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Chapter 418: Oliver and Luke (Part 3)

Wait. Wait a second. Wait a damn second. He… knew? Not only that I had some sort of power, too, but that those came from a Spirit of Lust? HOW!?

“And… what makes you think I can help you, sir?” I tried to pretend like I didn’t know what he was talking about, but I knew I was failing horribly already.

“Many clues, like I said. For starters, and I hope you won’t take this the wrong way, I find you to be… unnaturally attractive.”


Mr. Allen winced. “Oh boy, that does sound like I’m coming onto you, doesn’t it? Let me explain further. You are indeed a handsome man, but there’s an aura around you that draws the eyes, let’s say, and that is what feels unnatural in an otherwise regular young man. I’ve done my research, and I hear that is a common trait of incubi a succubi, prime candidates to become a ‘spirit of lust’, as they are called. My biggest clues, however, came in the form of your reaction to my girlfriends, and my own reaction to yours.”

I blinked. “What do you mean?”

Mr. Allen smiled. “You find it strange, don’t you? You found it odd that I so easily admitted to having three girlfriends and that no one batted an eye.”

So he noticed. That day at the hospital I did find his admission strange, but the fact that Mila and Thomas didn’t question it at all until I pointed it out was even stranger.

“It was the same for me,” he continued. “Ms. Milana is your girlfriend and you’re now seeing Diana, too. I wouldn’t have thought much of it if not for the sensation that something was interfering with my perception of traditional relationships. You have a spell, an enchantment that alters the way your relationship is seen, don’t you? Same as me. And the fact that we both noticed means our resistance to these magical effects is particularly high.”

I wanted to protest, but not knowing what to say only left me with a half-open mouth. He knew everything already. Or at least he knew more than me about all this supernatural stuff and could guess what was up with me with just a few clues.

“Mr. Brooks, I truly am loath to drop all this on you like this. I considered a slower approach, but I believe that revealing the truth of my intentions to you would, ideally, show you that I hope to negotiate in good faith. I’m indebted to you, so asking you to deal with me is not the first thing I wanted to do, but I’m afraid to let an opportunity like this slip by me.”

Mr. Allen… talked a lot. It was like he was the opposite of me. His voice and demeanor made me want to believe him, his willingness to speak and answer questions made me want to believe he was being truthful. However…

“So before we continue, would you mind telling me if I was correct? Do you have a connection to a Spirit of Lust?”

“...” I hadn’t forgotten the incident with Julian, much as I wish I could. If magic existed, it could be used against me. Against the girls. We had taken precautions already, but would they be enough? There was just so much I didn’t know. So with that in mind… What was my out? Did I have one? I… couldn’t think of one. Mr. Allen had money, magic abilities, knowledge of the supernatural and he wanted something from me. I seriously doubted he would easily give up if I said I didn’t want anything to do with him, especially if the spirit possessing him was one fueled by greed.

It was like having a gun pointed at me, except… it looked like a water gun. A water gun-shaped firearm that didn’t look threatening at all but very much could be. Or maybe it really was a water gun and I was just being paranoid.

Shit. If Grace or Alice were here, they’d know how to handle this. They knew how to trick people into believing they had the upper hand even when they didn’t.

Ah. That’s what I had to do, huh? In a way, I did have the upper hand. I was the one who had something Mr. Allen wanted. The supplier to his demand. In that sense, I did have leverage. I just had to be careful not to get carried away and push too hard. However, I’d have to admit that I did have the… ‘product’ he wanted.

I tried my best to put up a confident act, sighing dramatically as if my cover had been blown. “It’s true. I am possessed by a Spirit of Lust, or so she claims to be.”

I was taken aback by Mr. Allen’s reaction. His eyes went wide and almost seemed to sparkle, his smile was that of a child on Christmas day in its innocence and purity. He put a hand to his chest and let out a nervous chuckle. “R-Really? Oh… Oh wow. I… I’ve been looking for almost five years now. I…” He cleared his throat with a fist over his mouth, now suddenly looking embarrassed. “I’m very sorry about that.”

I couldn’t help but find that kind of endearing. “It’s okay, sir. But what is it that you want from me, exactly?”

Mr. Allen sighed deeply. “Like I told you, my abilities come from greed, from wanting things and getting them. Not everything is material, however, and what I want the most right now… Is being able to fully satisfy my girls. For as much as my powers have been a boon to growing my businesses, they… do not help me in bed. I looked for answers to the question, hoping that money could buy me the solution to the problem. Supplements are not effective enough for the risks they bring, and it’s not a problem of libido, but simply human limitations. That was when a contact of mine told me he learned something. Using the magical energy from a Spirit of Lust, a being heavily aligned with sexual magic, one can create a performance enhancing potion. I know the process, I know capable alchemists and can procure every other ingredient… save for the most important one. That is what I need from you, Mr. Brooks. I need you to provide the magical energy to complete the potion.”

Well, there went Frey’s efforts to keep me away from supernatural crap. It was my first glimpse at understanding why she tried. This all sounded way too complicated for my liking.

“I need to clarify, too, that I don’t expect you to help me for free, nor would I even dare to deceive you and offer you an unfair deal. The nature of your magical energy is exceedingly rare. More so than the rarest and most valuable precious metals and gemstones. I can go into details, if you’d like.”

I swallowed hard. “N-No. That’s… fine for now.” My stomach turned. I imagined cartoonish mountains of gold and jewels and shuddered. I simply could not properly imagine high amounts of money.

“So, with fear in my heart, Mr. Brooks, I ask you… Would you consider working with me?”


Chapter 419: An answer and a warning.

I didn’t know what to answer. It was too strange a situation, too wild an offer. It didn’t feel real. I came here to see Diana, talk to her more and hopefully do some more naughty things. Now a man I didn’t know was offering me money in exchange for something… I didn’t even know if I could give him.

Then I felt a slew of familiar sensations. First, a sharp headache and dizziness. Strong, to the point I felt the world around me spin. Then, I felt anxiety, fear, anticipation and most importantly… Sexual desire.  Those feelings weren’t mine, but Mr. Allen’s. When he said he asked with fear in his heart, he meant it. He was terrified that I would say no. His sexual desire wasn’t aimed at me, either, but came from the wish to share greater, exceptional pleasure with his girlfriends… whom he cared deeply for. I could easily relate to that.

The headaches and dizziness no doubt came from the lack of a connection between Mr. Allen and I. Frey was probably straining herself, using the man’s desire for pleasure as a conduit to read his mind. But still, this helped. It was proof that Mr. Allen was being honest. Of his wishes, at least. It made it a bit easier to give him an answer, even if it was the same answer I would’ve given regardless.

“I’ll need some time to think about it, sir,” I told him. I was speaking with my mouth dry. “This is coming from out of nowhere. I don’t want to rush a decision.”

Mr. Allen nodded and smiled with relief. “Of course. I would never force you to. Mr. Brooks, I desire your abilities and your cooperation more than anything right now, but I refuse to take it by force. I’m sure we will be able to come to an agreement that benefits us both, and if you want to discuss more details…” he reached inside his jacket, pulled out a card with his contact info and slid it over the table to me. “Feel free to call me, message me or email me. If you need to talk about this with anyone, feel free to reveal everything we’ve talked about here. Most of those involved with the supernatural already know I am as well, and those who aren’t likely won’t believe you. Diana still refuses to, after all.”

I nodded and pocketed the card. “I promise not to keep you waiting long.” My plan was to simply stand up and leave after that, but something nagged at me from inside. There was something I needed to say. Even though I didn’t want to and thought it was unnecessary, I knew I’d be kicking myself later if I didn’t. 

I looked at Mr. Allen straight in the eyes and spoke as flatly and seriously as I could without sounding ridiculous. “Also, this should go without saying, but don’t try to meddle. If I hear you’ve been approaching my friends and family, there will never be a deal.”

Mr. Allen bowed his head. “I promise.”

I nodded back at him and took my leave. Diana was waiting outside, watching her phone. She looked up at me with a confused frown.

“That didn’t take long, but still longer than I thought. Did he show you around?” she asked.

“Not exactly,” I answered with a tired smile.

Then, a terrifying thought crossed my mind but it left as quickly as it came. Diana worked for Mr. Allen, and they seemed to be on good terms. What if he sent her to… No, that wasn’t it. Even if I was overthinking it, I definitely would’ve known if Diana had approached me with other intentions. Another benefit of mind reading, I guess.

“I’ll tell you later, just not here. Um… So what do you want to do?”

Diana smiled bashfully as her cheeks reddened. “Would going to my place again be too boring?”

I grinned as I decided to tease her a bit. “Of course not. I want to play with Red again.”

“Mmm, is that so?” she answered with a pout and an unamused tone. She crossed her arms under her chest and deliberately pushed her breasts up. “I thought I’d let you play with other ‘puppies’, but if you just want to play with Red, go ahead.”

Fuck me, she was cute. And willing to banter, too. I couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear. I held her by the wait and pulled her into a strong, lips-only kiss. It caught Diana off guard, but she dropped the act as well and kissed me back with grinning lips.

We went to her car and got in. The moment she turned the engine on, I immediately felt something different. It sounded… softer? There had been a rough sound before, like it struggled to switch on, but now it wasn’t there.

“Alice is a magician,” Diana told me. “I have no idea what she did, but she only took a look at the engine, asked if we could stop by her brother’s shop and in five minutes she fixed something that had been a problem for the last year.”

“Yep. I believe it.”

“Then her brother came up and offered to swap the engine for a rally engine. Then the two got into an argument over if it was better to keep it stock or mod it.” Diana chuckled. “I admit, I got a little uncomfortable until Mila told them to stop. Then they both apologized.”

My eyes widened along with my smile. “You’re calling her Mila?”

Diana smiled bashfully again. “Yes. She insisted.”

It wasn’t like calling her that was a huge privilege she only granted a few, but Mila was still particular about who she let call her by her nickname and who she didn’t. You could tell who she was friends with by that alone, so knowing she had let Diana call her ‘Mila’ warmed my heart.

We talked about this and that as we went to her house, and on the way, I had a small realization. I had to admit to myself… that I was very simpleminded. 

Just minutes ago I was talking about some pretty weird stuff with Mr. Allen, a man I didn’t know and who dropped bomb after bomb on me. But here I was now, smiling and with butterflies in my stomach just from spending time with Diana and talking about the other girls.

Frey was right. I’m not cut out for all that supernatural crap.



This is also one of those ideas that has been in my head since I was brainstorming concepts for this story. However, it has changed RADICALLY from what it once was. At this point, it won't even fulfill its original purpose. (For those curious about what that was: Originally, Thomas and Oliver were going to save Luke's girlfriend, and as a thank you, Luke would invite the two to a very exclusive party he was holding. That was where they would meet Maria and Diana. But Maria's character was moved to being the manager of the coffee shop, so that whole storyline got fucked.) I still felt like I wanted to include Luke, though, so I thought he might work as a sort of... benefactor or sponsor to Oliver. This'll be hard to balance, though, so I still have some details to iron out.


I wish you luck in finding that Balance. I am wondering how having the power of two different Spirits in him is gonna effect Luke though... or if Oliver could just cast the spell on him that he did for Thomas.


Finally caught back up! Interesting to see how this plays out! Happy you did diffuse the tension by saying Oliver didn't regret it. Still really enjoying this story.