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Chapter 430: About the deal (Part 1)

I watched the man from the front desk leave and, now with enough privacy, turned to Mr. Allen. 

“I should start by saying I’m not ready to give you a definite answer yet,” I told him. “Last time… Well, I wasn’t exactly prepared for what you had to say.”

“And I’m ashamed at my lack of tact,” he said, sighing deeply. “Jennifer, Cecilia and Natalie gave me an earful for it…” I admit I didn’t remember their names, but since I did remember that Jennifer was the name of the girl Mila, Thomas and I helped that one day, I inferred that Cecilia and Natalie were Mr. Allen’s two other girlfriends. “You want details, Mr. Brooks, and I’m ready to answer any and all questions you may have.”

Any and all? Let’s test that. “The… spell that alters perception of your relationship with multiple partners. How did you do that?”

I had an idea of how magic worked by now, but not a full grasp. Frey managed to complete a spell by using a high amount of sexual energy and restrictions to further lower the amount needed. Up until now I thought it was something only Frey could do, or at least something related to sexual magic. Was I wrong?”

“I bought it,” Mr. Allen said.

“Ah?” I blinked, stunned for a moment. “You… bought it?”

“There is a market out there for supernatural phenomena,” Mr. Allen explained. “Enchanted items, rare valuables and the like are sold in a black market. There are people out there devoted to the development of spells of various effects. They inscribe them in scrolls and can be easily cast so long as the user possesses the adequate amount of magical energy. I bought one said scroll from the black market and used it on myself.” His eyes widened in realization and his smile became brighter. “Are you telling me… You developed and cast the spell on your own, then? Mr. Brooks, that’s incredible!”

Shit, did that backfire? Did I accidentally give him information about myself? Though I had little to do with the spell, actually. That was all Frey. Well, if Mr. Allen was impressed, it meant I was right in thinking that Frey was better at this stuff than she gave herself credit for.

But that other thing was a shock to hear. A market for supernatural stuff? People bought and sold magic?


“Mr. Allen… What do you really intend to do with the… potion you need my help creating.”

Mr. Allen grinned and chortled. “Sharp nose. Still, I did not lie, Mr. Brooks. I want that potion for myself. I’m overcome by the desire to share nights of overwhelming pleasure with my girls. That is my biggest current goal, and I’m willing to spend however much is necessary to get it. That said…” He sighed again. “Money is ephemeral. You can win the biggest lottery prize, but spend without a care and it will be gone in the blink of an eye. Should I let that happen, my avaricious partner would never let me hear the end of it.” He chuckled. “And I, myself, have too many desires to spend everything on a single wish. I know that after I secure a way to produce the potion, there will be something else I’ll want. A man’s desires know no end.”

I nodded slowly, beginning to understand. “So you also wish to sell the potion?”

“Correct. To an extent at least. There is a lot I don’t yet know about the potion itself. About how potent it is, how many can be made in a day, a week, a month, a year. If it were easy to make plenty of, and we did, flooding the market would make its value plummet despite having a monopoly on its production. I have ideas, but none I can speak confidently of until I know the quality of the product itself and its process of elaboration.” Mr. Allen smiled wryly. “It’s a compromise. To pursue my own desires, I must also look for a way to make a profit. To spend as much as I do on luxuries, I must earn even more. I try my best to make those two objectives align, which is why most of the businesses I own or am a part of are related to entertainment. And now I’d like to, ideally, develop a long-term partnership with you to produce the potion I want and also make a profit out of it.”

I swallowed. A long-term partnership… So like I thought, it wasn’t a one time thing. Dammit, my head was starting to spin. Ideas, thoughts and worries flooded my mind.

“T-These kinds of deals…” I started again. “They aren’t… legal, right?”

Mr. Allen grimaced and rubbed the back of his neck. “I suppose they aren’t. There’s no way they can be. After all, we’re dealing with the exchange of goods and services governments, as entities, aren’t aware of and can’t regulate. The money flowing through these markets needs to be laundered as well.”

“...” I frowned. I admit, the legality of it didn’t exactly bother me. Corrupted politicians and businessmen already did plenty of wrong while protected by legal loopholes and back alley deals. No, what worried me was if dealing with Mr. Allen would come back to bite me in the ass. I mean… “If I did work with you, how would I explain whatever money you paid me, then?”

“There are ways.” Mr. Allen looked around his own restaurant. “The easiest one would be formally employing you in any of my businesses. It’s how I already deal with other partners who offer similar services. You wouldn’t have to do anything, just be hired on paper.” He looked me directly in the eyes. “Mr. Brooks, I realize it might be hard to believe me, but I don’t make promises I can’t keep. Not only is it wrong, but it’s bad for your karma, which is very much a thing. So with that in mind, I promise you that if you accept my offer, I will guarantee the security of you and yours, both in legal terms and in protection from supernatural threats.”

That… did make this deal a lot more tempting.


Chapter 431: About the deal (Part 2)

“Are you sure you can promise something like that?” I asked Mr. Allen.

“I am. I may not look it, but I’m 40 years old and have been in this business for the last 10. I have business partners, friends and employees who help me keep everything under control, and my own abilities help me choose people I know I can trust. I’m extremely picky about who I make deals with, Mr. Brooks. I’m very risk-averse, so I’d rather lose an opportunity than risk a deal with someone I don’t fully trust. Be it lawyers, accountants or bodyguards, I have been blessed with extremely capable people.”

I smiled wryly. “I don’t know how to feel about that.”

Mr. Allen nodded. “I’m sure. You don’t need to answer, but just think this through. Am I your first encounter with the supernatural beyond your own powers? Do you think I will be the last? Power and money are not very different, you see. People either love you or hate you just for having it, and what you have is particularly rare and special. Mr. Brooks, it’s true that I want your powers, but my soul demands that I treat you fairly. I am not the only tycoon in this business, but I am one of the biggest ones. The protection I offer is not inconsiderable. Simply being in my list of employees would be a deterrent to those who would try to abuse your power.”

It’s true that was a big concern of mine. Much as I tried, there would come a time when I’d get on someone’s bad side. It had already happened before, and we managed to just barely overcome it. It could’ve been much worse.

“...” I couldn’t answer just yet. There was one more thing I needed to ask. The most awkward question of them all. I swallowed and forced the words out. “And… About p-payment…”

Mr. Allen took out his phone, tapped on the screen with his thumb, set it on the table and slid it over to me. I saw the number on the screen and my eyes nearly popped out.

With my jaw hanging, I asked, “Y-Yearly…?”



“Considering enough magical energy to make four potions,” Mr. Allen continued. “If four doses turn out to be too taxing on you, we can lower it and make arrangements.”

Now my head really was spinning. This was… like a mid-range, world-class soccer player’s salary! The kind of money I thought I’d barely see in a lifetime if I was lucky, let alone a year!

Mr. Allen took his phone back and began to do something else. He then slid his phone back to me. On the screen was… a document. A financial document, I realized. I didn’t understand it fully, but I did see a table with expenses and profits from the previous year. The numbers for the profits were at least 20 times more than what he would pay me in a year.

“That’s from the resort I opened three years ago, just one of the businesses I own. I can pay you what I say I will, Mr. Brooks, and I am very willing to do so.”

I was starting to become numb. Imagining an expensive diamond’s worth of a salary was lowballing it. This couldn’t be real.

Mr. Allen chuckled, but there was no humor in it. He joined his hands, interlocking fingers. He had a sad smile on his face. “It’s difficult to even believe so much money can exist, isn’t it? Your reaction tells me you’re just like I was.” He looked up to the ceiling. “I started from nothing, with a small tailoring business I ran from home. I made pants and dresses, fixed coats and shirts… but with how easy it is for people to simply buy new clothes when one is ruined, growth was slow. But it did grow. When I could, I bought a sewing machine, then hired a friend to help, then bought a second sewing machine, all leading to eventually having my own clothing store. I was able to make things snowball from there, but some days I think I can still feel the sting of the needles in my clumsy fingers.”

Mr. Allen frowned at the memory. He then took a deep breath and turned to me again. “Mr. Brooks, is there something specific you want?”


“Like I said, I will pay you fairly for your services, but if there is something concrete you want, I’d also be willing to help you obtain it.”


I know what you’re thinking. I should just tell him. Accept his offer, tell him what I want and my problems would be solved. But… I couldn’t. Not yet, at least. And… I didn’t know if I could at all.

“I’d… need to think about it,” I said. I felt an uncomfortable tightness in my chest. The spacious restaurant felt small and constricting. “Mr. Allen, I… T-Thank you for your time. I understand more now, but I’d still like to give it some thought and… talk about it with some people.”

“Take all the time you need,” Mr. Allen said solemnly. “I think I have an idea of what is going through your mind. Give it further thought, decide what is important to you, then come back. We can talk again and I will be happy to accommodate.”

I nodded stiffly. “Thank you. If you’ll excuse me.”

I stood up but I barely remembered walking out of the building and getting into mom’s car. I wasn’t ready to drive, so I sat there with my hands and forehead on the wheel, the pressure in my chest remaining.

It was hard to doubt Mr. Allen’s honesty. When he said his soul demanded he treated me fairly… I understood it. I felt much the same in the way I treated the girls, my soul demanding I returned tenfold the happiness they gave me. No, the issue now was different.

It was… too easy. With that amount of money, even if I only worked with Mr. Allen for a year… I could basically do most of what I had to do. Buy a house, pay for the girls’ studies for about two years… If we used the money carefully, we had enough to get by for long enough until we could support ourselves. But it was too easy.

I… didn’t deserve it. I hadn’t done anything to deserve it. Mr. Allen wanted my help with something only I could do, but that was actually Frey’s power. She was the one who could give him what he wanted. I’d just reap the rewards without earning them.

It was stupid. My mind said I should just shut up and accept the deal. It was the smart thing to do. But my heart, my pride… It was too difficult to fully put into words, but I knew I’d feel dirty. People like my own mother worked their hardest to get by every day, but I’d be able to earn so much more by doing practically nothing? It wasn’t fair.

But then again… What was important to me? If this was my opportunity to stay with the girls and help them follow the paths they wanted… My pride seemed like a very cheap price to pay.



Full disclosure, I’m very nervous about what I’m doing. I have a plan, but it’s hard to know how things turn out until I write them. Explaining my thought process for this is kinda hard, but I’ll give it a go. Like Oliver says in the chapter, this way to solve the problem really is too easy. In stories, we like to see the characters earning their victories. Struggle and conflict is a key part of storytelling. But I also learned some lessons while writing The Book of Eros. Conflict in Slice of Life stories like this, in the style I like, needs to be approached differently. In Book of Eros I tried to treat conflict as one would in thrillers. My objectives in this story are: A feel-good daily life, the building and development of a harem, interactions between the characters and Oliver’s personal growth. I did consider temporarily pulling the group apart as ‘conflict’ and hard times for them, but it’s not really something I want to write and I didn’t think it would mean that much at the end of the day. Instead, I’m ‘giving’ them a solution that actually presents a different kind of conflict, one to Oliver’s growth. When given everything, Oliver will need to find ways to challenge himself if he wants to keep growing, which is his main goal. That’s about it without going on too long a rant. I’ll keep doing my best to deliver the best story I can.


If writing was easy, everybody would be doing it. My biggest issue has always been writer's block, so even though I take pride in my creativity, my brain sometimes doesn't let me use it lol. Your writing a very good story, so I hope that your Inner conflict with this not a long lasting thing. Even if you end up somehow regretting one choice in this story's creation, its just that, one choice out of many. A fun part about writing stories, any previous mistake can be fixed later on. As you said this would bring a different kind of Conflict and a more entertaining one at that imo. I would have felt terrible if he got separated from the girls for a bit, my heart would break, but seeing Oliver improve himself in small ways brings deep satisfaction. I like the Idea of Oliver only taking the deal for a few years, till after his girls have gotten done with schooling and have started their careers and maybe until Oliver has gotten on his feet with his Music career, that way he can say it was only Help that got him where he is, and not unearned gains. Its like a Parent paying your way through college. Maybe Oliver could also do shows at the Hotels that Mr.Allen runs in order to make things feel more even and also get his name out there in some way.