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A giant post on exhibitionism is waiting for you here.

I'm exhausted, so I'm going to sleep now ;)




Wow, for once I think it will be fun to play an exhibitionist in a game!

Bal tha mele

Beautifully written and very well thought out, exhibitionism will be very interesting in AW!


Well now. I did have a buch of ??? to ask about this topic but after reading the post I now have no need. You have given me 100% confidence in your abillity to finaly make a game with real exhibitionist content , thank you.


I hope you don't mind if I get a bit of inspiration from your article. :)


I know what I wanted to ask:D Will we have interactions with things like window blinds and curtans? It would be cool to undress infront of an open blind in the bedroom, or, try on that new dress in to clothing shop with the curtan half open:P This also open up posibilitys for a vouyer having a peek and embarisment for the PC if isnt an exhibitionist:) Ill shut up now lol


Some interesting ideas here phalic! So what I've got planned are some minor events involving changing clothing (exposed in a clothing store changing room with some variations, and a special voyeur cam story in bullseye) as well as some peeping scenes in the player home, and of course a balcony event (possibly a chain). I don't have anything planned for blinds/curtains or deliberately undressing in front of them. I like the idea of opening/closing blinds, perhaps to affect the chance of an event, but it'd be extra/time permitting.


Glad you like my ideas and i did'nt even think about a balcony:D This is just the begining and having a robust game engine like this is just what we need. I play Girl Life and asked about window events but nothing yet. I have played many RPG games of this type and GL has the best by far for exhibistonist content but it falls short in many ways. If I want to open my blouse a little while walking in the town then thats what I will do god damnit!:P I like the way you are building AW and I am glad to be on board from the start.

Cody Renton

This game is going to be INSANE and I fucking love it.


We all deserve some high-quality adult entertainment, lol. Seriously though, I'm glad you like what I'm trying to do. It isn't always easy, but I can't help but be excited about it ^-^


I love this and all the ideas presented, though I want to ask something else (this ended up longer than I anticipated). What about nudes? Sending them or people taking them. Like for sending, the PC could have people who think she’s hot asking for nudes. Players with the exhibitionism trait could be comfortable sending them to practically anyone, even sleazy guys she doesn’t really know. Players who don’t have that trait but who are outgoing might be comfortable sending them to some people she’s relatively close to, like a new boyfriend or a close friend, but not just anyone. And shy players without the trait might only be comfortable sending to people who she’s extremely close to, like a boyfriend she’s been dating a while or a long-time friend. Adding nudes to the game could add dynamics of stuff like nudes getting leaked, and many people get them, which could lead to them having a lower (or maybe higher) opinion of the PC. Or you could have stuff like someone blackmailing the PC with them, like threatening to show her boss if she doesn’t (fuck/pay/find the fountain of youth for/etc.) them. Or if the PC sends them to a guy outside of her relationship (if she’s in one), she could be threatened with them showing the pics to her bf. Or maybe someone who has her nudes from another source like a leak or from before she got in her current relationship could still try to threaten and say he’ll convince the PC’s bf that she’s cheating with the nudes they have, which may or may not work. There could also be a dynamic of people paying you for nudes, which could be part of some larger prostitution/sex work dynamics in the game. Also you could have people just take them either against the PC’s will or not. Like if the PC just walks outside in the nude like it talks about in the post, it’s likely some people will try to snap a picture. This could also work with wardrobe malfunctions (which I think you said will be in the game to some degree or am I wrong?). Like, if the PC is wearing a risqué top, and something happens that causes her tits to flop out, a guy who happened to have his phone out might take a pic. This could also work for any malfunctions the PC causes on purpose. Or it could work with malfunctions purposefully caused by others. Like if some sleazy guy walks up to the PC and pretends to trip as an excuse to grab onto her dress and pull it down, he or some cohort waiting further back could snap a picture. And any nudes taken by others in situations like this or anything else could have the same blackmail or leak dynamics. Or maybe the guys who take nudes of the PC or who the PC sends nudes to are nice guys, and they are content just to have her nudes for themselves, and they’ll just take them and have a higher opinion of her.


Okay, this is quite the message, with several good ideas. However, I'm sticking pretty firm to my no-feature-creep guns. If I added all the great ideas, It'd never end, lol. However, there are some aspects of your ideas that I DO have in my notes (ie planned for the game). Let me share some of those ^-^ 1) Sending nudes. phone conversations will have the ability to share nudes of varying levels of 'hawtness'. These will generally be of the faceless variety, however, and will only really affect the conversation/NPC in question. 2) Revenge-seeking/spiteful ex. Essentially spreads knowledge about the player's misdeeds and or embarrasing information to other NPCs in the game. This is sort of similar to some of your concepts, but isn't focused on nudes. 3) Wardrobe Malfunctions are real - and they can expose you in public based on your clothing. Note that bare tits, while highly appreciated, don't have the same level of stigma or rarity any more, so the most common malfunctions won't have any major effects though a witnessing NPC can have their opinion changed through the dynamic process. no-underwear malfunctions have a more egregious effect. 4) There are some opportunities for blackmail that feed into a sort of omni-blackmail system. This system is designed to take an external blackmailable event, and an NPC doing the blackmailing. This leads to several variations where the NPC can blackmail the player with different demands (sex, money, etc) with threats to expose the blackmail material to different targets (sig other, friends, workplace, public in general).


Well I can't expect to have everything I suggest I suppose. But all that still sounds good! I have another question about the clothing malfunctions though. Will they all be accidental (or maybe caused by the PC), or will there be a chance for some sleazy NPCs to cause one (or at least try to cause one) on purpose?