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It's the first anniversary for The Affection Multiplier. I've written most of what I have to say  here:  https://chyoa.com/chapter/1st-Anniversary-Post.748311  but let me add a few things for you guys supporting me here.

I've said it before, but it means a hell of a lot to me that you're actually willing to give me money for what I write. I do my best to constistently give you weekly content to make it worth your money. I don't take this lightly.

My final goal is to be able to make a living out of writing, and it's you people who are helping me be one step closer to what I always thought was only a stupid fucking dream. I'm not that naive, though. I realize that the moment you guys stop liking what I do, you can stop supporting me, and that's 100% fair. If you don't like what you're paying for, you just don't pay for it anymore. That's how it works.

That just means I have to keep working to make my stuff the best I can.

As you may remember, I have another story in the works: Deus Terra. Not only that, but other, unfinished stories in CHYOA. Some of you may only be here for The Affection Multiplier, which I'd say is nearing its end. Not so soon, but definitely less than a year. I hope that my other works are up to your standards and convince you that there's worth in continuing supporting me.

Seriously, I don't even know if this kind of stuff is appropriate to say, but I have to be honest. I want my writing, as a business, to grow but I can't bring myself to treat it as cold, hard business. It's just not in my nature. I want to write because I love it and I want you to support me because you enjoy it. Simple as that.

Thank you very much. 



Hey Fantasy we love you, we love the work you do for us as well as appealing to our desires and our fantasies. I know that I for one will continue to support you on whatever platform you are on whether you write full on books on smashwords or you sell works on Amazon. I for one am infatuated with your stories and enjoy that you keep them personal, that you ask your fans and we can personalize these stories to meet our kinks, our fantasies, and the things we wish could happen in our lives. I have followed and read all of your public works on CHYOA and want more, crave more of your stories because they keep me engaged and I get drawn in to the story. Yes it is smut, but it is more than that it is slice of life and makes me wish I was in the main characters shoes. So in the end, I want to say thank you for all of the hard work, sweat, and everything you do for us. I feel like we are getting more than what we are paying for and I truly hope you realize your dream. Thank you!


Hey, congrats! Today's chapters were super fun. Very excited for the next year's worth of stories!