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I was hoping to have a more substantial update today, but that stupid siren has had a worse effect on my ear than I thought. Fortunately they've given me meds for the nausea, and I'm in a quiet room now ^-^ Did more coding today. Also did some modifications to SugarCube. One of the cool things about Twine is that you can modify it to suit your needs. In this case I was changing some input macros to inject additional html elements. This means nicer styling. I was going to post some pictures of the improved elements, but I'm a bit limited on my phone at the moment. I also have the final art from Arteria, but I'll have to wait to share it with you. Sorry about that guys. As far as other work goes, things are coming along nicely. The week planner is now completely linked with the sleep system. There are still some kinks to iron out, but I'll be able to tie in the job system soon and have theoretically open play. With maps and a few other tidbits sorted, I'll be able to dive into procedurally generating NPCs and start working on writing the prologue again. (after that is the fun part, the super-detailed sex scene system) I will probably release a bit later than planned tomorrow, thanks to government accident reports and this hospital visit, but it's still going to happen :) See you soon!




Wish u recovery, man!


<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/patreon-comment/ox0TOhzswkpmFCTYVt4Uzd_T3eSBX9xoUATOmrw6jFewC-t47TyjWWVDuO_J3Xl2.png?token-time=1636243200&token-hash=pc0VT01d3lpS2XMqZ9-k73bZldqStjjEXnFuH-eketM%3D"><br>


<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/patreon-comment/RyB9SVBFjmy9OcPsMWrXSatCPEjI7RQSRJLscoJv_JExZAEJDZzjx8MZW32vSfmb.png?token-time=1636243200&token-hash=B2bEQh_6IqtyHSZ3ze6vcjVKItQXItcQykrh5fOPzCw%3D"><br>


Thanks for the well wishes guys. Looks like inner ear damage. I'm getting some nausea and vertigo medicine. Fortunately Dr's instructions are to stay in a quiet room and not move too much, so nothing that'll stop me from working on AW. (might actually make it a bit easier, lol)


Поправляйтесь, дай Вам Бог здоровья.


Bad Karma ! It may gives you inspiration for your story.


If you suffer tinnitus or hypersensibility, try listening relaxing sounds of the waves in the ocean because it covers all the frequencies and mask the annoying sound in you ears/brain.


Thanks everyone. I'll be back in 6-8 hours with a nice post for you.