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Your eyes follow mesmerized the curvy, voluptuous figure of the blonde woman crawling towards you in your bed. It’s such a surprising sight that you can’t even more, only admire the way her white skin seems to glow in the dim lighting and the way her generous breasts sway as she gets closer to you.

What is Ms. Miller doing in your house? What’s with this situation? Why are you laying naked in bed with Julia? Why can’t you think of answers?

As she crawls on top of you, your P.E. teacher rubs her body against your own, flashing you a smile that says she knows you love it. Her boobs and her hard nipples brush against your legs and your stomach before settling comfortably against your chest. 

When her face is in front of yours, she leans in and her lips brush against yours. You’re aware of your hardening cock pressed between your stomachs. She teases your lips with hers several times before she pulls back slightly with a big grin.

“Do you want to kiss me?” She asks.

Wordlessly and slowly, you find yourself nodding. Those pink lips look so enticing. You want to claim them forever as yours. You lift your head from the pillow that just now realize is a woman’s lap.

Ms. Fujiwara?

In her naked glory, the nurse’s perfectly shaped chest almost obscures the sight of her gentle, encouraging smile. She puts her hands on the back of your head and lifts it, supporting you as she tells you with her eyes not to focus on her, but on the woman in front of you.

It feels odd, but your attention goes back to Julia. She’s smiling in anticipation, licking her lips as you get closer. You wrap an arm around her neck and the other around her waist and capture her mouth aggressively.

You push your tongue inside and she’s all too eager to let you. She moans into you, her hips grinding against you. You lower your hands along her body until they’re settled in that plump ass you’ve stared at more than a couple of times during class.

“Take me…” Julia says. Her voice full of desire as she closes her eyes when you lick her neck. “Make me yours. Then take Anzu…!”

You heart beats even faster when you hear those words, and Ms. Fujiwara giggles behind you.

Julia lifts her hips and aligns your cock with her entrance. She gives you a huge grin, bites her lips in excitement and starts lowering her body, impaling herself on you…

…and with every inch of you inside her, your vision starts getting whiter. More and more until everything seems to disappear.


Your eyes open and you find yourself staring at an unfamiliar cream-colored ceiling. It only takes you a few seconds to remember where you are and start getting your thoughts in order.

Right now, you’re waking up in a surprisingly comfortable bed in a small room located roughly about 6.5 miles over the Pacific Ocean. There’s the bed, a black recliner chair beside it and a TV on the wall in front of it.

This is apparently what a first-class airline “seat” looks like, but maybe this is even one of the fancier ones? Honestly, your dad is many things, but a cheapskate he’s not. And while a part of you thinks that this is excessive and that an economy-class seat would’ve been enough, you’re not going to complain now that you’re here.

You groan and get up from the bed, walking up to one of the two doors in the room. This one leads to the small restroom and the other to the hallway. You wash your face, take a piss and return to the room, taking a bottle of water out of the minibar before sitting on the chair.

You groan at the erection in your pants. You’re not one to have many dreams, or even remember the few you do have, but this one… it’s annoying in a number of ways.

First, the obvious one, is that it get you horny when you’re away from your girls. Not that they’re just there to relieve your sexual frustration, but it does make you miss them even more. And it’s only the beginning of the trip, goddammit. You didn’t even get to make it up to them for your strange behavior after finals, since it turns out your father bought the plane tickets not for when your brake started, but for when finals were over. Meaning you’ll be missing one week of school and while everybody knows that those last days of the semester are usually a waste, you will have to rely on Emma to text you your test results. You didn’t even know until your brother told you the day before, “reminding you” to pack your bags.

All you could do was give your girls a quick goodbye, although Emma and Mia drove you and Jonathan to the airport. You could at least say a proper goodbye to them, and Emma’s parting words let you leave with some relief.

After she kissed you goodbye only minutes before boarding the plane, she whispered into your ear. “You don’t mind if we play among ourselves, do you?”

“You mean…”

“Yep. I think we should use this opportunity for some intense girls-only bonding time.” She giggled excitedly.

“Please, don’t let me stop you.” You chuckled.

“Good. And by the way, this should be obvious, but knowing you, you’ll hesitate and feel guilty anyway. So…” She kissed you cheek and whispered sexily. “If you want to have fun with some girls over there, know that you have our approval.”

With eyes wide, you glanced from her to Mia, who chortled knowing exactly the reason for that look, so she nodded to you.

Urgh! Your girls are fucking amazing! You’re gonna marry them all and have dozens of kids and then you’ll play with your kids and be a fun father and have sneaky sex with your wives while your children sleep in your huge fucking mansion and and and…

You sigh heavily and slump in your chair.

The second thing that bothers you about the dream is that, well, none of your girls were there. You don’t know what to make of it. Honestly, you don’t know what to make of the dream at all. Sure, the fact that you’re pent up is definitely a factor, but why Julia and Ms. Fujiwara?

It’s not like it bothers you that your brother went on a couple of dates with your P.E. teacher. No sir. It doesn’t bother you.

And maybe you saw Ms. Fujiwara because you’ve been keeping her advice in mind now that you’re going to Japan.

You wish the others could’ve come with you, but that thought only makes you realize that your parents will ask if you have a girlfriend. Traits aside, you don’t really want to know how they’ll react when you tell them you have five.

It’s nice to have that thought haunt you the rest of the flight since now that you’ve slept your usual 4 hours, there’s still 15 more to go.

Now… you wonder if you can sneakily rub one out in the restroom.


When you and Jonathan arrive at the airport early in the morning, a Japanese man dressed in a grey suit is already waiting for you with a sign with your last name on it. He introduces himself as Wataru Akiyama- wait, no, Akiyama Wataru. You have to remember people here introduce themselves with their last name first. He speaks clear English and tells you he’s your father’s driver and has come to pick you up. He’s also extremely polite! It’s kind of awkward to have people bowing to you, but you remember that’s pretty common around here. Jonathan just laughs at your reactions.

Akiyama…san drives you and your brother to a high-class residential area in Shinjuku, where your family’s house is. You’re a little disappointed that the house has a modern, blocky style instead of a more traditional Japanese look. It’s also not as big as the others around the neighborhood, but with only three people living here, it should be no surprise.

After getting through the automatic gate, Akiyama-san drives the car down a ramp and parks it in the garage. He tells you there’s a door in it that leads to the house, but that you can use the main entrance if you prefer. You want to see more of the house, so you nod and walk back up the ramp.

There are thin, yet tall green trees along one of the walls of the house. A pink bike is resting against the wall next to the main door and you don’t have to guess who it belongs to. You ring the doorbell and it only takes a few second for the door to swing open and a ball of energy to tackle you in a tight hug.


What the fuck?

“Who the hell are you and what did you do to my little sister!?” You ask the blonde girl holding onto you.

She gins up at you teasingly before she says “What? I thought you’d like it.”

“Oh, so you’re just trying to mess with me. Good to know.” You give her a weak smile and your sister just laughs.

Martha Walker is your 16-year-old sister and the last one of your siblings (hopefully?). She has shoulder-length hair tied into a high ponytail, blue eyes and is sadly growing into quite the beautiful young woman.

“Did you get taller? I didn’t give you permission to grow.” You tell her after getting a good look at her.

“Give me a year and I’ll catch up to you!” Martha proclaims, measuring the distance between the top of her head and yours, which is about 15cm.

“I still have a bit of growing left in me, so don’t count on it.” You chuckle.

Martha hugs you again, this time being less of a tease and more of her really missing you.

“I’m glad you’re here, Dave! Everyone is such a stick in the mud! I want to have fun with you! I’ll take you to Akihabara! You’ll love it!”

Oh shit, that actually sounds really cool. You chuckle return your sister’s a hug.

“I missed you too, Martha.”

Okay, maybe this trip was worth it after all.

“What, no hug for your favorite older brother?” Jonathan asks in mock offence as he comes back carrying one of the bags, Akiyama-san behind him carrying two more.

“Did you bring me the make-up I asked for?” Martha asks.

“Shit…! I forgot...” Jonathan gives her an apologetic smile.

“Then no hugs for you!” Your lovely little sister sticks her tongue out to Jonathan and snuggles more against you, making you laugh.

“Martha, if you give Jonathan a hug, he’ll take you shopping this weekend to apologize.”

Martha’s eyes shine at your words. She immediately releases you and runs to your bother with open arms.

“Welcome back, oni-chaaaan!” She says in an attempt at being an innocent girl.

“Stay away from me, you materialistic devil.” Jonathan tells her with an unamused look, extending his arm to hold Martha’s head and keep her from actually hugging him.

“My, you only just got here and things are already this lively.” You hear a voice coming from the door.


 Who is it? 



It probably feels weird (or maybe even lazy) to simply skip finals, but the tests aren't really the point. My goal with these chapters is to show how much control David's father has over his life, even when he's not there. Also, again, sadly intentional blue balls. David misses his girls and hasn't had the chance to simply be with them.

Roy Benavides

Meh, I think it's alright for plot brevity. You really haven't done that often anyway. I definitely love the direction the story is going. I can't wait for more!