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Single poll, votes will be scored to account for different pledge tiers. 

See the Perspective dev blog post for details on the poll!



I I just want to see how the preg content pans out, otherwise I’m happy with development as-is~

Mr. Gabit

Yup let the preggers advance but other than that I dig your schedule.


I'd rather you develop it as you are ready rather than some patchwork Frankenstein try to fulfill requests. I'd rather a solid foundation that works that a superficial exterior.


It's not completely clear from the blog post, but whatever you want/plan/prefer, I think is best. I'm not interested in one specific part of this, but rather getting to play around with AW once it's done, or at least once enough interlocking pieces are done for it to be enjoyable. Which bits get worked on or finished first isn't so much a concern as just work being done on the game. So I figure that just work as you want/think is best is the best plan; you'll probably be more engaged and produce better stuff than if you work on another part out of a feeling of obligation to us patrons.


ALL of the options in the poll are important to development, but... ...i vote you work on getting past the intro, whether it be after you finish it or you skip it. imo, there is no need to flesh out the story so much just yet, but i do see a need to expand the game beyond the intro, to help demonstrate and motivate progress to patrons and players, and maybe even the devs. my hope is to see what our daily routines and weekly conclusions are going to be like in regard to the character we have created. progress is the key word here. i want to see all the character stats we chose working and interacting with things, but there needs to be a world full of things first. with that said, i would also love to see the pregnancy and birth content get into the game asap, but NOT before the groundwork for the above content is laid out- the basic game play MUST be done first. i can happily wait for things to be done in the right order. :) p.s. i would also like to be able skip the intro and jump straight into the new content to test, when that becomes relevant.


Vote for sex scenes, and tying preg into it. The point is to barebones it, and improve upon the wording/ add more things to the scenes when inspiration strikes. Until you have time to fully dedicate to it.