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Hello everyone. I thought I should post a little update to let you know on how things are going since I mostly just appear to post new chapters and the ocasional poll.

To start, the side story for this month is ready and will be posted on the 27th as promised. It was a a strange (but fun) topic to write about since I've never done something like that before. I'll try to look it over once more before posting it to see if I can polish it a bit more.

And on the topic of side stories, I'll be reworking the voting system a little bit for next month's. Every patreon will still be able to vote, but I want to see what I can do to make it a little more organized. Still, I'm not very good at this sort of thing, so please bear with me.

On a bigger announcemnt, I'm almost ready to start publishing the story I've been working on, Deus Terra. Honestly, I've gone through thinking it's shit, to liking it, to thinking it's just not as good as I want it to be. I don't think my own skills are good enough to write what I want, but unless I try it I'll never write anything at all. All I can do is put my best effort, as always. 

The way I'll be publishing is like this: I'll continue uploading chapters for The Affection Multiplier as usual, two updates a week with the promised word-count. I'll be posting the whole first part of the story for $7 pareons and up sometime next month, and for $4 patreons only a few days after that. That means the first 14K words or so will be available instantly. After that I'll start uploading them to CHYOA on smaller sized chapters, probably one a day for a while before slowing down to one a week.

That's about it. I'm incredibly nervous about writing a story on such an oversaturated genre as medieval fantasy, but I can't help myself. I only hope to put out something that's at least decent.

As always, thank you all very much for your support! it means the word! See you on Friday's update.



Always nice to hear from you, and thank you for the update, really appreciate it ^^ Yeah, the fantasy genre does seem rather crowded in general, though I'm not so sure about medieval style fantasy. I thought it was Lord of The Rings style fantasy, that would be most popular. Well, anyway, that really doesn't matter as much as the author writing the story, and since it's you, I'll happily read some medieval fantasy story ^^ No doubt about it, especially with your work on the Sinclair branch, so good :-D