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When Anzu found the panel that controls the lights, she immediately started playing with it until she found a setting she liked. Turns out making the room dark with only soft, neon blue lights makes it a lot more bearable. Add some smooth, calm jazz music on top of it and this actually starts to seem like a very good decision instead of the only choice you had.

You decide to use the loveseat, so Anzu has you sit on it while she sits on your lap, facing you. You penetrate her as you hold each other. Anzu offers her tits to you and to accept eagerly. You suck on her nipples as you both try to move to the rhythm of the music as if it were a game. The songs are mostly slow, so that means a slow pace.

“Do you like my pussy?” She moans into your ear.

“I do. I think we’re very compatible.” You tell her, kissing her lips.

“Whose pussy do you like best?” She asks.

“Apapap!” You grin and put a finger on her lips. “That question is forbidden.”

She eyes you curiously, not saying anything but obviously asking “Why?”

“I don’t pick favorites. Everyone is different, but I’ll sooner pick no one than favoring one in particular. That includes you.”

“But if you had to pick between me and any of them you’d pick them, right?” She asks. She’s not accusing you of anything. She’s just stating what’s obvious to her.

You smile wryly. “It’s too early for us, so that’s an unfair question. But… yes, I would.”

She smiles. “I’m actually glad to hear that. I feel better knowing you’re not just telling me the stuff you think I want to hear.” To emphasize her point, she takes your finger and starts sucking on it, a move that makes you harder inside her.

She giggles. “You like this.” She states.

“You look really sexy.” You admit. 

She redoubles her efforts, licking two of your fingers and rocking her hips on top of you. Soon, you’re coming at the same time. She looks surreal with the dim, blue light and the afterglow of her orgasm.

“Three shots and you can still keep going?” She smiles tiredly.

“This is your fifth one, right?” You ask her. She nods. “Tired?”

“A little, but I can keep going. I want to keep going.”


Anzu allows herself to cry in pleasure. You’re spooning her from behind on the bed, with your arm hooked on the back of her knee to lift her leg.

“Faster…!” She cries, so you fuck her faster. You grasp one of her tits and squeeze it. Anzu looks back at you and sticks her tongue out, so you give her your own. The kiss is sloppy due to the angle, but it doesn’t matter.

She comes before you do this time, cursing as she rides her seventh orgasm of the night.

“YESSS! Fuuuuck! Fuck! Gah!” her moans have become progressively more guttural, not to mention she’s reaching her limit.

It’s 5:00 am right now. You’ve been at it for hours, with a couple of breaks to eat from the several offers the hotel has. You even managed to eat a cake, something that made Anzu very happy.

She lays limp on her back, but eyes you before opening her mouth wide and sticking her tongue out. Chuckling, you get up and straddle her chest, leading your cock inside her mouth.

As she sucks you off, your mind wanders a bit, half from the daze of pleasure and half out of realization. You’re still very energetic, considering you’ve gone through four shots. Before, you would’ve been getting tired already. Now? You feel like you could keep going even further.

Why is that? 

You realize it’s because of the Steadfast Lover trait. You remember that some traits take longer to settle in than others, but that’s not all. The trait said it would improve your sexual endurance to satisfy all your sexual partners. Technically speaking, you have six sexual partners now. What happens when you’re with only one girl? It seems the endurance is still the same, so you’re doing it with one woman while having the capacity to satisfy six?

Holy hell.

Does that mean you’ll end up becoming a stamina monster if you have more partners, since the trait apparently escalates?

…You’re sort of looking forward to that, but you’re not sure it’s healthy.

You come without realizing it, lost in thought but still having your cock sucked on. Anzu swallows in delight and gives you a tired smile.

“I’m sorry. I don’t think I can go any more. I’m starting to get sore.” She giggles shyly. She then eyes your still half-hard dick. “But it seems you still have energy. I’m starting to get worried.”

“Don’t.” You shake your head and smile reassuringly as you get off her chest and lie next to her. “It’s magic.” You grin.

“That again? Magic doesn’t exist.” She denies.

“Sure. Keep believing that. Just don’t act all betrayed when you realize it’s true.” You shrug.

“Fine, I promise not to get mad if it turns out your fake excuses turn out to be real. Happy?”

“I think I’ve been the happiest man alive for a while now.” You sigh contently.

“Living every man’s dream, aren’t you?” She giggles and snuggles closer to you and hugs you.

“I am. And I think I can finally enjoy it without feeling bad about it.” You kiss her forehead.

“Me too. Thank you. I’m looking forward to going back home.”

“Yeah. I really miss everyone. I owe them a lot, since I was acting pretty strange for a while.” You sigh in frustration.

“Strange how?”

“I thought that I had to ace the exams because it was my responsibility, and… indulging in the things I wanted was wrong so long as I had things to do. That meant leaving the others without sex for about a month.”

“Oh God.” Anzu grimaces. “And they’re not mad at you?”

“No, because they’re all damn saints.” You smile wryly.

“You still have to make it up to them, because if THIS is how things normally are for them…”

“I know, but let’s sleep for now. We have to check out early tomorrow, right?”

She yawns. “By 10, yes.” She nods. “But you’re still not satisfied.”

“That I can keep going doesn’t mean I’m not satisfied.” You assure her. “I enjoyed every second with you, and I plan to enjoy sleeping next to you as well.”

She giggles. “Your such a sap, and I love it.” She kisses you once more, deeply and full of affection. “Good night, David.”

“Good night, Anzu.”


That night definitely changed something. Not only did it get rid of the awkwardness between you, but it made you grow even closer. Not to mention you now want each other more than ever. Parting at the subway station was far more difficult than either of you expected.

In the ride back home, you decide to check on the AMA, which Anzu still doesn’t believe exists. Well, she can’t accuse you of lying to her if she ever ends up believing in it.

-Fujiwara, Anzu-
Affection Score: 100 (+11)
Love Score: 71
Lust Score: 69

-This person is sure of their feelings once more-

Great. Not only are things looking up with Anzu, but that’s an extra 50 points to every currency.

Available points: 500 Friendship points / 100 Love points / 250 Lust points

Add to everything else that you feel as light as a feather. The lack of sex had you more tense that you’d realized. Being able to do it so much with her seriously helped in relieving the tension you’d accumulated because of all these events.

Getting home makes all that tension come back, though.

“Where did you spend the night, young man?”

It’s time for your mother’s questioning, and you SERIOUSLY don’t feel like telling her you spent the night at a love hotel with Anzu. You do tell her MOSTLY the truth, saying you were with her, went to Odaiba and did end up getting together now that it wasn’t out of obligation. She’s very happy about that, but still presses you for information on where you spent the night.

You remember a video you once watched and tell her you were curious about the capsule hotels and spent a night there just to see what they were like. If she believes you or not, you’re unsure, but choose to believe she did and be done with it.

Your father says nothing about the matter, and Martha asked if you liked the capsule hotel.

You don’t know if she actually believed that, but if she did, you hope she never loses that innocence.

In two days you’ll be flying back home. You got your shopping done, so there’s little to worry about anymore. Your mother does approach you with an odd question, however.

“David, you’re dating Anzu-chan and three other girls, right?” She asks.

Anzu-chan? Anyway, you nod.

“Would you mind telling me their measurements? I want to send them a Christmas gift.”

“A gift?”

“Of course. They’ve taken care of you, so I want to thank them” She smiles kindly.

Fuck. Fuck! That’s a great gesture from your mother, but that would mean she’d only get something for Emily, Megan and Sophia. You want her to send something to Emma and Mia as well, and knowing her, money wouldn’t be a problem!

“…Say, mom? Can you… uh… the thing is…”

“Yes, what is it?”

“…” Shit. This isn’t necessary. You don’t need to tell her. You’re so close to just leaving and managing to keep your teachers a secret. You’re sure they would even chastise you for revealing it, saying they didn’t need gifts. But it’s not fair!

“Mom… I need to tell you something, but I can’t reveal everything and you CAN’T tell dad. Please. If you can’t promise me at least the latter, then I won’t say a thing.”

“Oh wow. Why are you getting so serious? Is it something bad?”

“…It’s not, but it could be. Please, I know I’m asking for a lot, but can you please listen to me and not ask more questions?”

“I’ve never seen you like this before.” She says touching your cheek. “Oh my god, are you sweating?”

You are? The fuck?

“Alright, fine, I’ll keep it a secret. What is it?”

“…” You swallow. “I’m… actually seeing five girls back home. Six with Anzu-san. I just can’t tell you who they are, but if you’re going to send them all a gift, I’d like you to send them one, too.”

Your mother sighs. “Why do you insist on keeping things from us?”

“Please. This is important. More so than anything else. I promise I’ll introduce you when we’re ready, but I can’t tell you now.”

“Are these people that important to you?”

“Yes.” You nod, resolute.

“…” Your mother smiles kindly, closing her eyes and sighing. “Very well. Consider it an apology from me for letting your father handle everything on his own, alright? Just know that I don’t like secrets.”

“I know. Thank you.”

“Alright then. Measurements!” She says, clapping her hands to hurry you up.

You realize you don’t even know what she’s sending them. “What’s the gift, anyway?”

“Yukatas!” Your mother beams. “I figured you wouldn’t have the money to buy that many, so they’ll be my gift. You can’t come to Japan and not take a yukata as a souvenir.”

That’s… a really great gift, honestly.

You text the girls, keeping from them what you need their measurements for to keep it a surprise. They have no problems answering.

-Walker, Lisa-

Affection Score: 83 (+12)


“So we’re going back on different days? I wanted to go back together with you.” Anzu complains as you walk hand in hand through Yoyogi Park. “Is it too late to change plane tickets?”

“It might be. Besides, I have to go back with my brother.”

“He’s going back, too?”

“He has some business left. He should only be there for one more month.”

“…” Anzu makes a complicated expression.

“What is it? You don’t like my brother? I wouldn’t blame you.”

“It’s not that. Not specifically.” She shakes her head. “Just be honest with me. Do you like Ms. Miller? Emily’s sister?”

You flinch at the questions.

“No need to get nervous. You know I won’t get jealous.” She smiles reassuringly.

“I know. It’s just… it’s complicated.”

“Because your bother was hitting on her, right?”

“Urgh.” You groan.

“I knew it.” She sighs. “He’s going back with you, so it’s possible that he’ll try to get with her again. What will you do about that?”

“What is there to do? It’s not like I have a say in the matter?”

“David, let me be clear.” Anzu stops and lets go of your hand to gently hold your cheeks. “If you don’t do anything, your brother will get a girl you like before you. If you’re okay with that, do nothing. If not, you have to act. That’s what you taught me, right?”

“…I kind of owe a lot to my brother, though.” You grimace.

“At least think about it, okay? I don’t want to see you sulking later.” She shakes her head. “I keep forgetting you’re only 18.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“That you’re mature for you age, but still a kid.” She sticks her tongue out to you in playful mockery.

You just laugh with her. 


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