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Author's Note:  This chapter and the next two are written from Katherine's point of view. It might be a little jarring, but this is both something to give a diferent perspective to something that's happened several times already and to practice and test out something for the future.

I hope you like it!


David told her to “wear comfortable clothes”, so on Thursday, Sophia, Megan and Emily took her shopping. And much to the redhead’s dismay, they were adamant in that, if she truly wanted to completely monopolize David’s attention during their date, she HAD to show her figure.

Thankfully, that didn’t mean showing skin. Just wearing something more form-fitting. Something she wouldn’t compromise on was that whatever she got had to be at least a bit warm. Sure, the weather is slowly getting warmer, but Katherine has troubles handling the cold.

That’s how things led to her outfit. A black, long sleeved wool dress that hugs her figure and reaches just above her knees; tight, grey pants; sneakers, because Emily insisted she shouldn’t wear boots or heels for this date; and lastly, a scarf matching the color of her pants.

The outfit doesn’t hide her curves or the size of her chest, which makes her uncomfortable. However, that’s only because there are more eyes on her. She has to admit that she likes the outfit, that she looks good. Hopefully David will like it as well.

She debated for hours whether to straighten her hair, tie it into a bun and many other options, but she decided to trust Megan’s advice and just go with her naturally wavy hair. After all, they have to know what the date is about, right? Even if they’re keeping it a secret.

She waits for her date sitting on a bench at a plaza. The water fountain in front of her is the meeting spot, but she was so excited and nervous about being late that she ended up getting here 30 minutes early.

She just needs to be patient. Only 15 more minutes to go. But it’s in the middle of waiting that something happens that makes her body feel cold.

Someone’s approaching her.

It’s a guy she doesn’t know. He’s probably around his 20s, has dark, short hair and is tall and well built.

“Hello there! Sorry if this is sudden, but I noticed you’ve been sitting there for a while now. Please, tell me you weren’t stood up. I don’t know who could be stupid enough to do that to you.”

Slowly, very slowly, Katherine’s face starts getting hot. And it is for one simple reason.


Who is this guy? Why did he just assume she got stood up? Why does he talk so familiarly with her when she doesn’t even know him!? She’s about to lash out at him, when she hears David’s voice coming close.

“Katherine? Huh. I thought I was here early.” He says as he approaches, and a relieved smile shows on her face. He then notices the stranger standing in front of her. “Oh, sorry. Is this a friend of yours?” He asks, apparently believing that.

“H-He’s not! I don’t know him.” Katherine answers hastily.

“Listen dude, you shouldn’t make your girl wait. That’s just asking for other guys to take her away.” The guy says.

Wait. He was hitting on her!?

David checks the time on his phone before answering. “No, we’re both here early.” He nods to himself. “We said we’d meet at 5:30, right?” He asks her, looking past the guy.


David sighs in relief. “Good. For a moment I thought I’d gotten the time wrong.” He looks at the guy again. “So that’s how it is.”

“Well… very good, then! You take good care of her, you hear me?” The tall guy says, wiggling a finger at David.

“But of course. That’s the plan.” He chuckles. “Shall we go, Katherine?”

“Yes! Let’s go!” She stands up quickly and walks up next to David, who, after a short goodbye nod towards the other guy, takes her left hand in his right and he starts walking silently.

He’s holding her hand.

He’s holding her hand! He’s holding her hand! He’s holding her hand!

Her face starts getting hot again, but for entirely different reasons. This is stupid. She’s not a 12 year old girl! She shouldn’t be getting this giddy at holding hands, but… his grasp is so smooth and firm. They’re walking side by side, like… like… a real couple.

Her heart is going crazy. She’s fully aware of how silly it is to be this excited, but she can’t help it! But just when she was getting used to it, he let go.

Why!? Why did he let go!?

“Sorry.” He says, smiling wryly. “I did that without thinking.”

“N-no. It’s fine.” She shakes her head.

“It’s still a little early to go where I had planned. Why don’t we sit down while we wait?”

“Y-Yeah, sure.” God, she really has to calm down.

Still in the square area, the two of them sit down at another bench, far away from the fountain. They’re both silent, which is making Katherine anxious. From the corner of her eye, she notices David has a complicated expression on his face, then he sighs heavily for some reason.

She’s already screwing things up! Is he mad that she was talking to another guy? But she didn’t talk to him! HE came up to HER. She has to fix this somehow.

“B-By the way. T-Thanks for helping me back there.” She says, trying her best to sound natural.

“I didn’t think you needed help, but I still stepped in. Sorry.” He grimaces.

“Don’t be. I… was about to start yelling at him for no reason.” She sighs. “Seriously, I don’t know how you do it. Nothing ever seems to faze you.”

“That’s not true.” He says, his grimace remaining. “I… got jealous when I saw you talking to him.”


“I know. It’s stupid, not to mention hypocritical, but… I couldn’t help it. A part of me wanted to tell the guy off, but…” he sighs. “I even went as far as to hold your hand just to piss him off. I’m sorry.”

…He was jealous? Of a guy she’s never met? But that’s silly! 


It IS silly!

She starts chuckling softly before laughter takes over her. She feels bad for laughing in front of him, but she can’t help it. Of course David can be silly! He’s only human! What was going on through her head? Of course he has his own worries, just like her.

Right. He did tell her some time ago that they were both fairly similar. Did he feel like this on his first ever date? Does he like her as much as she likes him?

He’s always been upfront with her. Why not answer in kind? He’s practically asking for it.

“Sorry for laughing.” She says, starting to calm down. “But yeah, it was pretty stupid to be jealous of a guy we’ve never even met.”

“I know, and it annoys me.” He says with a chuckle of his own.

“…it was kind of flattering, though.” She admits, feeling the heat go to her cheeks. She’s not backing down, however.

“Really?” He asks with a raised eyebrow.

“Well… being jealous means you care, right?”

He stays quiet for a moment, as if in deep thought. “I guess.” He nods.

“I’ve… been nothing but unfair to you from the moment we met.” Katherine admits, holding a hand up to David’s face when he’s about to stop her. “Please let me say this. I was a bitch when we met, I selfishly asked for favors without even thinking if you’d care and even when I ended up… falling for you, I still acted like nothing was wrong. Even the other day at the rooftop, you were honest with me and told me everything, yet I couldn’t do the same because… it’s scary.”

She takes a deep breath. Her heart pounding madly. Her face feels like it’s on fire and she could probably faint at any moment. But she has to get this out if she wants to enjoy herself with David.

“I… I l-like you, David. I like you a lot.” She finally admits, and she can feel how the weight on her chest is starting to lighten. “I have for a long time. You’re smart and have been kind and understanding with me… and y-you’re a-also v-v-very… hot.” She says, every word quieter than the previous one.

Though it is a relief to get those words out, her face still feels like it’s about to burst in flames at any second.

She watches as David’s smile starts growing wider and notices how she’s mirroring it.

“Well, that’s refreshing to hear. And a relief.” He chuckles. “We’re both on the same page then?”

Considering they both find each other attractive and want to get to know the other better and pursue something more?

“I think so.” She nods.

“Then let me be bold one more time and ask. Can I kiss you?”

K-K-K-Kiss!? Kiss her!? YES! YES, YES, YES!

Katherine nods, maybe just a bit too eagerly.

David’s getting closer… and closer, and closer. She can feel his breathing…!

His lips meet hers, and she very nearly short-circuits. He places a hand on her waist, and she answers by holding both his shoulders.

This is her very first kiss, and even though it’s only their lips touching, she can feel something like a delightful electric current going through her whole body. She presses her lips even harder against his, subconsciously.

More. She wants more.

It’s like her body starts acting on its own, like a dam breaking and letting years of fantasies flow freely. She wraps her arms around his neck, which seems to take him by surprise. He probably didn’t expect her to act like this. Well, neither did she. But hey, if he can be bold, so can Katherine.

He hugs her by the waist, answering her feelings and making her body shudder lightly. This is what it’s like to hold and be held by… someone special. Does he feel the same excitement she does? Is his heart beating as fast as hers? Probably not. He’s used to stuff like this, right? But that’s fine. She’ll be selfish for now and enjoy it to the fullest.

She wants even more, but doesn’t really know how to do it. She doesn’t know how to kiss. David is the one kissing her. How does she tell him he can deepen the kiss? She opens her mouth to say something, but the combination of being out of breath and not really knowing what to say makes her just stay there for a moment.

But it seems that was enough. David takes that as Katherine giving him permission to slip his tongue, so he does. It makes her flinch in surprise, but she’s soon eagerly trying to match him however she can. His tongue is rolling around hers and it’s just… heavenly. She was always curious about kissing, but she never believed it could be THIS good. He even tastes slightly like mint. He must have been chewing gum not too long ago. That’s completely fine by her because she loves mint.

The only reason she pulls away is because she’s almost out of breath. Otherwise she could’ve kissed him forever. She pants heavily, and her eyes shine as they get lost in his.

“That was a little intense for our first kiss.” He chuckles, also catching his breath.

A little? A LITTLE?

“If that was ‘a little’, was counts as very intense to you?” She can’t help but ask.

“Maybe you’ll find out eventually?” He smirks teasingly.

Oh, she wants to find out so bad!

“Sorry. Was I… too aggressive?” She asks, starting to feel self-conscious.

“It was perfect. Though if you don’t mind me asking… was that your first kiss?”

She swallows nervously. “It was.”

“Then wow. It really was too intense for a first. Sorry.”

“No! Don’t be sorry. I… I loved it. I wanted more. I didn’t know kissing could feel this good.”

“I’m glad, then. I loved it, too.” God, his smile just makes her melt. “I hope there are other chances for that.”

“…We can’t do it again now?” She asks, a little disappointed.

“I’d love to, but it’s about time we officially start our date.” He laughs.

“Oh. Right.” She giggles. She’d completely forgotten about that. Her heart is still pumping like mad. “Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.” He grins.

He stands up from the bench and she follows him. A couple of steps into their walk, she just has to ask.

“Can we… hold hands again?” She asks with… surprising confidence.

After kissing like that, holding hands doesn’t seem so embarrassing.

“Sure.” He nods and takes her hand in his, their fingers interlocking as they walk.


 Where are they going?


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