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Chapter 416: Oliver and Luke (Part 1)

I’m still really bad at this sort of stuff. I’ve gotten better at being social and all, but I usually have at least a minute or two to mentally prepare myself. Random encounters were still a big weakness for me, so having Mr. Luke Allen walk up and talk to me all of a sudden made my brain freeze.

“My, this is very embarrassing,” the man said. “I promised to get back to you, but Jennifer is still not satisfied with her nose recovery and I’ve been so busy since then. I’m sure you won’t believe me, but I was hoping to free up next weekend so I could meet up with you, Mr. Thomas and Ms. Milana and thank you for what you did.”

My mouth opened and closed, dry as a desert. My brain was still computing, trying to adapt to this situation. You might think I’m exaggerating or overreacting, but beyond what I said about random encounters, I had no idea what to think about this man. There was something strange about him and I would’ve been fine not seeing him ever again. At least that’s what I thought back then.

“U-Um… H-Hello, Mr. Allan- Allen!” Shit. Got tongue twisted! “I… Um… How is Jennifer doing?”

I wondered if that was the right question to start with. I could’ve asked him how HE was doing or why he was here, but I asked the first thing that came to mind just to not stand there staring like a creep like I used to. 

“Her nose has mostly healed, but there’s still a small scar she’s self-conscious about. She was afraid of going out again the first few days, but she’s been overcoming that fear, thankfully.”

“...Yes, that must’ve been a very terrifying experience.” I tried not to think about it myself. Honestly, that whole thing was a blur to me. One moment I hear I scream behind me, the other I’m driving a stranger to the hospital.

“Made more bearable by the help of you and yours. But… Why are you here, Mr. Brooks? Are you waiting for someone? Oh, I’m sorry! I’m not interrupting, am I?”

“N-No. I’m… waiting for someone, yes.”

Mr. Allen’s eyes widened. He smiled in something that was a mix of excitement and kindness, if you can picture that. “Is it your girlfriend? I’m sorry to pry, but if you’re going into the hotel, then I’d be happy to take this chance to repay you.”

“Huh? What do you…”

I was cut off by Diana stepping out of the building. She saw me and immediately apologized. “Oliver, I’m sorry to keep you… Ah, Mr. Allen, you’re here. Wait… You two know each other?”

Wait. Diana knew Mr. Allen?

“Diana?” he asked. “No, we don’t know each other exactly. Mr. Brooks here helped Jennifer when she was mugged. Caught the bastard and ground his face over the pavement, something for which I’ll be eternally grateful.”

I flinched. I… did kind of do that, didn’t I?

“But it seems you two do know each other,” Mr. Allen continued, looking back and forth from Diana to me.

“Ah, well… Yes. Oliver is… the man I started seeing,” Diana admitted. I saw her cheeks taking a subtle pink tint as she smiled. It was really cute, but Mr. Allen’s reaction drew my attention more.

His brow furrowed slightly, puzzled. His head tilted and he shook his shoulders as if uncomfortable. He turned to me… and I believed for a moment he was going to ask me if I was two-timing. After all, he knew about Mila. But then I remembered that Frey had… cast a spell to make people think of my polyamorous relationship as something normal.

Then I began to believe something very different was happening.

“Aaaah, I see,” Mr. Allen said, smiling and shaking off whatever awkward sensation he was having. “You’ve been in an awfully good mood these past few days. I guess now I know why. Well, the world really is as small as a tissue, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is,” Diana said with a small, amused smile. “Oliver, I suppose I didn’t tell you this, but Mr. Allen is my boss. He owns the hotel.”

Oh! Then it wasn’t much of a coincidence that I met him here, was it? And Mr. Allen was supposedly a wildly rich man with businesses all over the world, so him owning a luxury hotel here made enough sense.

“Mmm… Diana, I must apologize, but would you mind if I borrow Mr. Brooks for a few minutes?”

“Ah?” Diana and I exclaimed in unison.

“I promised him I’d invite him and his friends to dinner as thanks for what they did for Jennifer. I’d like to set a proper date for it and take him to see our restaurant now that we’ll be opening soon.”

“Oh. Yes, I don’t mind, but it’s up to Oliver,” Diana said, nodding in understanding.

“What do you say, Mr. Brooks? I’m very sorry to impose, but I think this will be worth your while.”

“...” There was no way for me to tell if there was more to Mr. Allen’s words. He was so casual, though in a formal way if that makes sense. He didn’t look or sound strange. Diana herself didn’t doubt that Mr. Allen meant what he said. Regardless, I did suspect something more was up, if only because of that strange reaction he had before. He wanted to talk, and it wasn’t about any dinner. “Okay,” was all I said.

I think I should be clear here. I thought there was something strange about Mr. Allen, but I didn’t fear him. I just had a feeling that getting involved with him would be troublesome and I wanted to avoid the hassle. A rich man with fame and power… and possibly a connection to the supernatural. For anyone looking for powerful connections, it didn't get much better than Luke Allen. I wasn’t looking for that, though, but even so… There was something about him that made me curious enough to agree to talk with him alone.

I don’t regret it. 


Chapter 417: Oliver and Luke (Part 2)

Despite my suspicions, Mr. Allen did take me to the restaurant inside the hotel, though it was completely empty at the moment. There were no people at the moment, but everything was there. It was spacious, the floor was of bright red tiles and several chandeliers hung from the ceiling. There was an open area and four other private sections separated by half walls and curtains. There were some supporting poles of dark brown wood around, most of which had speakers at the top, likely for ambient music and the stage at the end.

“What do you think, Mr. Brooks? I’d like your honest opinion, if you don’t mind.”

I’d gotten enough time by now to get my bearings. I could do this. Hopefully. “It’s… a little dark, I think, but I’m guessing that’s the point?”

“Yes. We considered a standard restaurant, but I thought that we should stick to the objective of the establishment and help build the mood for our guests. I want to have soft live music playing, serve good and energizing food and hopefully put on some nice shows in the near future. I want our customers to enjoy themselves to the fullest here.” Mr. Allen spoke with an excited smile on his face. “You see, I decided to build this hotel after going to one in this very town. It was very nice, very clean, very well decorated and it had many amenities. But it wasn’t enough. I wanted a fuller experience, bigger and more intense. Extravagant, undeniably memorable! And well, with nothing like that around, I had to make it myself.”

He chuckled at himself with a shake of his head. “Before I get carried away, let us sit down. I have a strong feeling that you’re a very sharp young man, Mr. Brooks. You know I didn’t ask you to come here with me to chat about dinner, right?”

I followed him and we both took a seat at a small, black, round table for two, then nodded. “I had a feeling, but I still don’t know what you’d want from me.”

“Hmm… Where do I start…?” Mr. Allen lightly tapped his chin, then shrugged. “Would you believe me if I said I have magical abilities? If I said that a spirit that feeds on human greed lives inside me?”

I felt every muscle of my body tense up at the same time and the blood in my veins turn to ice in the span of the 10 seconds it took me to process what I’d just heard. My face froze, which in this case was almost a good thing. I was looking at Mr. Allen with the same, innocently curious face as when he asked me what I thought of his restaurant.

He chuckled again. “A good poker face. That’s a good talent to have. Diana reacted the same way when I told her.”

That broke my immutable expression. I blinked, and the hand on my lap was now tightly gripping my knee. “You told her this?”

“I did, though she prefers not to believe me. My girlfriends know, too, in case you were wondering. They do believe me.”

“...Why? Why would you tell her… this?”

“At first, I thought that Diana was simply a very competent woman. I met her at this very same hotel I just told you about. One of my girls and I were having some issues with the tub and she helped us get it sorted out in less than five minutes. What could’ve been a bad experience was saved because of her efficiency and compromise to do a proper job. Those kinds of people are rare and very valuable, so I offered her to come work for me. Then, seeing her work first hand convinced me she was worth more than simply money. I’m very apprehensive about letting excelling employees go, you see, and I have no lack of competitors in every area. I told her about my abilities and asked her to let me cast a spell on her, a ward to protect her against mental afflictions. Mind control spells exist, too, you see, and it wouldn’t be the first time a rival has tried to take people from me through magical means.”

“...And you don’t use mind control spells yourself?” I asked with skepticism yet playing along with his story.

“I do not. Mind control can alter the personality or take away some faculties. Why would I risk ruining the capabilities of someone I think highly of?” Mr. Allen smiled and shook his head. “That’s the pragmatic answer, at least. In truth, I simply have a distaste for it. I believe people reach their highest highs when they have full agency over their lives.”

“...” Diana spoke of someone she knew that claimed to have magic powers on our first date. So she was talking about Mr. Allen? “And why would you tell this to me?”

“Because, Mr. Brooks, I have been looking for something, something that has eluded me for years.” Mr. Allen sighed and swept his hair to the side with his hand. “The spirit within me calls himself Danglars. As a dragon, he says, his magic is powered by greed. The accumulation of wealth, power and everything the heart desires. The more plentiful and meaningful the things I acquire, the stronger we become.” He grinned. “He wasn’t very happy to find out I’m also a big spender, not big on hoarding for its own sake, but we make it work. I started from nothing and, with his help, have built something of a commercial empire. But the heart’s desires don’t stop, especially when your soul is so tightly connected to that of a supposed dragon.”

I swallowed hard. If I applied what he said to lust and sex, he was basically describing what I went through every day since Frey came into the picture. It was on point. My libido was through the roof, my desire for sex and women didn’t stop, and we only became stronger the more we fulfilled those desires.

“...And what do I have to do with this?” I asked him.

“I wish I did not need to get you involved, Mr. Brooks. One of my abilities is being able to understand the general character of a person with just a look. You’re an honest man, caring, loving, earnest… But  also anxious, apprehensive, cautious. But my gut feeling and the clues around you tell me you might be able to help me get this one thing money and magical power can’t get me.”

“...And that is?”

“I wish to experience the powers of a Spirit of Lust, Mr. Brooks. Will you help me?”



So I'm cheating a bit here to try to remove some of the tension that Oliver talking to Luke might bring. I'm aware that his character has raised a few red flags, but I don't mean for him to be an antagonist or a danger. That's why I'm cheating by taking advantage that this is still technically narrated by future Oliver to say he "doesn't regret" talking to Luke. Still, what I have in mind here might be a bit... odd, possibly. It even kind of sounds like Luke is coming onto Oliver at the end, which I decided to leave in because I found it kinda funny. But yeah, hopefully I'll be able to make Luke into a likable character.


So is he wanting Oliver to do what he did for Thomas? give him some of the power to experience it?