinking money is a substitute for parental presence. She came home demanding I gave her money to buy new clothes. We had a fight when I told her that it was time she worked to buy the things she wanted.”

“I don’t think you were wrong to tell her that.”

“Yes, but you understand how hard money is to get. She doesn’t. I’m worried about her,” Cynthia said, taking William’s hand in hers and interlocking fingers. “Then there’s my husband…”

A sudden pressure assaulted William’s chest.

‘Don’t worry. She likes you far better than her husband.’

‘I don’t think that’s a good thing, though…’

“I had invited some sponsors for dinner at my house. Everything was going well, until my husband decided to drink more than he should have and started insulting the man and hitting on his wife.”

William winced.

‘Still feel bad?’

‘Not so much.’

“I thought he was making progress with his drinking problem, but it’s always like this. The moment he touches alcohol he loses control! Of course, we fought, too. So now I’m angry at both my daughter and my husband. And who am I telling this to? To a kid I just hired to fuck my models and take pictures of them!”

William remained quiet. Still holding her, still rubbing her back, his hand still holding hers.

Cynthia’s eyes widened when she realized what she had said. “I’m so sorry…! I-I didn’t mean that! I…”

“It’s fine,” he told her. “You asked me to let you vent, and I’m here to listen.”

“It’s not fine,” she shook her head. “Really, I didn’t mean that last part.”

“It’s the truth, though,” he chuckled. “That’s what you hired me for, right?”

“W-Well, yes, but… I can’t deny you’re good at your job.”

“Hm?” William had to wonder what she meant.


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