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Holy crap, people! Thank you so, so much for your support! I know it sounds cliche, but this really means a huge deal to me. Just knowing that there are people who enjoy the story enough to support me like this is a huge confidence boost that I think I really needed.

I think I've said before that I would like to eventually make a living out of writing, but I'm very aware of my own shortcomings and comparing myself to better authors makes it really difficult. So seriously, thank you very much! I'll do my best to continue bringing you stories that you'll enjoy, even when The Affection Multiplier eventually ends.

I honestly didn't expect the goal to be met this week. Next week's chapters are done already, but I'll try to edit what I have so that it'll match the word count I promised without compromising quality. Also, considering my current schedule, I think it might be good to stick to two chapters a week. If I can keep my current pace, I'll be able to devote a good chunk of time to Deus Terra (the teased story).

On a related note, is there anything you can think of that you would like to see as a new goal or benefits for higher tiers here? It might come off as greedy, but of course I want to keep going, if posible, but I want everyone to get their money's worth. At the same time, I don't want to offer things I can realistically achieve. Still, if you have any ideas, let me know!

Again, thank you everyone!



Hey, congrats! It's a worthwhile investment, as far as I'm concerned. As for additional content for additional tiers, maybe some short photo stories featuring the characters from Affection Multiplier? One of the early things that I liked about that story is the great cast that was assembled from some gorgeous models, models who probably have a whole bunch of readily accessible images. A hot picture of Sabrina Lynn, for example, with a little Katherine/David short scene attached, I think that could be a useful Patreon exclusive that wouldn't have to be a ton of extra work. Just a thought. Regardless, you've been killing it lately. Hope you're having fun with this!


I have been having a ton of fun (except when writer's block hits. Then I panic). I like the idea for short stories, and they shouldn't be much more work unless there's too many requests. Good or bad, I've had time to write due to the recent worldwide happenings, so I'm also trying to keep the future in mind. Still, that's a good idea! Thank you!