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You don’t really have to think that much about it, do you? While it’s certainly too early to say that you like Fujiwara-san as much as you like any of your current girlfriends, you have to admit that you had a blast hanging out with her, she’s beautiful and you want to spend more time with her.

And yes, have sex with her, too. You just have to remember that not just because you want something it’s okay to just take it. You want to keep dating her, and if she wants to take things further, then great.

You realize you’re contradicting your own decision from before, when you said you wouldn’t make any moves on her. But that was something you decided on thinking of everyone else but yourself. It was to go against your father and try getting Fujiwara-san out of something she didn’t want to do. But you? You want her. You don’t want to miss an opportunity just to spite your father.

“So, do you think there will be a second date?” You ask her.

“It kind of has to be if we want our parents to think we really tried.” She smiles wryly.

“Right. So let me rephrase my question. Do you want there to be a second date?”

Her eyes widen a slightly as she looks surprised.

“I don’t want to be a hypocrite for telling you to do what you want and not do it myself. I won’t mix words. I liked spending time with you, and I want to do it again. It’s not because my parents are pushing for this, but because I realized I honestly just like you.”

You watch Fujiwara-san shift in place.

“However, I won’t push it any further. From here on, it’s up to you. I won’t bring this up again unless you want me to.” You sigh.

In the end, you really can’t be the type to just go and take what he wants without a care for anyone else.

“I… I’ll call you. I promise.” She bows, avoiding your eyes. “Again, thank you for today. See you.”

With that, she turns around and jogs into the subway station.

You sigh again. You don’t know if her reaction was good or bad. You also don’t know if it’s good or bad that you have a way to cheat and find out with the AMA.

-Fujiwara, Anzu-
Affection Score:
67 (+17)
Love Score: ??? (Previous: 5)
Lust Score: ??? (Previous: 10)

-This person is confused about their own feelings-

Okay. This is a first. It seems you’re not the only one who doesn’t know what the hell is going on.

You give Akiyama-san a call as instructed for him to pick you up and return to your parent’s house.


After getting home a little before it gets completely dark, going through the obligatory mom-questioning for how the date went and appeasing an angry Martha by promising you’ll still go with her to Akihabara on another day, you lock yourself up in your room. Just like old times, you guess.

You throw yourself back on the bed and get your phone out to text your girlfriends through the group chat.

You: Just came back from my date with Ms. Fujiwara.

Megan: How did it go?

You: It was really fun. I think I kind of screwed up at the end though.

Sophia: Why? What did you do?

You: I told her I liked her.

Emma: How is that screwing up?

You: I don’t know, but she just said she’d call me and left.

Emily: Doesn’t the app tell you how she feels?

You: Worryingly enough, it doesn’t. It only shows ??? on her love and lust scores.

Mia: I wonder…

You: ??

Megan: ?

Emily: ????

Sophia: …wonder what?

Mia: It’s not like we’re friends, but Anzu and I get along well enough. She’s always uncomfortable when talking about relationships.

Emma: Yeah! I always noticed that! You think it might be more than just shyness?

Mia: Maybe. I’m not sure. Treat her well, David.

You: I’ll try.

Megan: Just be yourself and you’ll be fine!

You: I miss you all.

Emma: We miss you too.

You: The break just started. You girls have any plans?

Sophia: We’re meeting tomorrow at your place to talk about that. You don’t mind, right?

You: I gave you keys for a reason. Use them.

Sophia: Great.

Emily: Remember to bring us gifts, okay?

You: Sure. Anything in particular?

Megan: Candy! Lots of it!

Sophia: I’d say books, but I can’t read Japanese. Bring me magazines. And maybe a notebook and pencils if you find anything cute.

Mia: Bring a couple of sake bottles we can share.

Emma: I want to ask for cosmetics, but I’m not sure I trust you with that.

You: Wise. I’ll ask my sister. She’s into that.

Emma: Thanks! A good hand cream would be enough.

You: I guess I’m doing my Christmas shopping over here.

Emily: Come back soon, okay? We have unfinished business.

You: About that. I’m sorry for acting so strange. I think I understand myself a little better now.

Emma: oh?

You: I had a long talk with my brother. I feel good now. I’m looking forward to going back and repay all the patience you’ve had with me.

Mia: Don’t be silly. You have nothing to repay. Not that I’ll stop you, though.

Emily: Seconded.

Sophia: Just a thought. You might want to bring Katherine a gift as well.

You: You’re right. If you can get her to tell you what she wants, I’ll try finding it.

Sophia: Way ahead of you, honey. She wants a figurine of an anime character and any issue of Weekly Shonen Jump. I’ll send you a picture of the character later.

You: Urgh. Those are expensive, but I’ll see what I can do.

Sophia: Well, she just answered a hypothetical question. She’s not really expecting you to bring her anything.

You: Okay. I’ll talk to you later. Love you.

Mia: Love you. Take care of yourself.

Emma: It’s about to get dark over there, right? Sleep well, love.

Emily: Right. I always forget we’re in different time zones. Sleep well, David.

Megan: Sweet dreams!

Sophia: Stay healthy.

You drop the phone next to you and sigh contently. Even if it’s through text, talking to them brings a much needed feeling of normality into your current situation.

Well, normal by your own, twisted standards.


On Saturday, you visit a big store amusingly called “Don Quijote” with your sister. It the kind of store where you can find everything you need and everything you don't need for a relatively low price.

You get some of your shopping done here before asking your little sister to help you pick cosmetics for one of your girlfriends, which she does happily. The problem with this is that you have to start using money from your secondary savings. Your own damn fault for buying video games and having 5 girlfriends, but what are you gonna do?

It’s on Sunday afternoon that you get a call from Fujiwara-san. She asks if you have plans for tomorrow. You don’t, really, so you’re free for anything. She sounds happy to hear that, at least, and you decide on a meeting place at 4:00 pm.

Whether she called out of obligation or not is still a mystery, but you’ll take your chances whenever they show up.


The place you go to on Monday is none other than the famous Tokyo Skytree, and you have to thank whatever deities exist in this world that you’re not particularly afraid of heights because fuck! Standing in the observation deck, you can see most of the city and beyond.

“Tokyo really is a concrete jungle, isn’t it?” Fujiwara-san comments beside you.

“No kidding. I’m not a huge fan of cities, but looking at it from this high really puts it in another perspective."

She chuckles. “Was that supposed to be a joke?”

“Uh… not really.” You grin sheepishly. “Not intended, at least, but I’ll take it.”

“Fuji-san looks really pretty from here.”


“Oh, sorry.” She laughs. “I meant Mt. Fuji.”

“Ah. Right.”

There are a lot of people around, and even more to come considering you had to wait your turn to enter with a lot more people waiting behind you. Lots of couples, too. This seems to be a common place for dates, though not exclusively since there are also lots of families with children.

“Do you want to eat something?” Fujiwara-san offers.

You accept and go to down a level from the observatory to the cafe. You find a table for two in the still brightly lit room thanks to the glass walls. You place your orders and wait in a silence that starts to get increasingly awkward.

“I’m… sorry about the other day.” Ms. Fujiwara says, looking downcast.

“Don’t be. I don’t regret what I said, but I obviously stepped out of line.”

“No,” She shakes her head. “It’s hard to explain, but… I was really happy to hear you say that, but at the same time, I wasn’t. I have… my own concerns, but even now I feel like we’re moving exactly like our parents want us to. That we're not really… doing what we want.”

You nod. “I admit, I feel the same way. However, and I mean no offense here, I think I would feel stupid later if I passed up a chance for something great just out of spite for my dad.” You sigh.

“So you want to marry me and inherit my father’s company?” You asks, a bit skeptical.

“No,” You shake your head casually. “I’m going to law school whether my dad likes it or not. I’m not fit to run a company, anyway. I may understand some of the theory behind business, but I can’t manage it.” You explain, resting your cheek on your knuckle.

“…So, hypothetically, if we did get together, what would happen to my father’s company?”

“I have an idea, but I have to sort out the details with my brother, and make a good enough pitch to your father.”

“…You’ve actually thought about it?”

“Yeah.” You nod and pause for a moment while a waiter brings you your coffee and chocolate cakes before continuing. “My brother could manage the company easily and he’d be willing to outright buy it, not just inherit it.”

“I don’t know if my father would be okay with it. He wants the business to stay in the family.” Fujiwara-san bites her lip.

“Which is why I said we’d need a good enough pitch.” You agree, drinking some coffee.

Fujiwara-san keeps quiet for a while, and you’re fine with letting her think. This isn’t the most romantic date, but that’s fine if it’ll clear things between you.

“You’re really thorough, aren’t you?” She smiles wryly.

“I try.” You mirror her smile.

“Will you… give me some time? Even without this mess of an arrangement, there are still things I’m… conflicted on.”

You nod. “Of course. Fujiwara-san, I like you, but I don’t want to seem like I’m pushing you into this. If you don’t feel the same way about me, well, that’s the end of that.” You grimace.

She nods back. “Thank you. But for now, would it be too awkward if we kept dating and enjoying ourselves? I like spending time with you, too.”

“It would be, but you won’t hear me complaining.” You grin, thankfully making her chuckle.


After that date at the Skytree, you go on two others going from simple dinners around the city to sample the (fucking amazing) food to a walk around Yoyogi Park.

It’s during these, were you can focus less on the arrangement and more on each other that you learn more about your school’s nurse.

She had an older brother who died in a car accident. It was actually because he was to inherit the family business that her parents let her become a nurse, but her brother died a year before she graduated.

She’s had four boyfriends in her life. One in high school, a relationship that ended when they graduated and had to part; and three in university that ended because, in her words, “things just didn’t work out”. A part of you thinks there’s more to it than that, but isn’t there always?

Of course, she asks about you as well. You tell her of your experiences in high school, about your hobbies and plans for the future. Something that strikes you as odd is that she seems interested in your relationship with three girls, but is also very hesitant to ask.

You guess that’s just because, even if it’s considered “normal”, not everyone will react to it the same way. At least she doesn’t seem disturbed by it, just… really curious.

On the days you’re not on a date with her, you tour the city with your sister, looking for Christmas gifts and getting to know the place, or discussing with your brother your idea for him to buy the Fujiwara business. Thankfully, he’s really interested, not to mention he considers it more like you doing him a favor than the other way around.



In case you're wondering. The other chapter post that's two in one? Intermissions 11 and 12 are about 1.000 words each, that's why they're posted together.