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Today I learned just how much noise there is in my life. It becomes a little more obvious when noise hurts, unfortunately. I've got a few things to share, today.

Really Patreon? Really? 

So there was an update on the 18th from Patreon HQ signaling another round of random creator page closures. (Though this time they apparently won't be deleted, and could be reinstated.) I'm not really worried about AW's page, but I'm going to go ahead and comb through everything tonight to make sure I'm following all the rules. I'll probably be making some minor aesthetic changes as well. One thing that I didn't realize previously is that any links to download adult content must be patron-only, so I'll be taking down the public build posts and moving public version download links to the dev blog.

Arteria's Submission: 

Like usual, check out Discord for the uncensored version. I'll probably be posting all the images to the Dev Blog later on as well.

More UI Stuff: 

I've been finding it hard to concentrate due to the discomfort, so I took a bit of a break and worked on UI elements today. I also made a new set of widgets to place the new style of radio button and styles of check boxes. The checkbox ones automatically check themselves if their associated variable matches the "checked" state. This saves me from wrapping each one in an if/then. I also did a bit of other coding stuff today, but nothing interesting to discuss.

Here are some quick pics of how things look: 

New on-off style checkboxes:

New radio buttons (you can't see the animation tho...) and help buttons added in:

Even More:

New Icon-based menu buttons. They all have hover-text as well. (Also note the first buttons on the portrait view window. :)

Same with the start page:

So that's it for now ^-^





Mr. Gabit

This is wonderful stuff. I have dabbled with Twine 2 and, quite frankly, your UI is astounding.


I'm glad you like it! It's still a work in progress, but you really can do a lot with with js/css/html! :)


So the changes to the guidelines simply means stuff will have to be moved out of the site? Just wondering since you can choose your age in AW and all that.


It basically just means that if you don't discuss certain content (rape, incest, bestiality, stuff like that) here on the Patreon, you should be good. Maybe post such specific information, if needed, on a separate blog and link to it from here?


Hey, did thaumx.com go down?


Yes, I'm working on a pretty big change to the site. Hopefully everyone will like it!


Oh, okay, was worried you might've been taken down.


Sooo... from now on, when I hover my mouse over a room/street/section on the map, I can finally read what my chosen destination is going to be?


Well, you could already do that for every map except for bullseye, but yes.