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Even if it nags your sense of responsibility, your libido is actually winning this time. Even if no one said anything explicit yesterday, you know you were all hoping for some action. And you’re not stupid. You know the girls talking about Jessica’s tits is very much an excuse to get you in the mood.

Every step towards your door builds up your arousal and anticipation a little more. You know you have to study. You can feel a very annoying tightness in your chest when you think that you want to seek your own pleasure rather than do your duty and study. A sense of responsibility hammered onto you from a young age.

Yet looking back at these two magnificent women who want nothing more than to share that pleasure with you, women who you adore with every fiber of your being, builds up the scorching heat inside your body.

“Let’s make it quick.” You tell them, a small knot in your throat making getting the words out difficult. The girls look visibly giddy at your answer. “Let’s do it in the shower. I don’t want the room to smell of sex when Katherine gets here.”

The three of you leave your bags and move to the bathroom. None of you make a big deal out of undressing, but that doesn’t stop you from drinking from the delicious nectar that is the sight of these athletic girls naked.

You get in the shower and get the water running. Soon after, Megan gets in, followed closely by Emily.

“Hey! This is the first time we take a shower together!” Megan giggles, hugging you. Her perfect, athletic body against you is enough to bring your cock to life in an instant. You watch as the water soaks her clear brown hair and her skin as she looks up at you with her bright smile.

“Make some space for me.” Emily tells her friend, giving her a soft spank on the butt.

As Megan scoots to your left, you take a look at Emily. Her long blonde hair, now free from her usual ponytail and soaking under the stream of water, presses against her toned body. She places her hand on your chest as she looks hungrily into your eyes.

She’s beautiful. And so is Megan. And they’re both yours. They’re devoted to you; they love you more than they have ever loved anyone in their lives. Their eyes speak of adoration beyond what’s standard for married couples. How could you not reciprocate those feelings? It’s impossible for you not to feel the same way towards them.

Emily bites her lip before her lips curl into a shy smirk. She leans forward until she captures your lips. Meanwhile, Megan kisses your neck as she delicately wraps her fingers around your cock. The feeling of her gentle strokes and Emily’s tongue dancing with yours is almost enough to make you forget that you should be studying.

You should be studying. Jessica called you smart, but that’s not true. Your father is smart. Your brother is smart. You little sister is smart. You? If you don’t put in the effort you won’t be able to keep up with them. That’s why you should be studying. If you do badly on the exams, you family won’t care about excuses.

The tightness in your chest gets worse. A deep sense of guilt settles at the bottom of your stomach. The strength of your embrace on the girls lessens with you barely realizing it. And none of this gets past your girlfriends.

Emily pulls away from the kiss and looks at you with an uncharacteristically concerned frown. “What’s wrong?” She asks, her tone soft and full of honest worry.

Was it really that noticeable? Emily is always very blunt about things. When she thinks there’s something bothering you, her usual way of asking is telling you to “spill it!”. Now it’s different.

“David, are you okay?” Megan asks with just as much concern. “You’re not very into this.”

“If you’re not feeling up to it, we don’t want to force you.” Emily tells you, placing a hand on your cheek and caressing it.

You lean into her touch, placing your own hand over hers and giving it a soft squeeze.

“I’m sorry.” You apologize. Your words come out of your throat as if you hadn’t used it all day. “I really want to, but… I don’t think I can right now. I’m sorry.” The feeling of guilt remains in your stomach, only this time the source of it is the disappointment you’re causing two of the women who are your world.

“Don’t be.” Megan gives you an apologetic smile. “We’re the ones pushing for this.”

“No, it’s okay. I love it when you do. I’m just… being an idiot.” You grimace. “I swear I’ll make it up to you.”

“Hey.” Emily calls your attention and kisses you again. This time, she’s not trying to get you in the mood, but reassuring you that this is okay. “Listen to me. I love having sex with you, and that’s selling it short. I really, really love having sex with you. But it’s not all I love doing with you. You understand that, right?”

Megan chuckles beside her friend. “It’s not like we’ll die if we don’t do it. We love you. You know that. So cheer up, okay?” It’s her turn to kiss you. “I hate seeing you making that face.”

You give them a wry smile, thanking them for being understanding, but it doesn’t get rid of the awful feelings inside you. What the hell is wrong with you? What normal 18 year old is more worried about his tests grades than having sex with two absolutely stunning women?

The three of you quickly finish your shower and make no mention of still being kinda horny. You can tell that, despite what they said, they’re still a little frustrated. You are, too, but you can’t get rid of the nagging feeling in your gut.

You get dressed, and while you change into something more comfortable, the girls have to put on their uniforms again. They actually have a change of clothes and underwear in one of your drawers (Emma’s idea to for everyone to keep at least one, just in case) but it’d be pretty telling if they were in casual wear when Katherine gets here.

It’s not really about hiding things from her, but knowing you were doing things might make her feel like a third… fifth wheel.

“Hey, David.” Emily calls to you after you finish setting up the table with her. “You still haven’t answered. What’s wrong? You’re distracted.”

“…” You grimace. You don’t really get it yourself. You just know that everything you’re both doing and not doing causes you a stupid sense of guilt. “I’m not sure. I really wanted to do it, too, but… it just felt like it wasn’t something we were supposed to be doing, so it kept nagging at me.” You sigh. “I know it sounds stupid, but I couldn’t help it.”

“I mean, it’s not like you’re wrong. We DO have to study.” Megan says. “If we don’t, Emily and I might still get kicked out of the team. Besides, I admit I felt bad for getting a leg up on Sophia.”

“They should be here in about 15 minutes.” Emily says, looking at her phone. She then looks at you again. “You know that if you want to talk, we’re always willing to listen. You don’t have to hold things back.”

You smile at her. “I know. Just… let me think about it some more. Let’s finish setting everything up.”

And it’s just like she said. In about 15 minutes you hear voices just outside.

“Why did you bring me here?” You hear Katherine ask with heavy skepticism.

“This is David’s place.” Sophia tells her.

“No, it’s not!” The redhead denies.

“Yes, it is.”

“It’s a storage shed!”

“It was.”

“Look at it!”

“I’m looking at it.” Sophia says. “Now I’m opening the door.”

“You have a key?”

“Yup. David’s a sweetheart.” Sophia giggles. The door opens and the debate team captain freezes when she notices that the three of you were silently listening to the conversation.

“This morning you told me I was a terrible boyfriend.” You tell her with a teasing smirk. “What am I supposed to believe now?”

“Urgh. Shut up.” She shushes you as her face reddens. Emily and Megan take the opportunity to tease their friend by chanting “Sophia loves David!” in a high-pitched tone as if they were middle schoolers. You wouldn’t think it would bother her, all things considered, but she blushes even harder.

Katherine can’t help but laugh heartily at the scene, and somehow the silliness of it all makes your worries go away. At least temporarily. There’s no reason to make Katherine uncomfortable by being down now.

“So, you really live here?” Katherine asks, looking at every corner of your humble abode. You give her an extremely detailed tour of you 10x12 suite, giving her the excuse that you disassembled the bed to make room for the table and chairs.

“Okay… it isn’t as terrible as I thought on the inside.” She approves, nodding her head.

“You should’ve seen it when I moved in. It was dirty, cold and completely unhospitable.” You tell her. “If it wasn’t for some of our teachers, the school wouldn’t have fixed this place.”

“I’m amazed it hasn’t been a public scandal.” Katherine tells you. “They’ve done news reports on how amazing Hayes Academy’s dorms are, yet they give you this?”

“You already know the headmistress doesn’t want me in this school. This was just one of her very subtle moves.”

“Well…” She smiles contently. “It’s close to school and it feels surprisingly cozy.”

Oh. Right. You have the Great Host trait. That’s easy to forget.

“For what it’s worth, it’s been home for the last five months.” You shrug.

Everyone sits around the table, notebooks in hand and with your laptop close by. You expected this, but having Sophia and Katherine here is a huge help. Not only do they help Emily and Megan when you’re busy with one or the other, but the discussions on certain topics make things easier to understand and remember. Katherine is particularly good at history, being easily able to recall events and dates. She’s also fast at math.

“Why do you use the longer formula?” She asks you curiously, looking over your notes.

You blink. “Are you implying there’s another, shorter formula?”

“Well, yeah!” She takes her time explaining you, Megan and Emily all the methods you can use to skip steps and solve problems faster.

“You mean you didn’t know? How did I lose to you at math?” Sophia asks.

“You ever had one of those teachers that told you if you didn’t do things like he said, you were doing them wrong?”

“Ooooh.” The debate girls nod in understanding.

“Yeah, I’m sticking with the longer one, thanks.” Emily grumbles. “This one hurts my head.”

“It’s more difficult, yeah, but it saves a lot of time.” You admit. “Thanks, Katherine.”

You catch the redhead’s cheeks turning a light shade of red before she answers. “W-Well, it was about time I teach you something.”

With everyone working and talking, time goes by rather quickly. The study session was surprisingly fun, not to mention you got a lot done.

However, there’s one more thing to discuss.

“Katherine, I have something to ask you.” You start. She looks at you with honest curiosity. “Would you be opposed to including… Olivia, Lillian and Jessica in our study group one of these days?”

“W-What!? Are you crazy!?” Katherine stands up abruptly and slams her hands on the table.

“I figured you would say that.” You sigh, “If that’s your final answer, I won’t push more for it. But if not, would you be willing to listen to me?”

“…” She bites her lip and sits back down. “I know what you’re gonna say. You’ll tell me that they’re trying to change, that they’re no longer abusing people, yada yada yada.” She scowls. “I… I can’t just forget the things they did to me. I’m not like you.” You notice her body is tense and you see her hands trembling as she speaks.

“I understand.” You say. “And that’s fine. I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to. How could I?” You give her a wry smile. “I’ll just say this. There’s a lot of amazing people I wouldn’t be calling friends right now if I hadn’t given them a second chance.”

Katherine flinches, and you hear Emily groan while Megan chuckles nervously.

“…I’ll think about it, okay?”

“That’s more than I could ask for.”

After a sudden silence, Sophia clears her throat and says “Sure, don’t ask me.” She says sarcastically.

“Sorry. Would you be up for it?”

She sighs in resignation. “Yeah, I would.”

“You can be kind of petty at times, you know that?” Emily tells Sophia.

“Yeah, I’m aware.” She nods, matter-of-factly. 

After that, the girls help you clean up the place before you walk with them to the bus stop. You kiss your girlfriends goodbye with a quick peck on the lips and wave to Katherine as she gets on her bus.

-Brown, Katherine-
Affection Score: 71
Love Score: 40
Lust Score: 20


What happens next?



As you may have noticed, I'm seeing how well 2 longer updates a week works for me. I think it might be more comfortable than the previous way, but we'll see. Also, I've thought about this for a long time, but if there's one thing I regret about how I write this story is doing it in 2nd person. I did it like this because everything I'd written for chyoa before was also in 2nd person, so I was already used to it. However, it severely limits what I can do with the protagonist. I'm going for something with David's guilt here. It's not random. I'll play a part in the trip to Japan.

Finn 0815

HAHA. I was worried a bit, that you just wanted to annoy us. ;) I hope the shower-scene will continue at some point? The description of her their was great. I think the longer breaks seem to suit you better. As always, the quality of the chapters is top of the tops. What would you want to do if you didn't have to write in 2nd person?I can not imagine that we will miss anything that you can not do otherwise.


Writing in 3rd person would give me more freedom to explore all characters' feelings and emotions without having them outright state them. It's the reason I had to start using intermissions.

Finn 0815

Hmm, yes, I can understand you. But am I missing something here? For me, the intermissions are one of the story's highlits. You explain David well and we always know how he feels about a situation. But it's like in real life that you don't always know whether something is going well with the girls. Then you read your thoughts as a reader and look forward to the resolution. I was always really happy when I read 'Intermission' over a chapter. So we stay focused on David and still get an insight into the world of his girls. But it still remains something special, BECAUSE you can't always explain it right away. My opinion.


I like intermissions too, but the main point is that 2nd person narrative hurts linear stories like this. The point of writing in this style is to allow the reader to make choices as if they were in charge of the plot. What I'm doing is a linear story with no branching paths. It's not like it's something extremely terrible, but just something I noticed way after I started.