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Their little group made up of Will, Amelia, Cynthia Paul and John got a drink each and found a table to sit at. As their bodyguard, Aoi would of course not drink a drop and remain vigilant just a few steps behind them. They’d have to make sure to treat her to something nice next time.

The drinks, the bartender said, were made with alchemy but using ingredients from their world. Will recalled Nanami’s explanation on alchemy, about how it was mainly about bringing out and enhancing the properties of the ingredients used and mixing them up with that in mind. The result in this case was a ridiculously rich honey beer that was making Will seriously consider learning alchemy to brew his own batches at home.

Cynthia and Amelia accepted the two men’s recommendation of drinks. Amelia ordered an Ogre’s Blood, a thick and creamy original red cocktail that left a cherry-like flavor in the woman’s lips. Cynthia’s Sweet Esmot was of a beautiful, clear emerald color and while it packed a stronger punch, it left a citrusy aftertaste Will could still feel from Cynthia’s tongue.

Yes, they were making their… companions a bit uncomfortable with their open displays of affection. Will had both hands around his girls’ waists as they exchanged playful kisses to taste each other’s drinks.

“You were right, Paul,” Will said, addressing the younger of the two men. “These really don’t taste like anything else I’ve tried.”

The man in the short ponytail smiled, sighed and shook his head. “I’m glad you liked them, Mr. Sawyer. And I see now that you are the type to hold a grudge. I’ll be sure to remember that.”

The man with the graying short hair cleared his throat, took a big swig of his own dark beer. “Bah. Openly fondling women doesn’t even make the list of most distasteful things people here do,” he said in a rough voice. “You’ve got balls, young man. I can respect that. Give me another chance to prove I’m worth keeping around and share some of that bastardly luck with me.”

“We haven’t properly introduced ourselves,” Paul said. “Paul Long, doctor. Surgeon, most specifically. I run a small clinic full of healing magic specialists. More than half the bodyguards you’ll see here are alive today thanks to me or one of my staff. You get injured in a scramble you can’t explain to the standard hospitals, you come to me.”

“John Castillo, weapons dealer,” the older man said. “Everything we sell we forge in our shop with our own methods. From knives that don’t lose their sharpness to bullets that can kill a ghost, we have it. Everything expertly enchanted to combat the supernatural and pierce through the strongest defense enhancements.”

The strongest, huh? Will was dangerously curious if he could tank one of those bullets, and the chill he felt in his back told him Aoi knew what he was thinking and didn’t approve.

“We haven’t introduced ourselves, either,” Amelia said, still sitting close to Will with a hand on his back. “Amelia Wilson, co-owner of the Second Circle Consultation Office. I also handle our finances.”

“Cynthia Evans, co-owner. I handle contracts, sales and partner relations. As William said, our business handles procurement of supernatural items per request. Of course, we also handle the sale of our X-Lust Elixir, a tested, safe and powerful potion that enhances sexual performance and pleasure unlike anything currently in the market.”

John Castillo smirked. “Tested already, huh? I bet,” he said, looking at Will. 

The young man smiled back at him and shrugged. No need to share information he didn’t need. It was better if they believed Amelia and Cynthia were with Will because he had access to the potion. It was better marketing.

Paul Long, however, frowned and looked at Cynthia. “Evans? Cynthia Evans? Isn’t that the name of…” The man looked behind himself, towards a side of the hall where Belphegor, in the body and life of Jack Evans, shared a drink with two other people.

“Jack Evans’ ex-wife, correct,” Cynthia said. “Changing my last name would cause confusion in my job, so I kept it. Jack and I are no longer… romantically involved,” and Will could practically hear the unspoken follow up of ‘we never were’, “but we still maintain a business relationship. Regardless, I’d be thankful if you did not consider us an item. William, Amelia and our Aoi back here are my partners now, my family.”

Will’s heart skipped a beat. He had to force himself to keep a straight face and resist the urge to give Cynthia a real kiss.

“I see. Please excuse my assumptions,” Paul said.

“Well, we better start making good on our promise,” John said. “More people have arrived, and that means we can actually start telling you about them. For starters, I should mention that you are not the only business that handles hunting and procurement of items.”

John subtly pointed towards the people he mentioned. Men and women in formal clothes, no discernible traits that proved their were in any kind of business that required martial expertise. Nothing except the way some of them moved and stood. Sturdy, balanced, confident, cautious. Just like Aoi. 

“Some of your competition is reliable and well established, so you better make a good impression on your first job.” He smirked. “I’d be more than willing to put up a request as a show of good faith.”

“As would I,” Paul added, smiling. “My current suppliers are becoming conceited with the lack of real competition. Elevating prices, missing deadlines… I’d like the people I work with to meet the same standards I set for myself.”

Will watched the people come and go while still paying attention to the two men. They made good on their word and gave them good information to get started, information they’d have to double check with others soon.

But then, among the crowd, Will spotted someone he wished he had not seen, someone he wished he would have never seen again, and especially not here. It was a woman. A brunette of long straight hair, thick, full lips, big dark eyes, a slender build and a chest so big it almost didn’t match her. She was wearing a long, shining silvery dress and was talking to two other people with a grin on her face.


Helga Cooper.

Will’s ex-girlfriend.


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