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“Sure.” You nod, predicting that he wants to bribe you in some way so you won’t tell Amelia.

You enter the fancy lobby, its roof decorated with huge, glass chandeliers. Mr. Wilson leads you to a coffee shop inside the hotel, where you find a table for two and he tells you to have whatever you want. You don’t really want anything, but you’ve always been curious about how different expensive coffee tastes, so you get that.

“Mr. Sawyer,” Mr. Wilson starts. “The woman you saw me with…”

“You don’t need to explain anything, Mr. Wilson. I’m not here to meddle in your business. Though I do feel bad for your wife. She’s been very kind to me.” You say innocently.

“Yes, she was particularly adamant on the matter of the basement room. She said she felt bad leaving a young man on the streets.” He sighs. “She’s always been a bit too soft for this business.” He looks at you with a wry smile. “I would… appreciate it if you didn’t tell her about this. In return, I would-”

“I won’t tell her.” You lie. Though it’s not like it matter since she already knows. “And I don’t need anything from you, Mr. Wilson. Like I said, I’m not here to meddle in your business. However, I would like you to remember that I know.”

The man grimaces but stays silent and nods. You don’t know how he interpreted those words, and honestly, you don’t even know why you said them. Are you trying to save this for when you need a favor? What’s gotten into you?

Just now your coffee arrives.

“I curious, though, Mr. Wilson. If your wife was cheating on you, what would you say?”

‘Yes…! Throw it in his face! Revel in his despair!’

“She’s cheating on me…!?” He asks with honest shock on his face.

“I don’t know.” You shrug. “And even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you. Just how I won’t tell your wife about your affair.” You want to believe that if you were an outside party in this matter, you truly would stay away from it. However, something inside you is making you act like this, and you’re perturbed at how good it feels.

“I-I see.” He nods nervously. “If she was cheating on me… I… I couldn’t say anything, could I? I guess at this point our marriage is more business than love, huh?” He mutters, as if realizing it just now.

“Well, Mr. Sawyer. If you ever need anything, let me know. I’ll pay for your coffee right away, so please enjoy it at your leisure.” He nods goodbye and leaves you alone.

That was an experience. It was… thrilling, in a way. There’s a nagging feeling in the back of your mind, but you can’t deny the excitement.


 What’s next? 


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