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A new version of Atlyss will be releasing for 5$+ supporters this sunday, 11/26/2023. Here's some new key features to look forward to in this build:

Quest System implemented! You can now take quests (which will be repeatable in this build for now), and get EXP rewards. Also comes with a quest tracker interface so you can keep track of your progress easily. Still a WIP, but functional!

Added a day / night cycle tracker on the UI, including a clock. Each hour passes by in the game every 40 seconds. Daytime rises at 6am, and Night falls at 8pm.

Dialog system implemented! It's a bit better than the 2021 versions dialog box, coming along with actual context prompt selections. Also Angela is a working NPC that will provide quests to you, so seek her out in the tower at Sanctum.

New Byrdle customization options added. They now have "hairstyles" and new eye variants.

New enemy added - "Float Skull Type". They are called Wisps in the starting zone, but may appear as stronger enemies later on with differing names and color variants. They were inspired by the floating skull enemies in the Zelda 64 games, and as such they can actually debuff you with a curse.

Other improvements:

  • Targeting System updated 100%. No longer feels awkward, targeting enemies is easier by facing the camera at them. Targeting doesn't spaz out anymore after killing an enemy and attempting to target another shortly after.
  • Enemy Aggro system revamped. Enemies can now group aggro you offensively and defensively rather than being independently passive at all times.
  • Tab Menu hotkeys added to the game, pressing "i" will open the inventory, "L" to open Quest Log, "P" to open stats, and "K" to open skills.
  • Netplay clientside gameplay improved with various bug fixes, such as not being able to equip class based gear while being the correct class (sync issue between server and client), and base stat tooltips not showing correct values (also a sync issue).
  • Updated Recall. Recalling back to the hub now spawns a portal that can take you back to where you recalled from previously so you can continue your journey without having to run all the way back to that location.

Thank you for the support and have a good thanksgiving weekend!



Delightful! Cant wait to try it out!


Are quests planned to be more of a linear path, or kinda like Phantasy Star Online 2 where there's some static exploring quests, story ones, and some "urgent" (event) ones?


Possibly the latter. There will be a few repeatable quests as well. I plan on making explorable quests that unlock portals that allow you to progress further into the world as well.