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Chapter 434: Poker dares.

Ah. Right. That’s what it was.

Mom warned me against gambling.

I don’t know much about how statistics work, but even I understood this was bullshit. In the first four rounds, the best hand I got was a pair of 5s. The second best was a pair of 2s, and in the previous ones I didn’t even get that. But yeah, only four rounds. A streak of bad luck could happen to anyone, right? Right.

Well, it didn't matter all that much in the end. We were playing by ‘highest hand wins, everyone else loses’ rules. Meaning the person with the best hand could give an order to anyone else to a maximum of two people at a time.

Mila won the first round and ordered me to take off my jacket. Diana won the second round and ordered me to take off my shirt. There was booing at first when they realized I had a thin white t-shirt under that as well, but…

“Wait, no, that’s even hotter…” Sarah said, swallowing.

Alice gasped and giggled. “God, you can see the t-shirt marking his muscles…”

“Should we keep him like that for a while?” Diana asked the table.

“Yes.” The agreement was unanimous.

As Diana dealt the hands for the third round, I made some casual conversation. “When the girls told me you were into board games, I didn’t expect Monopoly and poker,” I told Diana.

“We played other things before you got here,” she said. “Monopoly is far from my favorite game, but it can be fun with the right mentality.”

“We played one with these really pretty colored dice,” Noelle said, giggling and taking a sip of her third mudslide (which Diana made sure was more ice cream than alcohol this time). “But it gave Mila a headache because she had to think too much.”

“It was hard!” Mila moaned.

“We also played one where you’re a merchant trying to smuggle contraband into town by tricking the sheriff,” Alice said. “Grace won one round by being too good a liar. I won the other because nobody believed I wasn’t lying.”

“That checks out,” I said.

Grace won the third round of poker. Smiling in satisfaction, she picked up her glass of whiskey, took a sip and eyed Diana. “I want Diana and Oliver to make out.”

Oh boy.

Diana chuckled softly and stood up. “I did say this was to break the ice…”

I got up as well. We moved close to each other, I held her waist and she held my shoulders. For a moment I felt her inner struggles again. Her desire to be close to me, the awkwardness of having to do this in front of others, the fear that the girls would suddenly realize they didn’t like what they were seeing, the THRILL of doing this in front of others. A hotpot of conflicting emotions she was pushing through for the sake of following her heart.

It hurt a bit. I didn’t like seeing her so conflicted. She may be getting along with the girls, but they didn’t share the connection I had with them. Diana couldn’t know they felt genuine excitement and arousal at seeing us together. I wanted to reassure her that things would be fine, so I did it in the best way I knew how.

I kissed her deeply, tasting the martini in her lips before pushing my tongue inside her mouth. Diana melted, wrapping her arms around my neck, moaning quietly and rolling her own tongue around mine with languid movements. A fire was lighting up in me as well. Diana tasted so good, and knowing the other girls enjoyed watching me kiss another woman was like pure gasoline. Still, I had to break the kiss. When I pulled away, Diana and I both licked our lips. 

“So sexy,” Alice said, her chin on her hand and a smile on her face. “And I mean the both of you.”

“Th-Thanks,” Diana said, smiling shyly and going back to her seat.

“Oh yeah, that was even better than I imagined,” Grace said.

Noelle swallowed and undid the first two buttons of her blouse. “I’m getting really hot…”

“The whole room is getting hot,” Mila said, fanning herself with her hand while grinning sultrily.

The fourth round was when I got my pair of 5s. Still not enough to even get close to Sarah.

“Yes! Finally!” Sarah dropped her hand on the table, showing four aces. Noelle instinctively let out a cute little yelp. Sarah looked very, very happy. “Diana, I can’t remember this well. When you asked us the kind of things Oliver was into, I think we forgot to tell you an important one.”

Diana raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”

Sarah smirked. “He’s into girl-on-girl action. Noelle, come here and sit on my lap!”

“Oh wow!” Mila exclaimed excitedly.

Alice cheered with loud whistling that contrasted with Grace’s surprised whistling.

Diana’s eyes were wide open and with a huge grin on her face. “Seriously?”

“Alright then, fine!” Noelle grabbed her glass and drank half its content in one go before jumping off her seat and going up to Sarah.

“Sit down facing me,” Sarah told the redhead. “We’re gonna make out for Oliver’s pleasure.”

“Well… if it’s for HIS pleasure…”

I was grinning from ear to ear. Their eyes said it all. Neither of them was forcing themselves to do something they didn’t want. Noelle straddled Sarah’s lap. They shot me a quick look, asking for my final approval.

“Please, pretend I’m not here,” I said, raising my hands.

“You heard him,” Sarah said.

The blonde and the redhead came together into an increasingly passionate kiss. They held each other closed and made out with open mouths without an ounce of shame. Maybe the alcohol in them had something to do with it, but this wasn’t something that could’ve happened four months ago.

We could see their tongues darting and swirling together, eyes closed and completely lost on each other. I could only feel my arousal growing, not a speck of jealousy in my body. If they’d been kissing a guy, I’d be hurt. Even if they were kissing a random girl, I’d still feel betrayed. But these weren’t random girls. The bond we shared was very special. And I also felt the arousal growing in them, a fire stoked. Heh. They were enjoying themselves.

Noelle’s huge breasts mashed against Sarah’s more modest bust all the while until the blonde pulled away and looked directly at those tits.

“Crap, they really are huge…” Sarah swallowed and looked Noelle in the eyes. “Can I touch them?”

Noelle licked her lips and nodded wordlessly. They were immediately making out again, this time with Sarah’s hands all over the cute redhead’s supple tits.

We all watched in silence, entranced by the passion. My dick was hard in my pants. Grace and Alice were both shifting in place, rubbing their thighs together. Mila had her phone out and was recording everything, not willing to let them forget about this even if they happened to drink too much. Diana was looking on with interest, but she also gave us all a thoughtful look. Whatever she was thinking, she kept it to herself until Sarah and Noelle finally pulled away.

“W-Wow…” Noelle laughed nervously, her eyes locked with Sarah’s. “That was nice, wasn’t it?”

“I’m gonna need a repeat some other time when you don’t taste like ice cream,” Sarah told her. “Just to make sure it wasn’t just that that made me like it so much, you know?”

We all laughed, and we laughed even harder when Noelle got off Sarah’s lap and the blonde mimicked a phone with her hand and brought her to her ear, silently but clearly saying “Call me!” to Noelle.


Chapter 435: And more poker dares.

Once the laughter stopped, Diana looked at all of us but shifted her gaze from Noelle to Sarah more than anyone else. “So… Is that how you guys do it? Is it a relationship where you all… do it with each other, or…”

“Nah, we’re all straight,” Sarah assured, though she then frowned and corrected herself. “Mostly straight, at least. It’s just that we’ve seen each other naked and having sex so many times by now it’s kind of impossible not to feel arousal for each other.”

“Yeah,” Noelle agreed with a nod. “We’ve shared three-way kisses, threesomes, foursomes… We’ve done it with one girl on top of the other and Oliver behind… At some point the brain just grows used to it. It learns that women are also sexual stimulus and makes the body react. Still wouldn’t call myself a lesbian, though.”

“Like technicalities matter,” Grace said with a shrug.

Alice chuckled. “Is that what you two talked about at Sarah's house the other day?”

Noelle laughed. “Not just that, but it did come up.”

“I mean, we were in the sauna,” Sarah said. “I found myself thinking that Noelle was really hot. I told her, she said she also thought I was hot and we ended up trying to rationalize why we were becoming attracted to women, too.”

I sighed. “To be a fly on that wall…”

“In a sauna? You’d be dead,” Mila said, laughing.

“Ever kissed a girl, Diana?” Grace asked.

Diana chuckled. “Win the next poker round and ask me again.”

“Oh, so now I need to try.”

“Oh, don’t act like you weren’t trying already,” Alice told her.

As if to prove her point, it was Alice who won that round with a full house.

“Fuck you, Alice,” Grace said, pouting an crossing her arms.

“Cry me a river! Haha!” Alice drank from her glass and turned to Diana. “So? Ever kissed a girl?”

We all laughed, even Diana. She took her glass and finished her martini, eating the olive inside and set it down before answering.

“I have.”

There were ‘oooohs’ around the table.

“Let me guess. Maria?” I asked only half-jokingly.

Diana smiled wryly. “Yes, actually. We were in university. I was… depressed, Maria had broken up with a boyfriend two days ago. We were drunk… We made out. It was good. We joke about it from time to time. There was nothing romantic about it, or even sexual. Just… reassurance. I love that woman like you wouldn’t believe. Just not, you know, that way. It’s mutual.”

I stroked my chin dramatically. “Should I tell Thomas our girlfriends have made out or not?”

“You keep your mouth shut, young man.”

“Yes ma’am!”

More laughter and more drinking. We had hit a sweet spot, I think. One that made me understand why people drank alcohol a bit more. A layer of inhibitions and shame was gone, the atmosphere was freeing, enjoyable. I could understand why people would continue to try and replicate it with constant drinking. It was dangerous.

Drink carefully, kids! Or don’t. I’m not your mom.

With spirits high and matching body temperatures, the game became actual strip poker for a while. Round after round, no matter who won, someone was taking something off. I didn’t win a single one, but I had been stripped of my shirt and my shoes. And as jackets and shirts began to fall off, I noticed something very, very interesting.

“Wait a minute…”

“He finally noticed!” Mila said, laughing.

“Wait, let him say it,” Alice said.

All the girls were in their bras, but… Grace was wearing red, Mila was wearing sky-blue, Sarah was wearing purple, Alice was wearing white, Noelle was wearing teal and while Diana still had her white shirt on, I still saw she was wearing black underneath.

“When did you all become color-coded?” I asked, very much amused. Then it hit me. “Wait, was this what you bought the other day?”

“Yeah!” Mila said.

“It was Diana’s idea,” Alice told me. “You like underwear, don’t you? We thought it would be fun. What do you think?”

“The colors fit you all perfectly.”

I mean, even without the unique colors, their bras were very pretty. Grace, Alice and Diana were wearing classic lace bras that were big enough to hold their heavy busts yet still leaving ample and eye-catching cleavage. Mila’s sky-blue bra was made of satin, but the area closer to the cleavage was of a black, mostly transparent fabric. Noelle’s teal bra was silk with a darker colored lace fringe on the lower half. And finally, while Sarah’s was made of purple silk, it had a pattern resembling black tiger stripes.

Horny and tipsy as I was, I rubbed my face with my hands and groaned into them. “You’re all so damn sexy. What did I ever do to deserve you?”

“Give and take, love,” Grace said, smiling at her glass. “You give us so much we have to match you somehow.”

“I don’t do enough,” I told her. “I’ll work even harder, I promise.”

Diana chuckled softly. “You’re all so cute.”

“Wait, Oliver…” Alice looked at the cards in front of me. “How many rounds have we played already? Have you won any?”

“Nope.” I told her and took the first sip of my third grasshopper. “It seems I have terrible luck at cards.”

Noelle giggled. “Oh wow! Something you’re bad at!”

Diana dealt cards again while I answered Noelle. “What are you talking about? I’m only good at a handful of things.”

“I bet your little guy is very uncomfortable in your pants, huh?” Sarah teased.

“A little.”

Again, no luck. My highest card was a single King. It really defied reason and probabilities, but I couldn’t care. I don’t need to describe my situation again, do I?

We watched as Alice showed her hand, a perfect royal flush.

“Oh damn!” Mila laughed. “Do you get anything cool for winning with that?”

“Maybe we should’ve added a rule like that,” Diana said, chuckling. “Well, Alice? What’s your command?”

“I… I want to do something selfish. Oliver, stay where you are.”

Alice stood up from her seat and walked over to me. She straddled my hips, wrapped her arms around me and just… hugged me. She hugged me tightly, lovingly, her face next to mine. With a happy sigh, I returned the hug, rubbing her bare upper back.

She laughed softly and whispered in my ear. “Sorry. You wanted more than this, didn’t you?”

“No, this is perfect,” I told her.

She kissed my neck. “Oliver… I love you. I’m not going to lose you. I’ll… We’ll figure something out. Our road doesn’t end here.”

I tensed up a bit. “Alice…”

“I know. This is a night to relax. But just… being here, playing around with you all… I refuse to let this go. I’m not losing you or any of the others. I know what’s important to me now.”

I held her closer to me, hiding my face between her shoulder and her neck. “Me too. You’re just as important to me. We’re staying together no matter what.”

We shared a very tender, innocent kiss before Alice returned to her seat. At first it seemed like our secret conversation had gone unheard. Mila cheerfully urged Diana to deal again and everyone went on as usual. However, the silent determination I felt from my schoolmates was unmistakable.

“By the way…” Diana said as she casually dealt the cards. “It might be time to up the level of our orders, don’t you think?”

There it was. Diana had just given the girls the green light. Things were about to get even hotter.


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