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Intermission 11: Girl Bonding. 

It’s Saturday, and the two-week long Christmas break has officially started. Although Emma would far rather her boyfriend be here with them, she might as well make use of the opportunity since it’s not like she can just drag him back.

She asked the other girls to get together in David’s place, so that’s where they are now. Mia is by the kitchenette, pouring everyone a glass of juice while Sophia delivers it. Emily sits by his desk while Megan throws herself face down on his mattress.

None of them say it, but they realize that the place doesn’t feel the same without him here.

“So, you wanted to talk about the break?” Mia starts, taking a seat next to Emma. The five women around the room look and pay attention to each other.

Emma nods. “I’ve been thinking lately about this little arrangement we have. I like it. I really do. Do you girls feel the same way?”

“100%. Actually, I might be the one most on board with it.” Sophia chuckles.

“It isn’t as awkward as I thought it would be, so I’m quite comfortable.” Mia nods.

“I think it’s fun.” Emily agrees.

“Me too. I like all of you as well.” Megan says with a bright smile.

“Yes, that’s kind of where I’m going with this.” Emma says. “Maybe it’s because of magic stuff, but I don’t care. Do you girls see yourselves having a serious falling out with David eventually?”


They think silently and look at each other before Emily puts their thoughts into words.

“Not unless he was actively trying to piss me off, which I don’t think he would.”

“Exactly!” Emma nods. “Now… Do you see yourselves having a serious falling out with anyone in this room right now?”

They all seem taken aback by the question, but give it some thought as well.

“I don’t think so. But… it’s possible.” Sophia says, to which the others nod.

Emma continues. “We’re sure of our feelings for David, and we’re sure of his feelings for us, but what worries me now is that we’ll one day have a serious fight with each other for some dumb reason. I think that would hurt David more than anything else, not to mention us, of course.”

“Yes, I think so too.” Megan says.

All of them think about it, but none of them puts it into words. There’s magic strengthening the bonds between them and David, but nothing to strengthen the bond between each other. To Emma, this is currently the most dangerous blind spot of their relationship.

“That’s why I wanted us to take this chance to grow closer. Use these two weeks for just us girls.” Emma says with some uncharacteristic hesitance. A part of her is afraid that the others will refuse.

Thankfully, her fears are unfounded.

“Yes, let’s do that.” Mia agrees immediately. “I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but you heard the man the other day. There’s a real chance that all of us will be able to marry him. And knowing him…”

“We’ll end up living together.” Megan giggles. “Yeah, I think I get what you mean, Emma.”

“Getting along and living together are two very different things, though.” Emily points out.

“Baby steps, girl.” Sophia tells her. “I think it’s fine to start with this, unless you want us to share this tiny room for two weeks.”

“I wouldn’t be against it, to be honest.” The blonde shrugs.

Emma sighs in relief. “Okay, I’m glad we’re all in the same page. Now, I want you all to write one activity you think we should all do together in these pieces of paper.” She says, getting 5 strips of paper and a plastic bag from her jacket’s pocket. “We’ll then draw them randomly and they’ll be the things we do from Monday to Friday next week. Sounds good?”

“Should we put our names as well? Just to know who is suggesting what.” Sophia asks.

“Sure, why not? The no-secrets rule and all that.” Emma nods.

After everyone writes their idea and puts it into the bag, Emma shakes it and asks Megan to take the first paper.

“Okay, so Monday is… the zoo?” Megan blinks before smiling and looking at Sophia. “That’s so cool! Why didn’t I think of it?”

The busty brunette smiles back. “You never really go to the zoo on your own, right? I figured it was a good chance.”

“Everyone okay with it?” Emma asks. With a unanimous yes, Monday activity is going to the zoo. Of course, that’s the zoo in the next town, since there isn't one here. That’ll be a whole day trip.

Sophia takes the next paper and immediately grimaces when she sees it. “Hiking? I don’t need to read the name to know it was you, Emily.”

“You don’t like it?” The blonde asks, a bit surprised.

“I’m not really good with extended physical exercise.”

“I think it sound fun.” Mia nods. “Tiring, but fun.”

“I think I’m outvoted here.” Sophia says, realizing she’s the only one against hiking. “Alright, I’ll suck it up.”

Tuesday activity will be going hiking, then.

Emily takes the third paper.

“Dinner?” She reads.

“My idea.” Emma says. “I could invite you to my place, for once. We can have dinner and, I don’t know, watch a movie.”

“Sure.” Emily nods. No one is really against that idea. It’s the most normal so far.

“Alright, my turn.” Emma takes the fourth paper. “Oh! Game night! Nice going, Megan!”

“What do you mean with ‘game night’?” Sophia asks.

“Just get as many board games as we can and just play. I have Clue and Pictionary, and I know Em has twister in her house.”

“That one’s gonna be fun.” Emily grins.

“Alright, mine’s the last one, so get it over with.” Mia urges.

Emma takes the paper and reads it. Yet unable to believe her own eyes, she wordlessly passes it to Emily to read, who reacts the same way and passes is to Megan, who passes it to Sophia.

“A sex shop?”

They ask in unison.


>What’s next?


>Intermission 12: Anzu Fujiwara.

How long has she been laying restless in her bed? Well, not her bed. The hotel bed. She and her parents are only temporarily staying in Tokyo, after all. Has it been an hour? Two? Probably three. Yet sleep still avoids her. There’s a pressure in her chest that shows itself whenever she has time alone to think. Time to evaluate the situation. Time to… remember something that happened years ago.

Not only are her parents trying to force her into marrying someone out of convenience, but they don’t understand that Anzu doesn’t even want a relationship to begin with! Her head and her heart are at odds at what they want, even if one took the arrangement out of the equation.

The only normal relationship she’s ever had was with a high school sweetheart, an extremely innocent relationship that never went past kissing. It was heartbreaking having to be separated from her first love, but that’s just how life goes. But in university… something happened that changed her completely.

She curls into a ball under her blankets and bites her lip, wanting to suppress the memory. But of course, the more she tries the clearer it becomes. If she focuses enough, she thinks she can still hear their moans.

She caught her new boyfriend cheating on her, having sex with another woman in one of the classrooms. However, she didn’t stop them. She just hid and… watched. It was a disgusting feeling, having her heart broken yet being unable to look away as her own body grew hotter from the sight.

She never said anything about it, and her relationship with that man continued as if nothing had happened for about a month. But Anzu knew he was still cheating on her. Why did she let it continue?

Because, despite the fact that she didn’t want to admit it, she couldn’t erase that image from her memory. It excited her and disgusted her, but she couldn’t help it.

Eventually, her boyfriend broke up with her to be with the other woman, and she couldn’t decide if it was a disappointment or a relief. She tried dating two more times, but she was changed in a fundamental way. Sex was unfulfilling, and she couldn’t bring herself to admit what she wanted, so both relationships ended quickly. From there on, she remained single, deciding to stay away from that thrilling, yet sickening feeling.

Her lack of a partner, of course, worried her aging father. So now he’s pushing her to get married. But she doesn’t want to! She wishes she could have a normal relationship, but can’t!

For some stupid fucking reason, her heart pounds when she thinks of her lover with another woman! That’s not normal! It makes her feel pathetic! Yet the thought always sends a thrill through her body!

Tears start streaming down Anzu’s face, a big lump in her throat a sign of her deep frustration. The pressure of her family’s expectations of her clashes against her insecurities. She doesn’t want to just do what her parents want, like she always has. She already had to compromise on her dream get into orthopedics. She had to act however they told her to in front of people. She’s scared of another relationship where she’ll feel pathetic, humiliated and unfulfilled.

Not to mention this is unfair to David! Being with him has been incredibly fun. More so than she ever expected. He’s funny, caring, handsome, and… he genuinely likes her. He doesn’t deserve to waste his efforts into a relationship that just can’t be!


A relationship that can’t be?

Her eyes open as an odd thought crosses her mind. Tears suddenly stop flowing, though her face is still a mess.

Isn’t David already in a relationship that wouldn’t normally be possible? He’s… dating three girls, isn’t he? They all seem to get along great, too. They went to see him at her office and they all looked really worried about him.

Normally, girls would be against dating the same man, but David seems to make it work somehow.

Are they… doing it? They have to be, right? Do they do it at the same time? Do they watch each other?

Before Anzu realizes it, her body starts growing hotter. Her hand slowly reaches under her pajama and settles between her legs. She rubs her slit gently as images of David holding his three gorgeous girlfriends swarm her mind.

If she started going out with him, then could she… watch? Just being there, watching her boyfriend pleasing three women at the same time? Maybe hopefully… participate?

Her thoughts start getting wilder, and her hand with them. She inserts one of her fingers inside her pussy as she imagines herself watching his cock going into the meek girl that is Megan, her face red from the pleasure. When they both come, maybe Anzu could take him into her mouth and clean him up before he fucks Emily.

The image of David pounding the blonde athlete from behind is too strong. Her body tenses and thrashes in her bed as he reaches her orgasm surprisingly quickly. She bites the pillow to avoid any moans from getting out. The pleasure lasts longer than usual, too.

Letting herself catch her breath, she notices how the post-climax clarity starts sinking in. Even if it would be great, she can’t just start dating David like there’s not a million complications between them!

He says he has a plan to get out of inheriting her father’s business if he does marry her, but how is he sure it’ll even work? Not to mention she doesn’t want to play into her parents’ plans, and there’s no assurance that her relationship with him would be half as nice as the fantasy she just indulged in.

It didn’t feel bad, though.

For some reason, she didn’t feel guilty about masturbating to those thoughts. Even now, she doesn’t feel pathetic, disgusted or ashamed. Just very… satisfied.

Should she really just… indulge?

Tomorrow is Saturday, and she’s meeting him again for their fourth date this week. She needs to think on this a bit more.

It’s only five minutes after deciding that that she falls asleep like a rock.


>What happens at the date?



Almost forgot to make a small clarification about intermission 12. I think I failed to properly foreshadow this side of Anzu, but I had it in mind from the begining. I just didn't find an opportunity to hint at it much. Please remember the way I tackle the subject of cuckqueans. I don't want to portray it as something that humiliates them, but as something consensual they shouldn't feel bad about. The same goes for cuckolds, but I'm not into men sharing their woman, so what can you do. I'm not gonna write about that.


First and foremost, more good stuff from you per month? Sign me up :-D But yeah, wasn't a hole lot of indication that Anzu was this kind of woman, though I'm unsure as to where you could have put in any hint about it. Perhaps an earlier intermission from Anzu's pow? Super happy with your portrayal of cock-queen, really nice and gentle :-) I got a different, more positive, view on the hole thing from reading your story ^^ And, as always, great work and nice to see the word from the girls perspective. Hope to see more about them :-)


Question. I changed the settings for this post so that $4 patreons can now read it too. Did you guys get a notification about it?