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Chapter 213 - Intermission 18: The musings of Lilian Reed.

“How are you doing?” Olivia asks her, sitting next to her on the sand as they look at the other groups having their swimming race.

“I’m fine. It’s not so bad.” Lilian tells her friend as she massages her own leg.

“You gave us a scare there.” Jessica comments.

“Sorry. But you know I’m a terrible swimmer. When I felt my leg cramp I panicked.”

“And of course the first one to help had to be him.” Olivia groans.

But right after she does, a rare triple sigh occurs.

It’s frustrating. It’s frustrating, because for him it was probably nothing. He just casually helped someone like he always does. But to Lilian… it’s yet another thing that shows her what Olivia and Jessica see in him.

And she’s starting to see it too.

She’ll still stand by her words. David is still not much more than a nice guy. But… when he’s being a nice guy towards HER… it makes her feel things.

He helped her when her leg cramped up in the water. Looking back, she panicked over something that wouldn’t have been so terrible if she’d remained calm. Besides, anyone could’ve helped her. But the fact that he did it, even after all the things she said to him…

“So… is this how you felt?” She asks Olivia.

“It’s stupid, right?” Olivia smiles wryly. “Like a clichéd romance movie.”

“And he does it over and over again.” Jessica says, puffing her cheeks and hugging her knees. “He always acts like we never did anything.”

“I guess it’s hard for a girl to resist a reliable guy like him.” Olivia sighs in frustration as she throws herself back on the sand. “But now that I think about it… he was always this reliable. Even when we threatened him to do our homework for us, he always made it in time.”

“And with enough time to still ace his own assignments, too.” Jessica giggles.

Lilian nods, silently agreeing. Fine, he’s a nice and reliable guy. But so what?

…He’s also really hot now. It’s like one of those stupid memes of “be careful who you call ugly in high school”, only this happened in a matter of months.

The guy not only changed his appearance, but he turned around everyone’s opinion about him. People saw him as an intruder, a pervert and a creeper. Now, even Lilian hears whispers of how good he looks, how smart he is or how kind he is to everyone.

It pisses her off because it really goes to show how shallow people can be. When you’re ugly and try to do or say something nice, you’re creepy. When you’re pretty and try to do the same, everyone is flattered.

She clicks her tongue. Those are not memories she wanted to dig up, but… She guesses his situation is the same as hers.

Lilian used to be fat and ugly. She was bullied all through middle school. It was Olivia who gave her the confidence to push herself to become what she wanted to be. Lilian wanted to be pretty, to be hot, to have men drooling for her and eating out of her palm. She wanted to be the envy of every girl. To be able to look down on those who looked down on her was her wish.

And she made it. Diets, exercise, nutritionist appointments. She slimmed down, improved her fashion sense, learned about makeup. In a little under a year, she became one of the hottest girls in school. She could lead on the guys who laughed at her and completely deny and embarrass them with little effort. Once she became pretty, everyone was willing to hear what she said.

But where she kept herself to her two most trusted friends, David started making connections. While she improved herself to take revenge, David did for the sake of it and just let go.

With how many people seem to be on his side now, he could easily turn the school against them. But he hasn’t. And he won’t. Instead, he’s helping them study, offering to cook for them and saving their fucking lives.

“…So? Where do we go from here?” Lilian asks her friends.

“You too, huh?” Olivia chuckles.

“Just answer the damn question.” Lilian mutters, feeling her cheeks heating up.

“Well… I don’t really know.” Olivia’s smile fades as she looks up to the sky. “I’ve been working with my dad at the hotels, you’ve been working with your mom and Jessica’s been trying to get into acting. I’d say we’re making progress in the get-our-lives-in-order side of things.”

“Speak for yourself.” Jessica groans and hugs her legs even tighter.

“You’ll make it.” Lilian encourages.

“I know. I know. I just have to keep trying.” Jessica sighs.

“Anyway,” Olivia continues. “Before anything else, I think we should ask ourselves if we really want to act on…” Olivia coughs once to clear her throat. “…our feelings.”

“I know I want to.” Jessica nods.

“Me too.” Olivia nods with a resolute expression.

It doesn’t surprise Lilian to hear Olivia say that. She’s always been one to get what she wants, no matter the method. If she wants to get with David, she’ll do it. But what about Lilian? She doesn’t know if she feels as strongly for him as her friends do.

He’s hot, thoughtful and reliable. She… likes him. But when she compares herself to how strongly her friends feel for him…

After glancing at her thoughtful face, Olivia simply continues.

“Well, even if we know that, there’s still a bigger issue.”

“…Which is?”

“His other girlfriends.” Olivia says.


At that, Jessica turns to their friend with narrowed eyes. “Please tell me you’re not planning on screwing with their relationship. Please.” She insists.

“…I admit, the thought crossed my mind. But it would be stupid to do it. If we tried anything with them, I doubt David would be as forgiving as when we messed with him.”

“Good.” Jessica nods firmly.

“So what we need to do is gain their trust.” Olivia bites her lip. “Somehow.”

“Are you sure whether David actually likes us or not isn’t a bigger issue?” Lilian asks.

“An issue, yes, but not a big one.” Olivia says casually. “I’ve noticed how he looks at us. He likes us. Or at least, finds us attractive. I can at least be confident in that.”

That’s just like Olivia. Unlike Lilian, Olivia has always been drop dead gorgeous. On that front, at least, her self-esteem has always been high. Maybe a little too high, but whatever. If fact, unlike her and Jessica, the reason Olivia was bullied in middle school was outright jealousy. She was pretty, had all the money she needed and was very popular. A group of girls didn’t like that and set out to make her life impossible.

“Yeah. I’ve caught him looking at my tits a few times.” Jessica giggles.

This causes Lilian to look at her friend’s chest, then to Olivia’s, and then down at her own. Then, she scowls.

“Unfair advantage.” She mutters.

“You’re not that much smaller than Emily or Megan.” Jessica points out.

“Still an unfair advantage.” Lilian reaffirms.

“But like I said,” Olivia continues. “It’s the other girls we have to win over. They resent us more than David does for what we did to him.” She then grimaces and bites her lip. “Katherine even more so.”

“…” A small silence. They all remember having done awful stuff to the redhead as well.

“She’s been talking to us, though.” Jessica offers. “She even helped us study.”

“Probably David’s influence, but progress is progress.” Olivia sighs. She then keeps quiet as she looks up to the sky.

“What are you thinking about?” Lilian asks

“There’s… something we could take advantage of.” Her friend answers, though she has a complicated expression on her face.

“Please tell me you’re not thinking what I think you’re thinking.” Jessica pleads.

“I don’t mean to threaten him!” Olivia quickly clarifies. “I just think that we could… casually use that information to our advantage.” Even though she says that, the way she’s biting her lip easily shows she’s hesitating.

“Please don’t.” Jessica says, furrowing her brow. “Not only would we risk him getting mad at us, but we’d also be throwing away all the progress we’ve made.”

“…Alright! Fine! Forget I said anything!”

The exchange makes Lilian smile. Jessica has become for forward with Olivia lately. She used to just go along with whatever she said. Now she argues back. And Olivia is more willing to take a step back than anyone would believe. Lilian knows Olivia is also happy to see that their friend is becoming more determined.

They really are changing, aren’t they?

Lilian wonders if she’s changing as well.

What’s next?


Chapter 214 - A perfect combination.

It’s late at night when Emma, Anzu and Katherine sneak into your tent. They try to keep their voices down, but they can’t help but giggle as they stumble around trying to get comfortable in the limited space.

When you’re all settled, Emma throws herself at you and presses her lips against yours as she traps you in a tight bear hug.

“She beat me to it.” Anzu pouts.

“God, I HATE not being able to do this whenever I want.” Emma complains. “It’s so annoying to see you walk around camp and knowing I can’t just grope your butt or that you can’t grab my tits.”

She kisses you again, even as you laugh at her complaints. You give her tits a firm squeeze to compensate for all the troubles.

“Yeah, like that!” She giggles.

“My turn!” Anzu says as she gets closer. Emma pulls away from you after one last kiss to give Anzu some space.

You give her a deep, passionate kiss and she just melts into you.

“I’ve barely been able to talk to you.” She pouts. “The students know we’re going out, but if they tell the headmistress we’ve been acting like lovers, we may be in trouble. I’ve kept my distance, but…” She sighs. “I’ve really gotten too used to having you this close.” She giggles and presses her body against yours.

“I saw you two at the beach yesterday.” Emma tells Katherine. “That’s the kind of stuff I want to do, too!”

“S-Sorry,” Katherine giggles nervously. “We’ve been trying not to be too showy.”

“Oh, it’s fine.” Emma reassures her. “All this just makes me want to plan a holiday to the beach during summer vacation.” As she speaks, she starts to unzip her jacket.

“That’s a neat idea.” You nod. Anzu pulls away from you and starts getting her clothes off as well.

“I might know a few places,” Katherine says, taking her T-shirt off. “But they might be a bit expensive, so…”

“Maybe we could rent some nice cabin a few towns over?” Anzu suggests, removing her pants. “We’ll need to be somewhere far if we want to be safe from students’ eyes.”

“Yes, but that’s a conversation for another time.” Emma says, finally naked and licking her lips. “Right now I’m in dire need of my daily dose of David.”

She crawls up to you and, still in all fours, takes your cock in her mouth as you kneel over her. You let out a content sigh at the familiar warmth and wetness of Emma’s blowjob, her tongue expertly rolling around your length.

You pull Katherine to you with an arm around her waist while Anzu gives you a grin and dives down to join Emma. Their tongues send shudders through your body, and having Katherine’s soft skin pressing against yours as you devour her mouth adds even more to the intensity of the situation.

A single, loud moan escapes Katherine, so you stop the kiss and brush her lips with your thumb.

“You know I love hearing you moan, but we need to be quiet now.” You tell her.

“I know.” She grimaces. “I’ll try.”

You continue kissing Katherine as you run your fingers through Anzu’s hair. She started adding a soft massage to your balls as she licks your shaft in perfect rhythm with Emma.

“So, would you two like watching me fuck my little nympho until she passes out?” You ask them with a small smile. Again, you press your thumb against Katherine’s lips, but now she starts sucking on it. Her switch has been flipped and she’s staring at you with clear need.

“That’s the plan.” Emma says with one last kiss to the tip of your cock.

“We love watching. She loves being watched. We didn’t need to think much about it.” Anzu giggles.

“How do you want it?” You whisper to the redhead.

“From behind.” She tells you.

She gets on all fours and you position yourself behind her. Emma and Anzu watch closely as your cock slowly penetrates Katherine’s wet pussy. The redhead has to press her lips tightly to keep herself from moaning uncontrollably like always does, but watching her trying to hold it in is extremely hot in its own way, as well. Her body trembles as your shaft goes in and out of her.

After a few more thrusts, you pull out completely and offer your cock to Emma, who immediately and greedily takes it into her mouth. She sucks it all with glee, licking you clean before you put in inside Katherine again.

“Yes…!” Katherine can’t stop her voice when she feels you in again. You keep thrusting, slowly but consistently hitting the depths of her pussy.

You pull out again and offer your cock to Anzu this time, who smiles excitedly before she starts sucking you off, drinking the mix of your and Katherine’s juices as if in a trance.

The third time you penetrate Katherine, you do it until she comes. Her body trembling violently as her muffled moans still escape her pursed lips.

But you know that once is not nearly enough for your sweet little nympho. You lay back and have her ride you while Anzu settles on top of your face and Emma hugs Katherine from behind.

You start lapping at the nurse’s pussy while Katherine rides you. What’s more, you hear the faint voice of Emma whispering into her student’s ear.

“Yes, that’s good, Katherine. Take his cock deep inside you.” She says with an inviting voice. “Let it stir you up while your pussy pleases him.” Emma’s hands start to gently tease Katherine’s nipples. “He loves having your cock inside you. He loves to fuck you. And we love watching it.” She giggles. “You all look so hot. Even Anzu has her eyes glued to the place you and David are connected.”

“Yes, David…! Thrust inside her.” Anzu says in a low voice with a caught breath as your tongue works its magic inside her pussy. “Fuck her good!”

You only have to thrust up a few times before Katherine has her second orgasm just as you shoot your load inside her. Emma turns Katherine’s head towards her and seals it with a deep kiss as her body spasms from her powerful climax.

You know Anzu needs to go back to the teacher’s tent after this since she needs to have a proper night’s sleep, so you need to keep this short, sadly.

Katherine gets off you and falls limply into Emma’s kind embrace as you and Anzu get into position. She lays back and spreads her legs for you. She holds you in a leg-lock as you fuck her, grope her tits and kiss her deeply.

You focus solely on her until all the built up pleasure explodes inside her along with you. You fill her pussy with your cum, and Anzu hold you gently, whispering as she asks you to stay just like that for a little while longer.

After a few minutes, you have Emma get on all fours and Katherine lay on her back beside her. You thrust into Emma’s pussy while also fingering Katherine. All this as Anzu finishes getting dressed to go back out.

It really is a shame, but you promise to make it up to her when you’re back home. So after one last kiss, Anzu leaves the tent. But even if she can’t be here anymore, that doesn’t mean you can just leave your other two lovers hanging.

You continue your night of passion for a couple more hours before you fall asleep.



2 in 1 again because each chapter needed to be short. I didn't want to make Lilian's chapter drag too long and the foursome in the tent doesn't need to be long, either.