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So the poll results have been pretty obvious since the first day, and are even more so now, so I'm not going to make a comparison graphic. Credits got a huge majority of the votes. It's a classic, which is also the reason I considered going with a different name; credits can feel pretty generic.

Credits by itself doesn't exactly work either, there's almost always a longer proper name. In the rare case the proper name is used, it'll be the Sequestered and Encrypted Electronic Deposit (SEED) Credit. Maybe some hip people somewhere call them seeds, who knows? The currency symbol is ₢, which in addition to being neat is also defunct since Brazil switched currency in the 90s. (I also looked at  ₡, ¢, ȼ, ₵, Ȼ, ℂ, ℭ , Ҫ, ƈ, and Ƈ.)

Coding Coding Coding

I've been working on the week summary code in js, it's easy, but there's a lot of things to check for changes and then report on (about 700 items right now.) I also created the history recording code, which basically allows determining changes each week. Essentially, going through everything so that the game can give the player a heads-up on what's going on with their character. I'm using js rather than twee to split checks into different groups to run in parallel. 

 This is a snippet that evaluates a change in breast size.

I'm also thinking it might be worth it to get a better text editor... Notepad++ is a trusty friend, but I miss having some of the more advanced features of more modern editors. I also don't have time to set up Vim. I'm thinking of Atom, but if you have a favorite, let me know. :)

The Code Has Been Fast, I Have Not.

A weakness I have has been growing more noticeable as AW has grown in popularity. (The growth of support is awesome guys, thank you!) I have a hard time "ignoring" people. If I answer one question, I feel compelled to answer everybody's question... And the amount of time I've been spending handling the "public relations" component of development (answering comments, messages, email, Discord, etc.) has been growing. This in turn reduces my actual development time, because there isn't any other time in my schedule to use. 

I'm going to try to be more selective and focused, and stick to replying to everything in bulk, rather than as something arrives, to improve efficiency. I'm also going to be trimming down these posts a bit, which have been fairly long with the recent explanations. Also, if you see a question that already has an answer, feel free to jump in and help out by answering! 

That's all for now. :)



Lasse T. Stendan

On the topic of text editors, my personal favourite for http/css is PSPad.


I recommend "Visual Studio Code". (Not "Visual Studio", the "Code" part is important!) Very similar to Atom but much more stable in my opinion. Light weight but very customizable with extensions.


:) Credits are fine. (I recall using something called SDR (Special Drawing Rights) an international currency too, when exploring ITU (international Telecommunications Union)'s rates for setting up international calls (Shortwave/satellite), also a fun (if not very well known) currency

Doctor Fate

Honestly every time you post and talk about process you're making...well its exciting. Can't wait to see this game and its full potential, its gonna be awesome.


that's interesting... I'd never heard of SDR before, I may look it up if I get time for a Wikipedia binge


I've downloaded it, I'll probably give it a try. Hopefully I can customize it to mix html and sugarcube syntax, something I'd like to be able to do. Thanks for the tip :)

Tat Beard Dude

I can say, as much as i don't like how generic "credits" is, the symbol is tight. another homerun for ThaumX.